The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
For the MAGAt's though it's just yet another thing to whine incessantly about, as to how poor, poor persecuted Donnie was done wrong ...
You make a good point. They whine when Trump is charged. They whine when he is not charged. (See this).

Trump has shown no sign of complying with previous court orders in this case. Either intentionally, or because he cannot restrain himself, Trump continuously tests the limits of the Court's rules and applicable law where most criminal defendants comply.

We're on a trajectory here that will lead to Judge Chutkan being forced to seriously consider detaining Trump. The media talks about such an event with great alarm and many commentators say that is not even an option for Chutkan because of the feared MAGA uprising that act would trigger.

I don't think there would be an uprising if Trump was detained. First, it would surprise no one and it would not come without Trump being previously warned. Second, the same fears were expressed before Trump was indicted for the first time, but no uprising came when he was. Third, few protestors turn up when Trump is indicted or arraigned. Even in the times when he called for protest, few responded.

I am already frustrated by Judge Chutkan and Jack Smith. Chutkan clearly warned Trump against acts that undermine the administration of justice. But he persists and she does not act. Smith saw the same acts and is only now moving to do something about it. It is past time to call Trump's bluff and detain him if it comes to that.
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Veteran Expediter


The strategy isn’t “sometimes”. It is employed “often”. And was done in this case as well.

Congrats ... that assertion contradicts itself.

If it isn't "sometimes" then it would be all the time or never.

Since you claim that it's employed "often" that means it isn't employed all the time (or never) ... which leaves what exactly ?


Let me know if any hints are needed ...



Veteran Expediter
You make a good point. They whine when Trump is charged. They whine when he is not charged. (See this).

Amazing isn't it ?


Trump has shown no sign of complying with previous court orders in this case. Either intentionally, or because he cannot restrain himself, Trump continuously tests the limits of the Court's rules and applicable law where most criminal defendants comply.

We're on a trajectory here that will lead to Judge Chutkan being forced to seriously consider detaining Trump. The media talks about such an event with great alarm and many commentators say that is not even an option for Chutkan because of the feared MAGA uprising that act would trigger.

She also has the option of moving up the trial date.

Not sure which is the better option.

Maybe a combination of the two would be ideal.

I don't think there would be an uprising if Trump was detained. First, it would surprise no one and it would not come without Trump being previously warned. Second, the same fears were expressed before Trump was indicted for the first time, but no uprising came when he was. Third, few protestors turn up when Trump is indicted or arraigned. Even in the times when he called for protest, few responded.

DOJ has obtained over 650 guilty pleas thus far in the matter of January 6th.

Add to that the convictions and (relatively) significant sentences handed out, and it just might be enough to keep most of the mentally-defective nitwits from trying anything too stupid.

I am already frustrated by Judge Chutkan and Jack Smith. Chutkan clearly warned Trump against acts that undermine the administration of justice. But he persists and she does not act. Smith saw the same acts and is only now moving to do something about it. It is past time to call Trump's bluff and detain him if it comes to that.

Might be something to be said for giving The El Donaldo enough rope ...



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
She also has the option of moving up the trial date.
The trial date is already relatively early. Moving it up further may lay the groundwork for an appeal based on inadequate time to prepare a defense.
DOJ has obtained over 650 guilty pleas thus far in the matter of January 6th.

Add to that the convictions and (relatively) significant sentences handed out, and it just might be enough to keep most of the mentally-defective nitwits from trying anything too stupid.
I believe that's why few people showed up when Trump called for protests. The Jan 6 convictions and sentences have been a deterrent.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those that are fantasizing like this lawyer about the trial being sped up.

Not a good look, and will create appealable issues, of the constitutional variety.

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Retired Expediter
Not a good look,
For "not a good look, see Trump's daily screeds in which he rants like a child and undermines the administration of justice. He does not speak like an innocent man. He speaks as one who is guilty of crimes and is doing everything he can to undermine those who are working to bring him to justice.

Never lose sight of the fact that the precursor events were not initiated by the prosecutors. They were initiated by Trump and the other defendants who are now charged. Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan did not attempt to subvert an election and obstruct justice. Trump and the other defendants did.

Also remember these people are criminal defendants out on bond. They do not have the same rights you and I do. They became subject to the rules and proscriptions of the Court when they were indicted. And they were indicted only after ordinary citizens serving on grand juries found probable cause to charge.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For "not a good look, see Trump's daily screeds in which he rants like a child and undermines the administration of justice. He does not speak like an innocent man. He speaks as one who is guilty of crimes and is doing everything he can to undermine those who are working to bring him to justice.

Never lose sight of the fact that the precursor events were not initiated by the prosecutors. They were initiated by Trump and the other defendants who are now charged. Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan did not attempt to subvert an election and obstruct justice. Trump and the other defendants did.

Also remember these people are criminal defendants out on bond. They do not have the same rights you and I do. The became subject to the rules and proscriptions of the Court when they were indicted. And they were indicted only after ordinary citizens serving on grand juries found probable cause to charge.
Are witches ordinary citizens?

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Retired Expediter
Are witches ordinary citizens?
According to the article you shared, "A LinkedIn profile had listed her job as a scheduling coordinator at Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting LLC, and her Facebook profile had promoted her work at JOANN Fabrics." That sounds like an ordinary citizen to me.

Yes, she has posted about the occult on her social media accounts, but it is not stated this is a dominant theme with her. The article shows no evidence she practices witchcraft or identifies as a witch. So, unless you have additional information you have not shared, labeling her as a witch is inaccurate.

My guess is you could select any one of those grand jury members, drill deep into their life, select a single aspect out of context, and use that to promote the notion that person is not an ordinary citizen.

Lots of people are interested in the occult. You can verify that by visiting the occult section of any major bookstore. If someone looks at or buys a book about witchcraft, that does not make them a witch.

Recently, I have been reading extensively about diabetes and speaking publicly on stage about it. That does not make me diabetic any more than Gallo posting a couple of occult items on her social media makes her a witch.
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Veteran Expediter
Apparently NBC's Kristen Welker succeeded in getting the The Orange Dummy™ to do a further confession of his seditioning and insurrectioning in her recent interview of him.

Starts around 03:00 in the clip below:


I'm sure SC Jack Smith will be very pleased.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Imagine being a carrot top or clown lawyer thinking this is some big revelation. He publicly stated on election night that he won the election.
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Veteran Expediter
Imagine being a carrot top or clown lawyer thinking this is some big revelation. He publicly stated on election night that he won the election.

Imagine being one of the twatwaffles ... who, despite having heard his unending stream of many lies for years, still believed him.

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Veteran Expediter
BTW - the "big revelation" was that rather than him relying the advice of his lawyers (a defense argument for the motivations for his actions) he cops to it being him, his own "instincts" ...

After all, he claims, his "instincts" got him to where he is today: ... accused and charged with multiple felonies in several jurisdictions ...

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Apparently NBC's Kristen Welker succeeded in getting the The Orange Dummy™ to do a further confession of his seditioning and insurrectioning in her recent interview of him.
I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, I don't like seeing Trump savage the justice system and undermine the administration of justice with his perpetual incendiary remarks. Given that illegal behavior, sanctions, a gag order, and even remand to custody seems appropriate.

On the other hand, the more Trump speaks, the deeper he digs himself into his self-made legal hole. In this interview alone, he drove two additional nails into his own coffin.

The evidence arrayed against Trump is strong, and it gets stronger by the day as he flaps his lips.


Veteran Expediter
I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, I don't like seeing Trump savage the justice system and undermine the administration of justice with his perpetual incendiary remarks. Given that illegal behavior, sanctions, a gag order, and even remand to custody seems appropriate.

Lock. Him. Up.


On the other hand, the more Trump speaks, the deeper he digs himself into his self-made legal hole. In this interview alone, he drove two additional nails into his own coffin.


He literally can't help himself ... and by that I mean:

1. He's unrestrained and cannot control himself.

2. There isn't anything that he is capable of saying that could assist in helping him in the legal arena.

It's not a bug, it's actually a feature ...


The evidence arrayed against Trump is strong, and it gets stronger by the day as he flaps his lips.

The cherry on top would be if he - against his lawyers good advice - actually chose to take the stand and testify.

Literally makes my mouth water just thinking about it ...

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So what? Again, it’s already known that 1. He said publicly on election night that he won. 2. He didn’t agree with the conclusions of WH lawyers that he didn’t win.(lawyers that said that for perhaps political reasons) And 3. He listened to other lawyers who believed he won and that there was enough irregularities (data, sworn affidavits from witnesses, etc,)to challenge the election.