2006 was an entirely different time, with different conditions. It only took four years for the political pendulum to swing the other way, big time.
I don't think it was a different time at all, we faced economic issues that were solvable but no one wanted to solve them. The problems we faced are the same when you come down to it and there was and still is a distrust for congress - wasn't congress' approval ratings near the single digit at that time and the repubs who are the same ones today running around preaching cut spending, are the same ones who spent like mad in the years leading up to the 2006 election? Don't matter who is in there, they are the same people.
With the same thing happening in 2006 and today, the people are fed up with things, the parties don't seem to get the message - maybe they need to listen to Ron Paul or Herman Cain a bit?
The Senate didn't have as many candidates up for re-election, but they'll be GOP controlled after 2012.
So let's see...
With 37 seats up for grabs in the senate, the republicans only gained 6 seats. Which I can understand what the reasons were, they didn't impress those voters in those states to make even more of a move to the republican party.
So how do you think the 2012 election will go, what do you base this on? I mean with 33 seats up for grabs and it seems like a large number of them being dems won't be a shoe in that will gain the additional seats for the repubs to gain control and at that, a filibuster proof majority.
The Senate would actually would be even right now if it hadn't been for the Republican weaklings nominated in NV and DE.
I mean if you want to count them as could of's go for it but Nevada was Reid territory while Delaware is bidens so I would expect a dem to win.
The economy is already south, and the voters will definitely be governed by their pocketbook.
Yes it is but you know look around, we are moving right along with things, just because 15% of the people are unemployed, does not mean that the entire country is impacted by it. What I mean is when everyone takes a big bit of that ******* *** sandwich, it will a impact on the presidential race.
Actually, the GOP controlled House is doing pretty good at not compromising and is getting hammered by Obama and the MSM for it.
What drugs are you taking. They are doing a lousy job with the majority in the house. They allowed the debt ceiling to be raised, they put up a poorly planned budget, they have passed an extension to the transportation bill all without actually putting up a fight.
Maybe the Republican members of the Senate need to follow this same plan of action instead of trying to reach across the isle. The results of this so-called "Super Committee" will be crucial; it will be shocking if they don't get deadlocked and end up accomplishing nothing - which is exactly what Obama is planning on.
Well maybe but again if they continue to act like they do, what good are they?
yep you were wrong.You made a claim about what many of the new republicans and the old ran on then never once even brought it to the house floor.Which was shown to be false.Is it getting that tough that you have to go all the way back to the 06 election to make your point?
The 2006 election is relevant today as it was in 2010.
Greg the TEA PARTY has only been around for a very short time.They along with the other republicans in the house have not been called terrorist,Hostage takers,been told they can go straight to hell,lets take those S.O.Bs out because they have not been using their leverage.
Well I am not talking about the tea party crowd, I am talking about the republicans who have been entrenched in congress at the same time been strictly party line people.
There is a difference, most like Beohner is one such person, he is and has been part of the old guard that stops a lot of things from happening with the new ideas and the tea party people.
With republicans only controlling 1 part of the three parts of the government their has to be compromise.LIKE IT OR NOT.Even if they had total controll of washington there needs to be compromise.If there is no compromise then the gains they made will be short lived.With out compromise then WE wind up with a party that goes to extremes like they did in the first two years that This BEATABLE ONE was president.Yeah we welcome your input,we wont use it though because we have the votes to pass what we want so go away.
Well examine what I mean by compromise. Take the debt ceiling, where a lot of people were telling the republicans not to compromise and agree with some idea of cuts later on, that is the compromise I and others are tired of. The same goes for the supreme court conformations under Bush, the dems in the senate threaten to filibuster any and all nominees until their demands were met, some of them was to pass legislation that spent more money while many in the republican party went along with it, they expected the dems to allow other things to be passed later on but when the time came, the dems refused.
Politics is a game of compromise but see it is a game the dems are good at and the republican can't get it together enough to impact anything.
When the budget, last years budget was on the table, a lot of the tea party people were saying it is time we put a stop to some of this crap and stood firm until the party told them to sit down and shut up. I was one who thought it was the right thing to do not to pass a budget extension because it came time for the republicans to stand for something but instead caved because the dems made them look like the idiots.
It is early in the process.To early for any of the candidates to be putting their cards on the table.This is how the process works.If it were a republican in the white house the democrats would be going through the same process.One of the biggest reasons the republicans have made the gains they have is because THEY HAVE EXPOSED THE THINGS OBAMA HAS DONE.
Well I understand it is early in the process but see here is the thing, Paul Ryan took an idea and ran with it, he did the right thing by presenting a plan, talking about it, defending it and than trying to get it passed. IF one of those on that panel did something like that - Bachmann and Paul are the two I am thinking - then they would prove that they have something going on other than rhetoric and fluff (yes even ron paul)
BUT see the independent voter isn't fooled like the republican party mutt who follows along or votes in the primary, they know what Obama is but more importantly want to see the proof that the other person is not JUST better as they say that they are but more transparent than Obama and can prove it before the ballot is cast. No matter how you want to spin it, that is how it seems to be - fire one to get something worse is wearing thin for most who are just tired of the BS.
Talk about SPIN. what the persident promised on the campgain trail does not matter you say.Yet what the republicans promised on the campgian trail does you say.
No spin, I think you need to look around a bit and not depend on the fox/polls to understand how people feel.