Fake moral ethics? What a load of hypocritical deep fried horse hockey. You lost all credibility with the "weak one with a habit that controls them" comment. Putting aside the oh, so superior because you have no vices, none, you're perfect in every way, attitude for a moment, you're adamant about not being "unfairly restricted by someone's vice," yet you have no problem whatsoever is restricting someone else, and you justify it by you being not-weak and they being weak. You are cloaking the want and need to tell others what to do in the guise of our own fake moral ethics, justifying it by flatly stating that you have that right because they are weak and you are not. Unbelievable.
Yes, we as a society want clean air, healthy lungs (personally I'd like other body parts to be healthy, as well) and the right not to have to be subjected to someone's fowl habit. We as a society includes smokers, and we as a society have to learn to get along with we as a society. We as a society are not subjected to anyone's fowl habits unless we as a society allow ourselves to be subjected to it. We as a society can stand up and walk out rather than subjecting ourselves to someone's fowl habit. But we as a society won't do that because we as a society would rather feel all superior and tell others what to do and how to act, because we as a society are, in our own minds, at least, absolutely superior because we don't live in glass houses and have all our ducks in a row, therefor we are superior, and have no problems looking down upon the weaklings and feeling all warm and fuzzy for it.
I don't drink, and I don't like drunks. I don't hang out in a lot of bars, either.
Drinking is a fowl habit. Lets boil this grain, let it rot, then drink the runoff. That's disgusting. No, someone drinking doesn't hurt me, or my lungs, but a drunk might drink and drive, and a drunk has lost their inhibitions and some get violent, and may hurt me much more severely and much more immediately than some yahoo's second hand smoke on the other side of a restaurant.
And coffee drinkers. Don't get me started on those weak slimeballs, letting the caffeine rule their lives, yellow their teeth and constantly slurping while you try to talk to them, not to mention all that time in lost productivity going to and from the coffee machine, and all that wasted fuel tracking down a Green Goddess storefront. Just deplorable, nasty, disgusting, fowl.
Knuckle-crackers, meat eaters, nail biters, nose pickers and butt scratchers, hair twirlers, lip lickers, whiners and complainers, pencil chewers and premature ejaculators, right along with people who think they're superior are all gross and disgusting and we need to keep them away from we as a society. The list goes on, and on, and on. Are you on it? What will you do when we as a society comes for you?