Stop Smoking Now!!!


Veteran Expediter
Oh boy… look at the emotions. I’ve got a lot of reasons to be on one side of this, the side people take that forces businesses to not allow it at all but I don’t feel that way; I have principles about basic rights that go past any political party and they have not changed in 30 years.

Well my point is simple, a business owner has the right to choose what they want to do on their property, and no one forces anyone to be a patron of any business.

No WAY should a business be dictated to by anyone government unless they are holding something like a Russian roulette competition with a one shot pistol where someone gets hurt. Maybe extending that to karaoke.

It goes back to the very basic rights of what our country was built on – FREEDOM.

As Leo has in his signature – “support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.” Well property rights is what that constitution was based on, not a democracy not anything else but the freedom to do with your property as you see fit, be it a business owner or a home owner. Read about what the revolution was all about, read about Kelo V. New London and how no one gets that our constitution is in danger of being changed for the worst.

Once we start eroding the base of the constitution, regardless what the subject is, then everything we do can be controlled by our government. It already happens in places like New York where a couple of lawyers are suing an old lady because of her habits behind her closed doors.

I am not surprise that people just don’t get it, it has nothing to do with the habit or the people who don’t like the smell or anything like that – it comes down to two things; either you want the freedom to choose a path and treat everyone equal or you want to hand over your life decisions to a government based on what they feel is right for you. There is no in-between.

I remember a comment that I read from a group of people who did exactly what is happening here but it had to do with food;

Nutrition is not a private matter

It was printed in a manual for young people during the 1930’s and it was extended to tobacco use and even a religion. The basis for the comment was to control the behavior of people so to allow them to conform to a specific ideology. The person who was in charge of making sure that the children understood it was Baldur von Schirach, the head of the Hitler Youth.

I see exact thing happening here, we start with one behavior, then another and then another. Where would it stop? Guns are bad, so we must regulate Guns – only Guns that can’t shoot will be sold. Food is bad, bring on the Soylent Green and everyone will have a very nutritious meal, yum……

DO we really want to go down the Fascist path here?

Apparently some do want to see government involved with things they should not be.

As for Helmets and cycles, I don’t see a difference with a motor cycle or a car. Insurance is not magical source of money; it is an accumulated monetary fund that everyone puts money into and if you have a high risk of getting hurt, than you need to pay a lot more than I do who does not ride without a helmet. I think closed head injuries are costly and insurance companies don’t’ take them as serious as they should. What really gets me is knowing a person who was driving reckless without a helmet, lost control and ended up in a coma for 8 months, still can’t walk well but the insurance company is footing the bill for a lot of stuff at the same time I have a relative who was t-boned in his van, he was strapped in, never had a ticket or an accident in his life but his family has been fighting the same insurance company just to pay some of the bills, he suffered type of injury, was in the hospital for longer and will never drive again. Why? If the insurance company is worried about not paying a claim, the reckless driver should be the one who should have limited coverage. I see no reason for a primary seatbelt law without a nation wide helmet law – BUT get rid of one, I will agree to the other. The point is if you are so convinced that there should be a seatbelt law as there is a child seat law and other laws but feel that a helmet law is an infringement, well that’s just plain twisted.


Veteran Expediter
Why isn't there the same concern for all the women, children, and families' lives who have been devastated by alcohol and gambling? The affected parties aren't always the ones actually doing it, but many a life has been ruined by the effect of someone who did. Car crashes, life injuries, divorce, losing your home, losing your children. Why are the alcoholics and gambling addicts allowed to devastate the lives of others freely, while the nicotine addict can't find a corner to smoke alone in any more without feeling and being treated like a leper.
Not that I'm defending smokers, just saying, there are other things which negatively affect the lives of others, which the government seems to be happy to leave alone.


Expert Expediter
Pj, maybe the government leaves the alcohol alone because so many of them are either users or abusers!:rolleyes:

If you remember the goverment tried that once .....Didnt work. Im just scared because I dont think People now a days have near the back bone they had in the past. I maybe wrong but it seems like people now, are to willing to give up some of their rights and follow like sheep more so than they were in the past.
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Expert Expediter
I've been home for a month now watching my wife die a slow painful death from lung cancer. It was her choice to smoke, so yes, her fault.
Here in Phoenix, they have several tv spots with people who use meth and what it does to their lives. I wish the same message was out there on smoking with all the graphics like the meth ads.
I know my wife and probaly all other smokers know that smoking is bad, but, do they really know what a death from lung cancer is really like. I don't think so.
Several of us interacted with John O as he suffered this horrible diease and we wish we could have done something. I watch my wife cry and panic because she can't get her breath and I wish I could do anything,but I can't. I can however tell everyone how horrible this death is and maybe one person will stop smoking and save themselves and family from this.
Several have e-mailed and offered support and prayers. Cancer has moved to the brain and we are doing radiation now. My wife has decided not to continue the other cancer treatment as she is tired of fighting this battle. The brain treatments are basically keeping the brain working, while the cancer destroys the rest of her body. The doc's have given her 2-3 more months of "life", but we are hopeful the lord takes her sooner and stops her suffering. Again,thanks for the support.
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Expert Expediter
We can say whatever we want about the different legal issues regarding smoking, but when you look at the personal stories we have here, sometimes you have to set aside the arguments and offer what support you can, whether it's a kind word, a shoulder to cry on, or prayer. While I do think that people who smoke aren't making the wisest decision, my heart goes out to folks who are suffering the way you describe. I saw two of my grandparents go this way. It's not easy to deal with. My prayers are with you.


Veteran Expediter
Don't smokers ever think about people who have allergies and might go into an asthma attack at the mere smell of smoke? My sister has sever allergies and can't even go into places where they were smoking hours ago. Is this fair to say, well you can just go find another restaraunt. We can't walk outside to smoke. I used to smoke a long time ago, and never once smoked in my cars or house. Only outside, and it didnt break my legs. Also, what about the children? Does anyone care about subjecting poor little babies to the stuff? I hate seeing little kids all stuck in a smoke filled car. I think people should have to smoke outside. I hate it at the truck stops when you go to get a shower, and you smell good, and then have to breathe smoke through the vents because someone can't wait to get outside. Or when I'm doing laundry....I don't want my clothes or truck smelling like smoke, and I don't see any problem with that. I smoked before, and didn't subject other people in my life to it.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I think it is basically an issue of responsibility. I am a "closet smoker".
I don't smoke in our cars, home, trucks, motels and the like.
But I might have one outside, in a bar, or maybe a casino.
Is that infringing? Maybe, maybe not.
If one smells smoke or knows of a establishment that allows it, don't go. The nonsmoker isn't entitled to any more rights than the smoker as long as both know "where is, and where isn't.
Same issue on excessive taxation on smokers. What do we do with obesity. Tax one......then tax the over eater, over polluter, over drinker, gambler, and the list goes on.
People fail to use common sense and focus on their own agenda.
Whats next? Move everyone out of Beijing and NYC because the air is a little cloudy? Who decides? Which is worse? Bus fumes or cigarettes? decides if they go there or not.
I personally don't think any one should smoke, but I think there are many other priorities.
Again, this is my personal observation with regards to infringing on someones right to do what they want whether I like it or not.
I am also mindful that it does affect people differently.
Case in point........a recent story of a British man who ran a marathon at 101 years of age that drank beer everyday, and smoked 14 cigarettes a day. Again....just an observation.
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Veteran Expediter
Wallytrucker: I was in touch with JohnO during the last weeks of his life, and I sat with my beloved Dad as he died from lung cancer, so I can understand how tough this time is for you and your wife - please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers now. As is Frieghtchaser, who wants only to help others avoid the misery he is dealing with.
Thank you to both you guys, for trying to be on the side of the angels - I hope the message will get through to some.


Veteran Expediter
Not all smokers are disrespectful with their bad habit. I would never dream of smoking in someone's home because I don't smoke in my own. Not even if they smoke in their home. It just doesn't feel right. I've tried quitting but haven't been succesful. I'll keep trying. In the smoking cessation that I went to at the VA the Nurse told us every time we tried to quit and didn't stay quit it was just practice for when we finally quit for good. Basiclly saying don't beat yourself up if you don't succed the first time just try again.


Veteran Expediter
Something all you "we have rights" people might want to consider. For one group to have rights, another group has theirs taken away. Just remember us smokers are fighting for our rights right now. If you choose to ignore that, it may be us who ignore you when you're fighting for something you believe in.

And those who believe they have a right to clean air... you're kidding yourselves!!! Come over to my house and look at the roofs in my neighborhood. You'll see dark streaks on light shingles. Know what that is? It's jet fuel! Those big planes can't land with fuel in their tanks, so they are required to DUMP IT! And it ends up on OUR roofs, on OUR cars, and in OUR lungs. The rights you think you have are an illusion. Even the ones in the Constitution are an illusion, as no one on Capitol Hill seems to care about them anymore.

Guess what. You don't even have a right to retire on Social Security after you spend your life paying into it.

Wake up!


Expert Expediter
The rights you think you have are an illusion. Even the ones in the Constitution are an illusion, as no one on Capitol Hill seems to care about them anymore.

And as long as people fall in line and let them take more of our rights away the worse it will get.
Marijuana card
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Seasoned Expediter
The rights you think you have are an illusion. Even the ones in the Constitution are an illusion, as no one on Capitol Hill seems to care about them anymore.

And as long as people fall in line and let them take more of our rights away the worse it will get.


The same people that are tying off to slam some junk or selling dope to kids probably say the same thing, but it wont fly.
People are tired of people like you that marches the "My constitutional right" march. But bottom line is that if what you do harms others, specially children, we will put a stop to it. As you have no right what so ever to pollute my air, harm my child's young lungs. I am sorry for the addicted people that are dying from this horrible evil habit. It is probably due to the same people that are lining their pockets with oil money as some of us hard working people are losing homes and business's. The very company that sells tobacco makes money off of drugs and other products that help you kick it. It is all about the rich get rich off the ignorant working class that was fooled into thinking it was cool or I can stay skinny thing to do. Yea, you get real skinny when you are going through various cancer treatments.

It is your right to end your life if you so wish. But do not come near me with even a puff, as you will be puffing out the other end. :D


Expert Expediter

The same people that are tying off to slam some junk or selling dope to kids probably say the same thing, but it wont fly.
People are tired of people like you that marches the "My constitutional right" march. But bottom line is that if what you do harms others, specially children, we will put a stop to it. As you have no right what so ever to pollute my air, harm my child's young lungs. I am sorry for the addicted people that are dying from this horrible evil habit. It is probably due to the same people that are lining their pockets with oil money as some of us hard working people are losing homes and business's. The very company that sells tobacco makes money off of drugs and other products that help you kick it. It is all about the rich get rich off the ignorant working class that was fooled into thinking it was cool or I can stay skinny thing to do. Yea, you get real skinny when you are going through various cancer treatments.

It is your right to end your life if you so wish. But do not come near me with even a puff, as you will be puffing out the other end. :D

Dang You sound mad I thought we we having a friendly chat...........Now a threat???

So what you are saying is that people are tired of their Constutional Rights and the Goverment should make us only do things that are good for us??

No one is forcing you to go into a Business that allows smoking.

I never said smoking was a good idea but I will support someones right to do so.

People getting rich off cigarettes and oil thats the american way, If people didnt want the stuff no one would be getting rich from it.

Sorry Im not very Liberal in my thinking
Washington Medical Marijuana Dispensary
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Seasoned Expediter
So you don't think smoking around someone who is severely allergic or a baby is a threat? As far as I concerned it is a big threat, it is a big, I dont care about what you want or feel as long as I am getting what I want.

There is nothing friendly about your selfish comments that assumes I should not patronize a business so you and other people that think like you can pollute the air that other non smokers breathe. What kind of right is that? Look at China, that is what your restaurants and bars look like. Maybe the stuff does kill brain cells if your thinking is that's o.k.

I am not mad, or angry, just absolutely flabbergasted over your thought process. So I hope this is just about reaction, which you have gotten.


Expert Expediter
So you don't think smoking around someone who is severely allergic or a baby is a threat? As far as I concerned it is a big threat, it is a big, I dont care about what you want or feel as long as I am getting what I want.

There is nothing friendly about your selfish comments that assumes I should not patronize a business so you and other people that think like you can pollute the air that other non smokers breathe. What kind of right is that? Look at China, that is what your restaurants and bars look like. Maybe the stuff does kill brain cells if your thinking is that's o.k.

I am not mad, or angry, just absolutely flabbergasted over your thought process. So I hope this is just about reaction, which you have gotten.

I never said it was Ok to smoke around someone that is allergic or a baby. YOU said it, You dont care about what any one wants or feels as long as you get what you want.........................

I guess I dont understand, So you think you should patronize a business that allows smoking and then complain about it?? If I felt as strong about it as you do I would never give them my Business I would go else where. If they allowed something that I didnt agree with or sold something that I dont aprove of I just wont go there. But I wouldnt try to stop them. ITS THEIR BUSINESS... And it wouldnt succeed if there wasnt a market for it.
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Veteran Expediter
Those of you that believe a person should be able to smoke wherever, whenever they want and the non-smokers need to stay out of the way of that.......let's take this discussion out of the smoking world and look at another example.

What if a person is wondering around with a highly communicable disease. There are many instances of the CDC getting involved to remove the infected person from the general population. Now I'm not saying that I think smokers should be moved to a deserted island so don't go crazy on that, I'm asking, for the purpose of discussion, what is the difference? If you being in my space makes me ill, what is the difference?