The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wasn't a "big lie".

Read the Mueller Report ... it's all in there.

The biggest of lies. Because all we heard from the LSL’s was Russian collusion for 4 years and y’all bought it hook, line, and sinker. Just because the Fake News, lying Dems, and the corrupt IC told y’all so. And because y’all wanted to believe it to be true. Hillary’s operatives played everyone that gladly bought into it.


Veteran Expediter
The biggest of lies.



Because all we heard from the LSL’s

Stop talking in right wing code ... unless you just wish to obtuse.

(To Own The Libs !!!)


was Russian collusion for 4 years and y’all bought it hook, line, and sinker.

You still haven't read the Mueller Report have you ?


Just because the Fake News, lying Dems, and the corrupt IC told y’all so. And because y’all wanted to believe it to be true. Hillary’s operatives played everyone that gladly bought into it.

Lecturing folks about buying into lies ?

Oh my !

Now that is rich !

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Stop talking in right wing code ... unless you just wish to obtuse.

(To Own The Libs !!!)


You still haven't read the Mueller Report have you ?


Lecturing folks about buying into lies ?

Oh my !

Now that is rich !

LSL is Lefty Screw Loosies for future reference.
Did Mueller touch on the Alfa Bank hoax? Lol.


Veteran Expediter
I thought some were interested in getting to the bottom of this whole Russian collusion

Absolutely !

And in that vein, Buzzfeed has recently managed to liberate yet another less-redacted version of the Mueller Report:

Mmmm ... looks like Jr. - the guy Mueller apparently decided was too stupid to actually collude - was nonetheless a bad boy ...



Well, you were doing good until you went there.

Suffice to say, it's doubtful there will be little to anything gained in terms of illumination by Trump Toady Barr's Errand Boy chasing after Billy's conspiracy theory fever dreams out of the rightwing echo chambers.


Now it’s seems like the rats are jumping off the deck. Lol

And who exactly would these so-called rats be ?

Personally, I'm looking forward to getting to the bottom of what Durham has been doing ... and why he has been misleading a Federal Judge.

Is he going daft in his elder years ?

Possibly infected with the same sort of wingnuttery that got Billy Barr ?

Durham issues fresh round of subpoenas in his continuing probe of FBI investigation into Trump, Russia

In interviews with CNN, several former federal prosecutors criticized Durham's use of what's known as a speaking indictment against Sussmann, laying out a broader case detailing the suspected political motivations and conduct by several people outside of Sussmann's legal practice who aren't actually charged. The former prosecutors say a false statement charge is typically straightforward, and often laid out in a single sheet of paper.

"There are two ways to take it: The way charitable and favorable to Durham is this is basically making a case for this being material," said Ken White, a former prosecutor-turned-white collar defense lawyer in Los Angeles who follows Trump-era cases closely. "The less charitable interpretation is, this is Durham doing what he's going to do, basically making his pitch for Trump as a victim."

Sussmann's legal team, in a statement, has called the breadth of the indictment a political smear.

They have already told the court they may challenge parts of his indictment for being irrelevant, in an attempt to keep them from the jury. And they maintain Sussmann committed no crime.

Trump Server Mystery Produces Fresh Conflict

Emails obtained by The New York Times and interviews with people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss issues being investigated by federal authorities, provide a fuller and more complex account of how a group of cyberexperts discovered the odd internet data and developed their hypothesis about what could explain it.

At the same time, defense lawyers for the scientists say it is Mr. Durham’s indictment that is misleading. Their clients, they say, believed their hypothesis was a plausible explanation for the odd data they had uncovered — and still do.

Steven A. Tyrrell, a lawyer for Rodney Joffe, an internet entrepreneur and another of the four data experts, said his client had a duty to share the information with the F.B.I. and that the indictment “gratuitously presents an incomplete and misleading picture” of his role.

Should be fun ... particularly given the judge who has the case ...

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Looks like Rudi might talk...
It's hard to know at this point what, if anything Giuliani will say to the committee, but the now-known fact that he is not outright refusing to cooperate with the committee is significant. Even if he takes the 5th on all questions, he is already legitimizing the committee and its subpoena powers by negotiating with the committee as he is now reported to be doing.
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Veteran Expediter
It's hard to know at this point what, if anything Giuliani will say to the committee, but the now-known fact that he is not outright refusing to cooperate with the committee is significant.


Even if he takes the 5th on all questions, he is already legitimizing the committee and its subpoena powers by negotiating with the committee as he is now reported to be doing.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he took the 5th for many of their questions.

Hopefully, there are serious deconfliction efforts underway between the Committee and DOJ.

Rudy is facing a very serious criminal investigation (unlike those on Durham's radar ... :tearsofjoy:)

He's already seen two of his "business associates" convicted for activities they were engaging in with Rudy - the "Fraud Guarantee" crew ... :tearsofjoy:

Igor Fruman plead guilty and was sentenced to 1 year in prison, apparently Lev Parnas is still awaiting sentencing near as I can tell.

Prosecutors have a snot load of Rudy's devices (along with cohort Victoria Toensing's), which are undergoing review for privilege claims by a court-appointed Special Master.

Certainly sucks to be Rudy right now.

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