The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
I thought it was 100 percent guaranteed that Trump won’t win the election? Some are trying really hard to not let the PEOPLE decide. Instead they’re scheming this 14th Amendment nonsense.

I'm thinking that the Constitution and all those Amendments to it are so old ... so why should we even bother to follow them at all ?

That's how things work in the MAGAt-verse ... right ?

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Progress in Georgia

Judge McAfee ruled today that there will be at least two separate trials in the RICO case. One trial will begin in October for the two defendants (Cheseboro and Powell), who have requested a speedy trial, and another trial or trials for the other 17 defendants.

It remains to be seen:
  • How McCafee will sub-group the 17, if he sub-groups them at all.
  • If the two who requested a speedy trial will withdraw their requests.
  • What the date(s) will be for the trial or trials of the 17.
It is now clear that Trump and others have been officially severed from the speedy trial group. That's a Trump win. His motion to sever his case from the speedy trial group was granted.

Commentators have been saying for weeks that if there are multiple trials, those in the later trials will gain an advantage because they will see the evidence and witness demeanor in the first trial. That seems logical. If the evidence is the same for all trials, it is certainly better to see it previewed in a previous trial than to see it for the first time in your trial

On the other hand, there is a downside to the later defendants; especially Trump who is a presidential candidate. The public will see, in the televised trial for Cheseboro and Powell, the same evidence that will be presented against Trump in his later trial. A long parade of evidence and witnesses will implicate Trump in various schemes. In an ongoing drip, drip, drip of televised courtroom sessions, Fani Willis will lay out the entire story of how Trump and his cronies broke law after law in an attempt to overthrow the government and keep Trump in power. Trump's attorneys will not be in those court sessions to refute anything that is presented. And this will happen well before the Nov. 2024 election.
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Firm Deadlines in GA RICO Case Suggest a Hot Spring, 2024

The motions dance continues as 19 defendants scramble to obtain their preferred status and Judge McAffee works to establish exactly how the GA RICO trial will proceed. More is unknown than known at this point but two things have become crystal clear.

1. The two defendants who requested a speedy trial (Powell and Cheseboro) will be tried together, and their trial will begin on Oct. 23.

2. For the other 17 defendants, a firm deadline has been established for all pre-trial motions to be submitted. That deadline is Dec. 1. By establishing this deadline, the judge is making it very clear that he is not going to slow-walk this case or allow Trump to push it into the distant future.

Trial dates for the 17 have not yet been established, but it now seems pretty clear that we're going to see two hot cases in progress in the Spring of 2024; the GA RICO case and the federal election subversion case (Judge Chutkan). The DA prosecutiing the Manhattan records falsification case is agreeing to pause his efforts as the other cases proceed. The classified documents case is being slow-walked by Judge Cannon, so, notwithstanding the earlier trial date she set, we will not likely see that case go to trial until after Nov. 2024.
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Vermont Developments in the 14th Amendment Question

"Wednesday afternoon, Secretary of State Sarah Copeland Hanzas said Vermont law is very clear that any potential candidate is eligible for the primary ballot if they fill out a consent form and submit signatures from at least 1,000 registered Vermont voters. She added that neither she as an individual, nor her office as a whole, has the authority to decide otherwise.

“'We expect, if there is interest in determining this question, that it would be brought in the form of a lawsuit,' Copeland Hanzas said. 'We will certainly await the ruling and comply with whatever the courts tell us.'”

A trend has developed. The Vermont Secretary of State is doing exactly what the New Hampshire, Colorado and Minnesota Secretaries of State are doing. They all say they will place Trump's name on the ballot, unless a court tells them otherwise.

For those who believe Trump's behavior renders him ineligible for the ballot on 14th Amendment grounds, that puts all eyes on the lawsuits that have been filed and will likely be filed in multiple states. Most expect these suits to find their way quickly to the US Supreme Court to be heard and ruled on there.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Vermont Developments in the 14th Amendment Question

A trend has developed. The Vermont Secretary of State is doing exactly what the New Hampshire, Colorado and Minnesota Secretaries of State are doing. They all say they will place Trump's name on the ballot, unless a court tells them otherwise.
Add Michigan to the list....
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Add Michigan to the list....
At the risk of putting words in their mouths, I am guessing the disqualification proponents who are filing these suits would argue that the Secretary of State does indeed have the power to disqualify Trump from the ballot. They would say the 14th Amendment establishes a qualification for public office, just like being above a certain age or residing within a certain jurisdiction is a qualification. And just as a Secretary of State can keep someone off the ballot because they are underage, they can keep someone off the ballot because they participated in an insurrection.

The difference, of course, it the clarity of the qualification. It is easy to determine someone's age or address. It is less easy to determine if someone meets the criteria for disqualification established by the US Constitution.

It seems to me these Secretaries are taking the easy way out. If I was in their shoes, I'd likely do the same.

Rather than make a move that would itself prompt a court challenge, they can say their state laws are silent on the 14th Amendment disqualification issue, but are not silent on other eligibility items. They'll enforce the ones that are clear in state law and leave it to the courts to decide on the one that needs clarification.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At the risk of putting words in their mouths, I am guessing the disqualification proponents who are filing these suits would argue that the Secretary of State does indeed have the power to disqualify Trump from the ballot. They would say the 14th Amendment establishes a qualification for public office, just like being above a certain age or residing within a certain jurisdiction is a qualification. And just as a Secretary of State can keep someone off the ballot because they are underage, they can keep someone off the ballot because they participated in an insurrection.

The difference, of course, it the clarity of the qualification. It is easy to determine someone's age or address. It is less easy to determine if someone meets the criteria for disqualification established by the US Constitution.

It seems to me these Secretaries are taking the easy way out. If I was in their shoes, I'd likely do the same.

Rather than make a move that would itself prompt a court challenge, they can say their state laws are silent on the 14th Amendment disqualification issue, but are not silent on other eligibility items. They'll enforce the ones that are clear in state law and leave it to the courts to decide on the one that needs clarification.
Dont blame them one bit, if they were to take the initiative and disqualify him, the MAGA morons would put a price on his or her head. Unless they have a death wish they will let the courts decide.


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Questions Answered in Court; Week of 9/10/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 6
Trump-Adverse Answers: 122
Trump Win Rate: 4.91%

Answered This Week:

Yes, the 14th Amendment lawsuit filed in Colorado was improperly removed by Trump to federal court, and will be sent back to state court. 9/12/23, Brimmer

No, Trump may not speak about classified information with defense counsel outside of a SCIF. 9/13/23, Cannon

No, the second Carroll trial will not be delayed. 9/13/23, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.

*Yes, Trump’s GA RICO case (and those of 16 others) will be severed from the two co-defendants who are demanding a speedy Trial. 9/14/23, McAfee

Yes, Trump’s motion for relief from a previous ruling (sanctions imposed for frivolous lawsuit) is denied. 9/15/23, Middlebrooks

Yes, the DOJ motion requesting limits on Trump’s speech will be redacted and unsealed. 9/15/23, Chutkan

Answered in Previous Weeks:
No, 62 lawsuits filed by Trump making various 2020 election claims are not valid. 11/20 - 1/21, Judges in 62 courts
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against CNN is dismissed. 11/23/20, Singhal
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is dismissed. 3/9/21, d’Auguste
Yes, the Trump defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post is dismissed, 2/10/22, Contreras
No, Meadows and other Trump aids cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Chutkan
No, Mike Pence does not have executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Boasberg
*No, NYC Mayor de Blasio does not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. 4/8/22, James
No, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 4/21/22, Jackson
No, former White House Counsel Cipollone cannot claim executive privilege to avoid testifying before the grand jury. 7/1/22, Chutkan.
Yes, NY AG James will sue the Trump Organization claiming $250 million in fraud. 9/21/22
Yes, an independent monitor is appointed to thwart Trump's attempt to move his business legal structure out of New York jurisdiction. 11/14/22
No, Judge Cannon does not have jurisdiction to appoint a special master. Cannon's ruling is reversed. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, special rules cannot be written by Judge Cannon for Trump because he is a former president. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Yes, Trump's lawsuit challenging the Mar-a-Lago search will be dismissed due to a lack of jurisdiction. 12/12/22, Cannon
Yes, the Trump Organization is guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud. 12/6/22, Jury
No, the NY AG lawsuit will not be dismissed. 1/6/23, Engoron
Yes, Trump is ordered to pay $938,000 in legal fees to Hillary and others, because Trump abused the legal system. 1/19/23, Middlebrooks
Yes, Trump attorney Corcoran must testify because attorney client privilege does not apply (furtherance of a crime). 3/17/23,Howell
No, the NY AG lawsuit against Trump et al will not be delayed. 3/21/23 Engoron
No, John Eastman does not have executive privilege to withhold documents from the Jan. 6 Committee3/28/23, Carter
Yes, the 2019 Carroll lawsuit can be amended to include Trump's CNN remarks. 6/13/23, Kaplan
*Yes, the scope of the lawsuit brought by NY AG James is limited by the statute of limitations, and Ivanka Trump is thereby dismissed from the suit. 6/27/23, New York Appellate Division
No, Trump is not immune from defamation charges because he was president. 6/29/23, Kaplan
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from working on the GA election interference case. GA Supreme Court, 7/17/23
No, the GA Special Grand Jury report will not be thrown out. 7/17/23, GA Supreme Court
Yes, Trump is a rapist. 7/19/23, Kaplan
Yes, the $5 million in damages the jury said Trump must pay Carroll is reasonable. 7/19/23, Kaplan
No, the falsified records case will not be moved to federal court. 7/19/23, Hellerstein
Yes, Cohen and Trump will settle Cohen's lawsuit claiming millions in unpaid legal fees. 7/21/23
No, the documents trial will not be postponed until after the election. 7/21/23, Cannon
Yes, the defamation lawsuit Trump filed against CNN is dismissed because the judge rules it is "not actionable." 7/28/23, Singhal
*Yes, Trump is protected by presidential immunity regarding two defamatory statements he made against a PA voting machine supervisor when Trump was president. 7/31/23, Erdos
No, Trump is not protected by presidential immunity regarding one defamatory statement he made against a PA voting machine supervisor after Trump left office. 7/31/23
Yes, the GA Special Grand Jury report can be used against Trump. 7/31
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from prosecuting Trump. 7/31
Yes, Trump will be deposed under oath regarding the $500 million lawsuit he filed against Cohen. 7/31/23
Yes, the Miami grand jury will continue its investigation and produce additional indictments, even after it first indicted Trump. 8/1/23
Yes, Trump will be indicted on charges concerning the 2020 election. 8/3/23
Yes, the Trump deposition transcript from the Carroll trial will be given to DA Bragg. 8/3/23
No, Trump's request for a delayed response to DOJ's protective order motion will not be granted. 8/5/23
Yes, Trump’s counter-defamation suit against E. Jean Carroll is without merit and is dismissed 8/7/23, Kaplan
*No, the Special Counsel may not file under seal evidence of conflicts RE attorney Woodward. 8/7/23, Cannon
Yes, the DOJ can have its requested Garcia hearing regarding Woodward conflicts. 8/7/23, Cannon
No, the protective order hearing date will not be delayed. 8/8/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump is prohibited from making inflammatory statements about the election interference case. 8/11/23, Chutkan
*No, the protective order will not be as broad as DOJ requests. 8/11/23, Chutkan
No, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Merchan will not recuse himself from the Manhattan falsified business records case. 8/14/23
Yes, Trump (and 18 co-defendants) will be indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on RICO and other charges. 8/15/23
Yes, the appeal Trump filed RE Carroll is frivolous and is denied for that reason. 8/18/23, Kaplan
No, the second Carroll defamation trial scheduled for 1/15/24 will not be delayed. 8/18/23, Kaplan
No, the May, 2024 Mar-a-Lago documents trial date will not be changed to a later date. 8/21/23, Cannon
Yes, Trump will have bail conditions and a $200,000 bond in GA. 8/21/23, McAfee
No, the GA RICO case will not be delayed while Trump aids seek its removal to federal court. 8/23/23, Jones
Yes, the DOJ request to bar Trump from being deposed in lawsuits brought by former FBI agents Strzok and Page (because he was president) is denied. 9/1/23, DC Appeals Court
Yes, Trump’s federal election interference trial date is set for March 4, 2024. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the Trump legal team may not file amicus briefs in this criminal case. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the motion to intervene submitted by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, a partial summary judgement is granted. Trump is liable for defamatory statements against E. Jean Carroll. The Jan. 2024 trial is needed only to set the monetary damages. 9/6/23, Kaplan
Yes, Trump’s request to stay the NY state $250 million civil fraud trial is completely without merit. The trial will proceed as scheduled. 9/6/23, Engoron
Yes, a state lawsuit (Colorado) will be filed seeking to keep Trump’s name off the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 9/6/23

Disclaimer: This ongoing compilation is done on a best-efforts basis. If I miss or get something wrong, kindly advise me and I'll correct the list. Where a question has been appealed to a higher court, the higher court's answer is shown and the lower court's answer previously shown is removed from the list. Where an appeal is pending, the lower court's action remains on the list until the appeal is complete.
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Retired Expediter
Questions Answered in Court; Week of 9/10/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 6
Trump-Adverse Answers: 122
Trump Win Rate: 4.96%
For Trump in court this week: 1 win, 5 losses.

EDITED late this evening as two new ruling were announced late in the day. That adds two additional Trump losses to the running total.
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As Trump demonstrated almost instantly after the motion was unsealed, his effort to poison the jury pool and undermine the justice system is relentless. Jack Smith has had enough. We'll soon see if Judge Chutkan has had enough too.

The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect witness intimidation, jury tampering, or threats to a judge or prosecutor. If Trump was not receiving special privileges under a two-tiered justice system, he would have been remanded into custody long ago for the improper (to put it mildly) statements he has made.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As Trump demonstrated almost instantly after the motion was filed, his effort to poison the jury pool and undermine the justice system is relentless. Jack Smith has had enough. We'll soon see if Judge Chutkan has had enough too.
Maybe the DOJ should stop leaking about the case and influencing the jury pool.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

This is about the DOJ responding to the Trump's lawyers filing a recusal request to the judge. Some were anxious that Trump talked about the judge recusing but hadn't officially submitted it. Well, he did.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As Trump demonstrated almost instantly after the motion was unsealed, his effort to poison the jury pool and undermine the justice system is relentless. Jack Smith has had enough. We'll soon see if Judge Chutkan has had enough too.

The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect witness intimidation, jury tampering, or threats to a judge or prosecutor. If Trump was not receiving special privileges under a two-tiered justice system, he would have been remanded into custody long ago for the improper (to put it mildly) statements he has made.



Veteran Expediter
Maybe the DOJ should stop leaking about the case and influencing the jury pool.

Likely to be El Donaldo's next fundraising device, be sure to place your order asap:

Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 20.32.22.png

I do have to say he wears it well ... although a dirty sock stuffed in his yap would likely be just as effective and he would look good in that too.

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Veteran Expediter
This is about the DOJ responding to the Trump's lawyers filing a recusal request to the judge.


You're misunderstanding the sequence - it was filed before the motion was filed for Chutkan to recuse.

Some were anxious that Trump talked about the judge recusing but hadn't officially submitted it. Well, he did.


... mebbe try again ?
