The Trump Card...


Senior Member
Retired Expediter

Awwww, poor baby needs his own plane to fly around and lie to people and he wants his supporters to pay for it. Lets see how much money he can con out of his sheeple for his new "Trump Force One"
Trump supporters may well buy Trump the new plane he would like them to pay for. After all, what are all those supporters for, if not to buy Trump new toys? He got the Republican Party to pay some of his legal fees. Why not have his supporters buy him a plane too? And why stop there? It would not surprise me a bit to see Trump offer his supporters the chance to buy him a new building next.


Veteran Expediter
You claim hes a traitor but give no proof when asked.....
It's his right to claim the 5th amendment unless you don't follow the constitution.....
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Veteran Expediter
Little Johnny Durham and his clown hack prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis both get their knuckles rapped ... only this time it wasn't by the nuns ... it was by a Federal judge:

At Thursday’s hearing, held by videoconference, Cooper said he agreed with Sussmann’s lawyers that those details were “not necessary” to resolve the conflicts issue. The judge also briefly pressed Durham’s team to explain why it included the detailed allegations against Sussmann and Joffe in its filings related to a conflict of interest.

“I didn’t see any link to areas that were relevant,” said Cooper, an appointee of President Barack Obama. “I don’t know why the information was in there.”

Judge warns special counsel over provocative court filing




Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Little Johnny Durham and his clown hack prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis both get their knuckles rapped ... only this time it wasn't by the nuns ... it was by a Federal judge:
There is more to the story than what you highlighted. A significant paragraph is:

"Cooper stopped short of granting Sussmann’s motion to strike the information altogether from the docket. He noted that much of it would likely have come out anyway, either in pretrial motions or at a trial in the case."

Also, the judge said, “I extend a presumption of good faith to all counsel, especially government counsel, ...”

If this judge, who has the eagle-eye view over the case, is willing to extend a presumption of good faith to all counsel, I am too. According to the story, the judge gave DeFilippis the chance to modify his filing, DeFilippis declined, and the judge accepted that. This whole episode seems like a minor dust-up, which will become pretty much meaningless as the case proceeds.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

When even the judge in Flynn's case was trying to act as prosecutor as well as judge....yea hes not guilty.
Right. It’s unheard of for a judge to to this. The Prosecution and the defense both declined to continue with the case.
This is a classic example of DC swamp justice for a judge to listen to his Leftist bubble cohorts in the legal field there and to continue on with the farce prosecution.
This was the reason for the pardon. The judge wouldn’t dismiss the case that the charging party declined to continue with.
Imagine a trial judge trying to to do this to with, say an indigent minority defendant. The ACLU and every civil rights organization would be protesting the ridiculous trampling of due process of that person, and rightly so.
But instead crickets and claims of him being a traitor.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Flynn was pardoned for crimes he was said to have committed. Accepting a pardon, which Flynn did, means he is guilty.


"Indeed, some pardons expressly state that they are based on the pardoner's decision that the defendant was actually innocent; and some legal rules expressly contemplate that - consider, for instance, the federal statute that provides for compensation of the unjustly convicted, which allows a plaintiff to prevail by showing (among other things) "that he has been pardoned upon the stated ground of innocence and unjust conviction."

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I keep hearing people say that if Trump was in office that gas would not be as high as it is and I was thinking they might be right. If Trump was still president, there would be no sanctions against Russia for their invasion, since everyone else is going out of the way to avoid Russian oil, we would still be buying it and the price would be lower.

I for one would not be OK with that, question is would the typical Trumper be OK with that?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More about "unjust conviction" in the Flynn case:

"We have a case where the prosecutors have declared that there is insufficient evidence for a charge but the judge refuses to let the defendant out of his courtroom after years of delay. That is why the only basis for a pardon in this case that is stronger than the conduct of defendant is the conduct of judge."
