The Sinking Of The Titantic - FDCC

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Staff member
Retired Expediter
But the point I was getting at with my question about concequences is it seems that there is a "concequences be ****ed" attitude among many contractors and was mearly offering a reminder that if there is indeed preferential dispatch ones comments here could adversely affect there performance financially and their overall attitude. It has been said time and time again "you catch more flies with honey", ya know.
The thing is, when a contractor posts here with the "concequences be ****ed" attitude, they really and truly don't care what the consequences are. They've exhausted their options at going through preferred channels. They're FedUp to here, and they're not gonna take it anymore, or something like that.

What's more, some of the more preeminent honey slathering butt-kissers are they very people who are now voicing their displeasure, indicating that honey hasn't worked at all, and it's time to try the manure. :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Inaccurate Analogies?

False Assumptions?

Online Entertainment?

Explain how my analogies are inaccurate, what assumptions I have are false, and where you get I am "entertaining myself" here.
I'll play.

The inaccurate analogy is the equating FECC with the Titanic. FECC isn't sinking, even for the contractors. FECC may end up looking different, but it'll still be floating.

The false assumption is that you must jump ship to a lifeboat in order to survive. There is no indication that such a thing will be necessary (preferable, perhaps, but not necessarily necessary), although I can see why you needed to make that assumption: in order to complete the analogy.

And the analogy alone, the breadth and details of it, that had to have been self-entertaining just to write. :D

Believe it or not Phil, even though I act like a goofy phart every now and then, I've got little more experience behind the wheel than you do. I was behind the wheel of truck running OTR back when you were working for that "Quack" that is now hosting a goofy ash "Conspiracy Theory" failure of a show on some cable channel. I've seen many ins and outs within the trucking industry. Like I said above, it doesn't take all of your education to see the writing on the wall. All it takes is common sense, of which I am using to comprehend what is going on with FDCC right now. And, as an "outsider" at that.
Just keep in mind that it's been said here many times, in many ways, there are more people than can be counted who have all kinds of experience who think their knowledge and experience can be directly applied to expediting, and most of them end up being wrong and fail in expediting.

Fact is, there is no easy jump from FECC WG TVAL to another ship that does the same thing. Some carriers kinda sorta provides those services, but not really, not the same as FECC does. It's kinda like buying all the equipment to haul those big wind generator blades and housings, and then go looking to jump ship. There are no other ships, not like those.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Cheaper" alternatives almost always equates to lower standards and less service. I have never seen it happen any other way in anything that I have been involved with.

Just a sign of the times. Lower the standard to "good enough" the losses that will occur can be offset by the cheaper rates. The loss of a customer will be offset by more. Problem is, it does not work.

Bean counters are short term people. They cannot see more than a few months to a few years down the road. They are normally gone by the time the effects of their "beans" starts to smell the place up.


Seasoned Expediter
Layout, I am in no way trying to be a "know it all" here but I'm a bit confused, if I am out of line please tell me. I have no doubt that you keep exceptional records from reading many of your posts and seeing the info that you readily supply. I am wondering just how you figure what each piece of equipment needs to make per load. Fixed cost of refer and lift gate maint aside. It is my understanding that pads, straps, pallet jack are all part of enrolling in WG, and are services offered as part of any WG shipment. WG equiped units are compensated at a rate above that found in surface expedite and hence covers the cost and or replacement of said equipment.

To clairify part of my earlier post I am in no way trying to justify giving away a specalized service such as T-Val. All I was trying to do is look from all angles. Providing a load pays what you or anyone else would need for a T-Val shipment in the end what is the difference what they call a load. If it were a marginally paying load and that were asked I can see Phill's issue and would simply turn it down as well and wait for the next offer.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The cost of pads, straps etc I figure at a set price per year. (for my purposes). I know what it cost to replace them, how often I need to etc.

The costs for maintaining TVAL are very high. They also just went up when we changed to new equipment. Without an increase to cover those expenses it can reach a point where it is no longer worth the effort and expense.

I did not take it as you being a "know it all" etc. The problem is there are things I don't believe I want to go into in public forum that are adding to my concerns.

IF FDCC asked me to provide a tape to secure another customer I would do that in a heartbeat. I know how this business works. My truck has been used to secure new customers, I was paid for my time but not all that well. I could have made more on a better run. That is, however, short term thinking. I KNOW that IF FDCC got that new customer I would make even more over the long haul.

The problems I am concerned with are not a one day thing.


Veteran Expediter
Again, cutting rates? Tell me. Preference to other trucks? Tell me. We were given NO option, other than hit the road jack, when we were required to pay this increase and change equipment. We should have been told, at that time, of the changes they were putting into place. That could have made a difference right then as to what our plans were to be. It is very difficult to make sound business choices without valid information to base them on.

I sympathize with you, believe me I was in the same situation but I realized that the carrier, FedEx is the one in control and no one else. IF you are treated as a partner or anything other than a plain contractor, you would have a say in the negotiations with the customer to a point. This means that when someone calls to get a confirmed quote for the work, the "load planners" or sales people would get on the phone with you and ask you your price to do the work.

In your case, there is enough freight out there to make a go at it, I think you are in a D unit which means you have the flexibility to haul almost anything but others who decided on C units will have a hard time outside of a couple other companies and they surely won't be getting the "elite" pay they got used to. I don't see a C unit making more than $2 a mile all inclusive unless they get their own authority.

Maintaining the truck is one thing, expecting to buy another while maintaining a specific profit with every load is something completely different and doesn't include you or people like you. Nitpicking about seals, about temp recording and use of a blanket is that - nitpicking and I would have lost more money if I said to the customer "well let me call my agent and have that added on" because they would have told me to get out of there and not come back.


Veteran Expediter
Brisco and others have referred to "company owned equipment" in this thread. Could someone who is actually leased to FECC expand on this for me?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have no strange ideas as to my status. I am a warm butt in a seat. As long as I do as required I am OK. When the business model changes, I am toast.

I can move to another carrier. It will cost me some but that is business. If and when I find a better fit, I will move. I owe no one I may work for anything more than my best effort while I lease with them. I do, however, expect the same in return.


Veteran Expediter
"Bean counters are short term people. They cannot see more than a few months to a few years down the road. They are normally gone by the time the effects of their "beans" starts to smell the place up."

Actually the opposite is true, they are looking at long term in growth and more. They can not only see what the next quarter should bring but also how changes in policies can effect the future. FedEx is a very smart company, they don't give way to changes like flat rate or fixed FSC without an thorough analysis and a decision that is made by those who are better informed than most of us. If they invest in temp control containers to be hauled on Freight trailers, they are not going to waste that investment as much as they wouldn't waste the investment in a 747 cargo plane. If they change their direction of CC, it is not because there isn't a profit to be made but the resources that are used can be used to make a more consistent profit somewhere else.

Their problem isn't with the "bean counters", it is with the management of the company in the great place called Green. Even though many won't agree with me, they are mandated by the company to pull a specific number for revenue and if they don't, those who are in mid/upper management may not be there come next year.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Bean counters are short term people. They cannot see more than a few months to a few years down the road. They are normally gone by the time the effects of their "beans" starts to smell the place up."

Actually the opposite is true, they are looking at long term in growth and more. They can not only see what the next quarter should bring but also how changes in policies can effect the future. FedEx is a very smart company, they don't give way to changes like flat rate or fixed FSC without an thorough analysis and a decision that is made by those who are better informed than most of us. If they invest in temp control containers to be hauled on Freight trailers, they are not going to waste that investment as much as they wouldn't waste the investment in a 747 cargo plane. If they change their direction of CC, it is not because there isn't a profit to be made but the resources that are used can be used to make a more consistent profit somewhere else.

Their problem isn't with the "bean counters", it is with the management of the company in the great place called Green. Even though many won't agree with me, they are mandated by the company to pull a specific number for revenue and if they don't, those who are in mid/upper management may not be there come next year.

We see things different. No need to go into it. I see short term profit taking. Just how I see it. Not that it matters. No one there gives a flip what I think or see.

I just have to look out for my business.


Expert Expediter
Well, I started this out just to see if any other insight rather than the "woe is me" attitude Phil has had lately would come out, and it did.

Also tried to give a little insight on what it was he could possibly be doing to better the position he is about to be in within the next month, 3 months, 6 months, or whatever short term time period in the near future. And what came out of it??

I am now on Phils infamous "you're beneath me" ignore list, and was called a troll on top of that too! :D

Honestly, Phil can look down his nose at me all day long if he wants to, I could care less. Fact is, his days of making the "Elite" money he was accustomed to making all these years with FDCC are coming to a close. The guy is about to get a dose of reality when it comes to Trend Changes in the trucking industry. Biggest problem he is going to have is trying to adjust his gameplan to move his experience and equipment to other avenues within the expediting industry. All these years of running that expensive equipment with blinders on, looking down upon other Expediters who were not running the same equipment he was, and refusing to learn how others, from Cargo Vans to E Units, operate to stay profitable is about to come up and take a big ole bite out of that Elite Mentality.

But, to call somebody a "Troll" without trying to get to know their background, or trying to learn a little more about where their insight may be coming from, and then placing them on their "ignore" list, just diplayed their true ignorance.

The inaccurate analogy is the equating FECC with the Titanic. FECC isn't sinking, even for the contractors. FECC may end up looking different, but it'll still be floating.

I agree, FDCC will possibly be a viable division within the FedEx corporation from here to infinity. But, to not see that the FedEx "WG-Tval" division is taking a whole other route to stop paying these "Elitist" contractors the big $$$ they have been over the years by placing company owned equipment in their place to cut costs down, is an issue some are just not getting yet. I'm an outsider, and I see it.

So yes, my analogy is that the WG-Tval contractors who are holding on for hope are just like the last of the people on the Titantic just before it sank. And, there just might not be any lifeboats (other carriers) left for them to jump ship to (move thier trucks to) when that division finally goes under cause others with more common sense decided to jump into the lifeboat at the first sign of water coming onto the ship itself.

Oh and Brisco, I read the other site and your posts, I don't believe you are the troll among us by any means.

I appreciate this.......

Which other board?? My Auto Expedite board? The LTL HotShot board? Just wondering. A few drivers from here pop up on the Auto board I moderate/admin.

Greg here, who may not be liked by all ;), at least takes the time to seek other "trucking" boards to look at. If he's followed me to any of my other boards, then he can tell each and every one of you here that I just may know what I'm talking about in certain areas. Just because I'm not behind the wheel of a CV or ST, it doesn't mean I don't understand the industry at all. Hell, this type of work would be a breeze to me. (Possibly - Look Below;))

Just keep in mind that it's been said here many times, in many ways, there are more people than can be counted who have all kinds of experience who think their knowledge and experience can be directly applied to expediting, and most of them end up being wrong and fail in expediting.

I'd almost bet I'd be quite successful right off the bat when it comes to Expediting. Push the rates up to what IOO LTL haulers make, and I'd be glad to give a try someday. Til that happens, I'll just sit back here in the shadows til I retire and have the need to travel around the country a bit in a CV making gas money.

So, I'm now Phils latest "ignored troll".......Sad, how sad. :D

Not my loss..............


Veteran Expediter
Their problem isn't with the "bean counters", it is with the management of the company in the great place called Green. Even though many won't agree with me, they are mandated by the company to pull a specific number for revenue and if they don't, those who are in mid/upper management may not be there come next year.
Management is not only mandated by the company(corporation), but even more so by the shareholders to pull a specific number for revenue. It all boils down to profit and return on investment.

I believe some parallels exist between Con-Way selling off their expedite unit 5 years ago and FedEx today. The ROI wasn't matching forecasts and that money could be better utilized investing in other business units.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well Brisco, you got some of it right, not all. It is not as cut and dry as you wish to make it. That's OK, you are entitled to your opinion. Just keep in mind that you are an outsider and don't see everything that is going on.

I know what Phil is speaking about, I am not happy with a lot of what is going on either.

Things may change back or not. That's business. As long as there are people out there willing to run for peanuts you will have these problems. They think they can make it up in volume, only to a point. Sooner or later running more miles for less dollars per mile will catch up. It always does. The result? Lower quality service, lower quality equipment and lower quality people. That is what always happens when lower pay levels are forced for what ever reason or no matter who forces them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe I saw somewhere there should have been $16 paid to the truck. If we are talking about "only" $16 then FX couldpay that to the truck from this week's QC overcharge, give it to the "customer" for free and everyone but FX is happy sine this week's QC profit from that unit was forfeited.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Fact is, there is no easy jump from FECC WG TVAL to another ship that does the same thing. Some carriers kinda sorta provides those services, but not really, not the same as FECC does. It's kinda like buying all the equipment to haul those big wind generator blades and housings, and then go looking to jump ship. There are no other ships, not like those.

True enough, but you should also recall that there was no such thing as TVAL freight when Diane and I entered the business as drivers of fleet-owner straight trucks. We prospered without it before and can again.

It's not quite like buying equipment to haul wind generator blades. The only thing that makes a TVAL truck a TVAL truck is the datalogger, four temperature probes, trained drivers and documented maintenance in which certified equipment is used to certify the truck's data probes and datalogger.

If we remove the TVAL capabilities from our truck, the only noticable difference will be a new space in the dashboard where the datalogger used to sit. If we again start hauling TVAL freight, a new datalogger would go in that place.
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