The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
They may already have and searches may already have been conducted. We would not know about any such searches unless Trump broadcasts that news out like he did about the Mar-a-Lago search.

In terms of knowing for certain, that's correct - as DOJ only confirmed it after Trump confirmed it publicly.
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Veteran Expediter
Trump has a rally in Pa this evening.

IOW: another opportunity to incriminate himself further.


I'm sure DOJ has someone tasked with reviewing his oration.


Polls show him with a 7 point lead over Biden.

The ones where you can vote as many times as you want aren't really polls.


An unheard of advantage for a Republican in a presidential poll matchup in the Keystone state.

Likely an outlier or a fluke.

Trump moves to general election mode with Pennsylvania rally

Particularly given how his endorsed candidates are doing:

Democrats' Chances of Beating Oz, Mastriano as Trump Visits Pennsylvania

Last month, Trump announced he would be holding rally supporting the GOP candidates he has backed in the Pennsylvania races.

In recent weeks, some prominent Republicans have said that the party may not perform as well as previously expected in the upcoming November midterms.

Gee ... I wonder why ?



Veteran Expediter
There will be a lot of ink spilled and breathless commentary about the empty folders. I'm not focusing much on those as the empty folders are not a core part of the bigger story.

Not yet anyways.

Whether they turn out to be significant or not, you could pretend the folders were never at Mar-a-Lago. The core elements of the story remain in place.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No court has ruled that it was unlawful.

In fact, one court has held that there was sufficient probable cause for it.

A couple of very pesky facts.



That's why he's a Jenius ... with a capital "J" !!!

A bias anti Trump magistrate that they shopped it to, instead of bringing it in front of an article 3 judge. It didn’t even include an office of legal counsel opinion with it. Because they were afraid of what they would say and have to give relevant court cases like the 1988 Supreme Court, and 2012 rulings and previously held DOJ policy.
They took the easy path instead and just found a magistrate that had just recused himself previously because of a case involving Trump. It showed a lack of integrity in the DOJ to do it that way.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's already come around to him.


"Was" being the key and operative word there.


Given his attempt to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power and incite an insurrection against the United States, I'm sure Trump thought the Constitution was quite "pesky" indeed.


Some have to accept the inconvenient fact that Trump was still President after the 2020 election, and also even after Jan 6, right up to around noon on January 20fh 2021.
Up to that point, Trump had that stubborn little constitutional power to declassify any classified document he wanted. Bummer for some not to accept that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
IOW: another opportunity to incriminate himself further.


I'm sure DOJ has someone tasked with reviewing his oration.


The ones where you can vote as many times as you want aren't really polls.


Likely an outlier or a fluke.

Trump moves to general election mode with Pennsylvania rally

Particularly given how his endorsed candidates are doing:

Democrats' Chances of Beating Oz, Mastriano as Trump Visits Pennsylvania

Gee ... I wonder why ?


Very close, except for the Trump v Biden matchup, which shows his support is imploding..
Poll truth hurt:


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Is it rational to think that 30 FBI agents showing up at the residence of a former POTUS - especially Trump - is going to go unnoticed and conducted on the down-low? Considering the numbers of security and staff who populate that place there's no doubt that when the first FBI vehicle pulled up there was somebody on the phone to their contacts in the media who probably knew about it before Trump did. The Feds knew this and didn't have to put out the word to anybody. They also knew Trump would raise hell about it, so for a change the FBI/DOJ didn't have to leak anything.
Yes, it is rational to think that because that's exactly what happened. 30 agents arrived in the morning and left late afternoon and there was no news about that until after they left.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
No court has ruled that it was unlawful.

In fact, one court has held that there was sufficient probable cause for it.
I'd have to go back to double check, but I don't think Trump has asked any court to declare the search warrant and the search unlawful.

Trump likes to manipulate his supporters into believing a lot that is untrue. In his public statements, he has often said the search is unlawful. But in court, where he would have to actually provide a legal case to be persuade a judge, he has not challenged the lawfulness of the warrant and search.

It's a lawful search until a court says otherwise, and with Trump not challenging the search, no court will even consider that question.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
A bias anti Trump magistrate that they shopped it to, instead of bringing it in front of an article 3 judge. It didn’t even include an office of legal counsel opinion with it. Because they were afraid of what they would say and have to give relevant court cases like the 1988 Supreme Court, and 2012 rulings and previously held DOJ policy.
They took the easy path instead and just found a magistrate that had just recused himself previously because of a case involving Trump. It showed a lack of integrity in the DOJ to do it that way.
Let's grant, muttly, for the purposes of discussion, that what you say above is true. If this is true, why has Trump not challenged the legality of the search in court? Why has he not tried to have the investigation stopped on that basis? Why has Trump not brought the court cases you mention to a court's attention? Why has Trump not gone to court to have this magistrate who lacks integrity thrown off the case and to have the warrant the magistrate issued invalidated?
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Some have to accept the inconvenient fact that Trump was still President after the 2020 election, and also even after Jan 6, right up to around noon on January 20fh 2021.
Up to that point, Trump had that stubborn little constitutional power to declassify any classified document he wanted. Bummer for some not to accept that.
It's refreshing to see you admit that Trump is no longer the president of the United States. There are a lot of people out there who think he still is.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's grant, muttly, for the purposes of discussion, that what you say above is true. If this is true, why has Trump not challenged the legality of the search in court? Why has he not tried to have the investigation stopped on that basis? Why has Trump not brought the court cases you mention to a court's attention? Why has Trump not gone to court to have this magistrate who lacks integrity thrown off the case and to have the warrant the magistrate issued invalidated?
Coming soon.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's refreshing to see you admit that Trump is no longer the president of the United States. There are a lot of people out there who think he still is.
And a lot people who believed Trump was an “illegitimate President” and believed the Russia collusion hoax( among other hoaxes) hook, line, and sinker.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Coming soon.
Maybe after he is indicted. But it is not to his advantage to wait. Investigators continue to develop cases against him and he's doing nothing more than requesting a special master and raging about the injustice of it all in public.

And about that raging, Trump would be 100% correct about the unjust search if probable cause did not exist. The problem for him is he provided probable cause when he brought, caused to be brought, or allowed to be brought classified materials to Mar-a-Lago; and when he fought to keep them and acted in bad faith when told to return them.

Had he simply returned all documents when asked, he would not be in court today trying to delay a grand jury and DOJ investigation into the three crimes stated in the warrant.
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Veteran Expediter
A special master could possibly throw the whole warrant out if its found that the fbi lied once again.
And yes trump will be president again....hes better than what we got right now.
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Veteran Expediter
Trump has been out of office for 2 years and he is still working for America by endorsing Republicans and winning seats.
It's why Democrats fear trump because hes a kingmaker.....and there is no Democrat with enough positive influence to even get elected to be the president.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe after he is indicted. But it is not to his advantage to wait. Investigators continue to develop cases against him and he's doing nothing more than requesting a special master and raging about the injustice of it all in public.

And about that raging, Trump would be 100% correct about the unjust search if probable cause did not exist. The problem for him is he provided probable cause when he brought, caused to be brought, or allowed to be brought classified materials to Mar-a-Lago; and when he fought to keep them and acted in bad faith when told to return them.

Had he simply returned all documents when asked, he would not be in court today trying to delay a grand jury and DOJ investigation into the three crimes stated in the warrant.
They were declassified. There isn't a criminal enforcement mechanism to the records act, only civil. There is no obstruction because no criminal laws were broken. Trump, when he was President, had the power to declassify any classified documents he wanted, EVEN AFTER J6, and up until noon Jan 20 2021.
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