The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I keep hearing people say that if Trump was in office that gas would not be as high as it is and I was thinking they might be right. If Trump was still president, there would be no sanctions against Russia for their invasion, since everyone else is going out of the way to avoid Russian oil, we would still be buying it and the price would be lower.

I for one would not be OK with that, question is would the typical Trumper be OK with that?
If Trump were still POTUS there wouldn't have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I keep hearing people say that if Trump was in office that gas would not be as high as it is and I was thinking they might be right. If Trump was still president, there would be no sanctions against Russia for their invasion, since everyone else is going out of the way to avoid Russian oil, we would still be buying it and the price would be lower.

I for one would not be OK with that, question is would the typical Trumper be OK with that?
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Veteran Expediter
There is more to the story than what you highlighted.

Of course there is ... that's why I posted the link.

A significant paragraph is:

"Cooper stopped short of granting Sussmann’s motion to strike the information altogether from the docket. He noted that much of it would likely have come out anyway, either in pretrial motions or at a trial in the case."

Also, the judge said, “I extend a presumption of good faith to all counsel, especially government counsel, ...”

If this judge, who has the eagle-eye view over the case, is willing to extend a presumption of good faith to all counsel, I am too.

That's pretty typical for Federal judges from what I understand.

Having said that, pretty sure that no counsel wants to be in the position of being admonished by a judge that they are appearing before ... let alone a Federal judge.

Andrew DeFilippis has been involved in questionable actions as a Federal prosecutor before ... this just adds to that record.

According to the story, the judge gave DeFilippis the chance to modify his filing, DeFilippis declined, and the judge accepted that.

Of course DeFilippis declined ... to do otherwise would be tantamount to an admission of acting in bad faith.

He'll roll the dice, hoping to obtain a conviction at trial ... if it even makes it to that stage.

This whole episode seems like a minor dust-up, which will become pretty much meaningless as the case proceeds.

I don't know that it will become meaningless.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Indeed it does. And investigators seem to be making increasingly rapid progress as some of those arrested plead guilty and flip to reduce the prison time they would otherwise receive. This leads to more evidence coming to light and convictions easier to obtain. It seems to be dawning on at least some of the "1-6ers" that storming the Capitol and/or conspiring to do so was unlawful and unwise.

While there may be one or two who remain defiant and outspoken, most of those charged have either gone silent, are expressing remorse or are whimpering about how their predicament is Trump's fault, not theirs.

There is no way to know this for sure, of course, but I think these successful prosecutions are having an effect. The recent trucker protest in and around Washington, DC was a muted event and the truckers were well behaved. Before, such an event may have been more likely to build into something more disruptive. But now that people are seeing the "1-6ers" pay for their crimes, the willingness to do similar things seems less apparent.

Again, there is no way to know this for sure, but I have this sense. I'm not seeing people openly plotting to kidnap governors, planning to storm the Capitol, or holding racist rallies like they did before. With sanctions moving toward the lawyers who abused the court system to file frivolous suits, we're seeing a sharp reductions in those too. Some right-wing news outlets have modified some of their behavior as the defamation suits against them have not been thrown out but have instead been allowed by the courts to proceed.
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