The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Ray Epps has been charged with a misdemeanor in connection with Jan 6th.

And, of course, the unhinged MAGAt's are already flipping out and trying to move the goalposts.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Two and a half years later the fellow that said he “orchestrated it” got charged with a misdemeanor. Of course the clowns with think this is legit.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Two and a half years later the fellow that said he “orchestrated it” got charged with a misdemeanor. Of course the clowns with think this is legit.
View attachment 22970View attachment 22971
Wonder how many people are in jail now because they followed his directions and heeded his encouragement? At the very least he should have been charged with incitement to riot.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Bad News for Trump. Meadows Loses Bid to Move GA Case to Federal Court

Today, federal judge Jones rejected Meadows' attempt to transfer Meadows' GA RICO case to federal court. That means he will be tried in state court like all other RICO defendants.

This is bad news for Trump because it reduces to zero the chance that his case will be moved to federal court. Trump has previously indicated he may make a motion to so move his case. The legal reasoning that applies to Meadows also applies to Trump. The arguments Meadows made are the ones Trump would likely make. They failed for Meadows and will fail for Trump if he makes the same motion Meadows and a few other RICO defendants did or have done.

While some motions remain pending, the precedent is set and the Federal court question is essentially settled. The 19 people indicted by the Fulton County Grand Jury will be tried in GA state court.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those that say that Trump ignored advice from WH attorneys, it’s because there was a stand-down order to not deal with election matters from them and AG Barr. Even when there were incidents that needed to be looked at. They didn’t have the political will to deal with it like they should have.

In Michigan, there was a voter registration racket that needed the attention of AG Barr and those WH lawyers, but instead it was swept under the rug.
No wonder Trump decided to bring in other lawyers who were more serious about election fraud.
The interview with Andrew Kloster is at the very bottom of the article.

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Veteran Expediter
Two and a half years later the fellow that said he “orchestrated it” got charged with a misdemeanor.

Lots of non-violent Jan 6th'ers have been been charged with misdemeanors.

Probably has been cooperative which counts for something.

Of course the clowns with think this is legit.

Actually, the clowns are the Trump supporters ... who are arguing that arguing that another Trump supporter should actually receive a harsher sentence.

Kind of a circular firing squad sorta thing.


Similar to Dominic Pezzola begging for mercy from the court ... and then shooting his mouth off once the judge had left the courtroom.

That quite possibly got his fellow Proud Boy Tarrio a harsher sentence when he was sentenced later.

That's the sort of stoopid that just ain't fixable.



Keep us posted on what Kelly finds out.

Personally, I suspect she won't bother to even look (let alone report) ... but will be interested to see what she reports ... if she does.


Veteran Expediter
Wonder how many people are in jail now because they followed his directions and heeded his encouragement?

That's a question you should be asking about The Big (Orange) Guy™ ... you know: the one that had the microphone and was stoking the crowd up to head on over to the Capitol.


At the very least he should have been charged with incitement to riot.

If Ray Epps, then certainly Mango Mussolini ...

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Veteran Expediter
For those that say that Trump ignored advice from WH attorneys, it’s because there was a stand-down order to not deal with election matters from them and AG Barr. Even when there were incidents that needed to be looked at. They didn’t have the political will to deal with it like they should have.

Uh-huh ... sure.

Sounds totes legit ... ;)

From an outstanding sources like Stevie Bananas and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit no less.

Everyone knows they have serious journalistic cred ...


In Michigan, there was a voter registration racket that needed the attention of AG Barr and those WH lawyers, but instead it was swept under the rug.
No wonder Trump decided to bring in other lawyers who were more serious about election fraud.
The interview with Andrew Kloster is at the very bottom of the article.

Apparently, a certifably-unhinged kook ... who, after his little "incident" in Green Bay, WI, for some reason felt he needed to delete nearly all the tweets on his Twitter account shortly after that fiasco:

Former Trump official working on Wisconsin election probe

But is apparently "General Counsel" to Matt Gaetz ... so that's certainly something.


Fact Check: Did Michigan Police Uncover 2020 Democratic Election Plot?

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Veteran Expediter
Former Trump Assistant Molly Michael has sung to Jack Smith ... and it don't look good for El Donaldo ...

"This is not some Democrat, political opposition to Trump. This is his personal assistant. She stuck by him through impeachment one, impeachment two, the January 6th attack," the report states. "She was with him, she's someone who's shown loyalty to him. And at this point, she broke. That's important, a jury is going to look at that and say, why was she -- she has no bias, no incentive to mislead here."​

Apparently she resigned after he basically told her to break the law by lying to the Feds.
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Veteran Expediter
Trump: " peacefully and patriotically"
Pesky fact.

Also pesky fact(s):

'We won this election, and we won it by a landslide'

A lie.

'We will stop the steal'

As it turns out another lie: Trump and MAGAt's didn't "stop the steal" ... the Vice-President and the United States Congress did.

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

And yet one more: On Jan 20th El Donaldo headed to Florida ... with his tail between his legs.

It was over ... despite his continued pathetic mewing even until the present day.

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

Given the totality of the circumstances and the context, that sounds like incitement to me ... but it's probably a question for a jury ... ;)

'We are going to the Capitol'

And once again, a lie: He didn't go ... but he got the crowd he cranked up to go ...

And then the traitorous slob headed back to the White House to do what exactly ?

... sit on his fat hiney and watch the violence he ignited and set into motion unfold on TV ... literally for hours.


He should be very thankful that at this point he's only facing prison time.

In earlier times he's probably be facing the noose, a firing squad, or the chair.

Capitol riots: Did Trump's words at rally incite violence?
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Veteran Expediter
How old do you think those lists are? Correct me if im wrong but those lists are checked over every so often and updated, could a few be wrong, absolutely, but enough to matter?

With all the mail in votes how to do you verify signatures? When I registered to vote online and requested my mail in ballot, there is no signature to even match to. But that in itself is irrelevant, technology has made the need to match signature obsolete.

Do you actually believe that observers were thrown out so they could rig the election? Or do you just believe the people who are telling you that?

To end, we have the technology that we dont even need to leave our homes to vote, but the GOP knows that they would never win another election if voting was that easy.
Chicago......has dead people on the voter lists.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Chicago......has dead people on the voter lists.
Every jurisdiction in America has dead people on their voter lists. At this moment in Florida, for example, there are X number of registered voters on the list maintained by the state Division of Elections. Today, some of them will die but the list is not instantly updated with each death. So, you end up with the names of these dead people on the voter lists.

The lists are updated, on a schedule dictated by the availability of the data. That is done partly by cross-checking the lists against the death certificates that are submitted to the Department of Health. The Division also uses the National Change of Address database and the Social Security Death Master File to identify deceased voters.

However, the instant such updates are done, people keep dying and the names of new dead people will again appear on the list. In effect, there is never a time in any jurisdiction where there the names of deceased people are not on the registered voters list.

For some reason, Chicago is frequently cited as a hotbed of dead people voting. There is some truth to that, but it is hardly a hotbed. It seems to be mostly clerical errors. According to this source, "In all, the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade." With about 1.5 million registered voters in Chicago, that is a minuscule number that suggests the Chicago voter lists are well maintained and are as current as can reasonably be.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those whining and bellyaching about Trump’s speech, why would he tell them to go “ peacefully and patriotically” if he didn’t want them to? Why confuse them? Because he wanted them to go peacefully and patriocally.
His RHETORICAL language to “fight” is used a lot in political discourse. His speech that day though pales in comparison to other politician’s rhetoric like Maxine Waters who told people to “ get in peoples faces and create a crowd” or like Sen. Shumer said to “release the whirlwind” or “ you won’t know what hit you” about Supreme Court Justices.
What got many of them “riled up”, which is on tape, were the flash-bangs thrown into the crowd by police.
Again, watching it on TV didn’t provide a clear picture of the pockets of violence that were happening that day, some of it at opposite entrances. And Trump didn’t even get a call from people like Gen. Milley apprising him of the situation. Some communication from his subordinates would have been helpful, and it was lacking.
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