The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not any more. Now the Truth Social launch date is "by March 31." The Feb 21 date proved to be unreliable. How reliable will "by Mar 31" be?

"In early January, Truth Social indicated on the Apple App Store that it would launch on Feb. 21.

"But Devin Nunes, the recently appointed Trump Media and Technology Group CEO, during an appearance on Jan. 23 on Fox Business said that the app would be released by March 31."

"It’s the second major, costly delay for Trump's social media platform. The company missed its self-imposed November deadline for launching an invitation-only version of the platform." (Source)
Yes, I know. I already posted the video( a couple weeks ago) of him explaining why it will be by “the end of the quarter”. This is old news. Thanks for reminding me of something I already know.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Yes, I know. I already posted the video( a couple weeks ago) of him explaining why it will be by “the end of the quarter”. This is old news. Thanks for reminding me of something I already know.
The post referenced info you already knew, and two questions newly asked. Do you care to answer them?

1. How reliable will "by Mar 31" be?

2. Trump has a history of starring companies, siphoning massive sums of money out of them for himself and sticking investors with whatever expenses the company in question produces before it files for bankruptcy. Is Truth Social another such scheme, or will it prove to be the effective answer to Twitter, Facebook and Amazon Web Services many Trump supporters hope it to be?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The post referenced info you already knew, and two questions newly asked. Do you care to answer them?

1. How reliable will "by Mar 31" be?

2. Trump has a history of starring companies, siphoning massive sums of money out of them for himself and sticking investors with whatever expenses the company in question produces before it files for bankruptcy. Is Truth Social another such scheme, or will it prove to be the effective answer to Twitter, Facebook and Amazon Web Services many Trump supporters hope it to be?
Nunes explained what the delay has been. Making sure backstops are in place. If they rely on Google and Apple solely for their app, they are asking for trouble. Because all it takes is a concerted hissy fit by the Left for them to fold like a cheap suit and drop their app. I could care less if there is another delay. Better to have safeguards in place.

I think Truth Social will be bigger than any of the other conservative social sites fairly quickly. There will be a tremendous draw to the site, primarily because it will have Trump on it posting. I think it will draw a lot of people from the Left onto the site as well.( my hunch being a few that “lean left” on here as well will sign up. Lol)

My hope it will be more than politics on there. And what I’ve heard it will be much more than that. I think that will be the best way to compete with Twitter. IMO, it will be much more than just an echo chamber because the Left can’t resist signing up for the app.
It’s going to be big.
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Veteran Expediter
Oh, lookie here. Someone has been lying.


Just an oversight by DOJ (remember: they're in the middle of prosecuting the largest criminal case ever brought) of the need to correct in that one case - the second image that you posted even shows the judge noting just that.


And the judge is not happy.

A Trumper Judge ... who has already "signaled" that he intends to go light an Jan 6th'ers ...

Probably looking for any pretext can to do so.

It makes one wonder what else they may be lying about.

No, it doesn't.



Veteran Expediter
That’s bad, right? Misleading a Grand Jury for about a year?

Well, now that you actually linking your sources, you should maybe try actually reading what it is you're linking:

“Assistant U.S. Attorney Jamie Carter chimed in to say that the government had ‘recently learned’ that Harris was not actually present when the Capitol was breached,” Politico reported in November.

I have even highlighted the most relevant part for you to help ...



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, now that you actually linking your sources, you should maybe try actually reading what it is you're linking:

I have even highlighted the most relevant part for you to help ...

“Recently learned”


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

Just an oversight by DOJ (remember: they're in the middle of prosecuting the largest criminal case ever brought) of the need to correct in that one case - the second image that you posted even shows the judge noting just that.


A Trumper Judge ... who has already "signaled" that he intends to go light an Jan 6th'ers ...

Probably looking for any pretext can to do so.

No, it doesn't.

Oh, now he’s a Trumper judge. Both are bad: Either purposely misleading the Grand Jury for a year or so incompetent and sloppy about such pertinent details.


Veteran Expediter
Oh, now he’s a Trumper judge.

Just the same premise you and other here apply to judges.


Both are bad: Either purposely misleading the Grand Jury for a year or so

But there's no evidence that they purposely mislead them for a year.

In fact, what evidence there is, seems to show that it wasn't on purpose.

As to the time frame, that's unclear to me at present.

incompetent and sloppy about such pertinent details.

Ultimately, the VP-Elect's presence makes little difference in the big scheme of things:

1. It's not like there is a separate count for each instance of a qualified individual being on the grounds.

2. The charges stands anyways, as VP Pence was on the grounds.

Seizing on this like it is some sort of REALLY BIG DEAL kinda screams desperation ...

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Veteran Expediter
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Veteran Expediter
It appears the stolen records issue is "not fully resolved" at this point:

Archives threatened to go to Congress and Justice Department to get Trump to turn over records

Key take-aways:

NARA officials got the 15 boxes of records back ... only after they threatened to go to DOJ and Congress ...

There was classified information involved: some documents were marked "Top Secret".

It appears as though there was some document destruction: aides used "burn bags" (shades of Richard Nixon and the tapes that were partially erased) and it appears that "Golden Throne" Don apparently tried to dispose of some documents by flushing them down the crapper.

(Which might explain why he was so worked about having to flush 10 or 15 times a few years back ... :tearsofjoy:)

On the first point with regard to the "burn bags" though it's important, because there was likely other personnel than himself involved ... and they could be on the hook for an all-expense paid 3 year vacation at a nice Federal resort.

Also reported elsewhere:

NYT is reporting that there are "gaps" in the WH call logs of calls Trump made or was a party to and Jan 6th Committee investigators are attempting to reverse engineer what's missing and why that is.
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