Should this Forum be renamed?


Veteran Expediter
For example: the irony of those who prefer to engage in reasoned debate on any given subject being called "koolaid drinkers" by those whose argument consists of trendy [and shallow] labels.... :rolleyes:
Yeah ..... you just couldn't make that one up ..... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter


Veteran Expediter
The above could be a really good example of trying to shut-down debate when either the messenger or the message is unwelcome.

Dunno really .... jus' sayin' ......


Veteran Expediter
It's not the topic of what is posted (at least to me, although it is getting tiring). Its the constant barrage of clip art with no intention of ever discussing the thread. It (The forum) just turns out to be a ranting session.
Double Bingo !!!

Pick something that you want to debate and debate it.
Perish the thought !

You mean we are actually supposed to exercise the grey matter and actually think about this stuff ?

Reason for ourselves and formulate an unique opinion, which we then might share with others ?

Noooooo !!!

Please Jim - say it ain't so !
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Veteran Expediter
I have to ask, is it the fact that he cuts and pastes or is it what he cuts and pastes that bothers you? It always cracks me up when people want to knock material from blogs, like our normal media is so good at fact checking or have no bias. These days the only difference between a blog and big media is the money they make. They all have their agendas.

If you do not like what chef does just put him on ignore or do not open any threads started by him. Problem solved.

Xiggi, you came late to the dance, most all of your questions have been answered already. But for me, its the amount and the one theme.

I will have to admit that the media seems to all have an agenda, but at least I have an idea what their agenda is. But when it is some blogger from "" why would I or anyone else give it any credibility to what that guy says.

The same goes for Dennis when he says that he doesn't know or care if what he is posting is true or correct.


Veteran Expediter
If you do not like what chef does just put him on ignore or do not open any threads started by him. Problem solved.

For a minute there, I thought xiggi had the answer.. to not bother opening any threads started by 'him'. Yay! That way, one could still perhaps receive the valuable information 'he' has, like the one about United Mexican States (hello?), and ignore the wallpaper.. but wait! Then all the posts by others in response to the wallpaper would also be missed! So that won't work.

So how about this idea? It's mostly what I've been doing, cuz I don't have time to read the unknown author blogs. And if I have time to read blogs at all, they're not going to be about guns or Obama. Drive by the ones started by 'him', unless you see a response from someone on your respected-poster list. Would that work?

DoggieDaddy you're right, Doug and the other guy did it to themselves. However IMHO, it WAS somewhat refreshing to have a couple with opposing points of view who were not afraid to speak up.


Veteran Expediter
Is this something akin to ...... wait for it ....... coming right about now:
Move along folks, nothing here to see. Just pass on by, avert your eyes.
Heheheheh .... all the more ironic, when you consider who posted it ..... :D

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
All right folks this thread has become non productive,and I have decided to lock it.....Oh wait,that's Leo's job.......Leo,in here.


Veteran Expediter
..... probably not ..... :D

But you are under consideration for:

The EO Weekly "Best Use Of A Stick To Poke Someone In The Eye Award"

...... for your recent contribution in the "Panther On The Road" thread ;)

That is just precious, isn't it?


Veteran Expediter
Double Bingo !!!

Perish the thought !

You mean we are actually supposed to exercise the grey matter and actually think about this stuff ?

Reason for ourselves and formulate an unique opinion, which we then might share with others ?

Noooooo !!!

Please Jim - say it ain't so !

I'm pleased to in form you that it is so, and I hope that this discussion can help in some small but meaningful way help those that would like nothing more than to agree with only their narrow minded "friends".:D

Open debate is not plastering the website with meaningless drivel. So what say we start a conversation about an interesting topic that all can join in on?


Veteran Expediter
That is just precious, isn't it?
Hehehehe ... yeah .... it's an Animal Farm thing:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

I'm always real impressed when the rules made up for the general population, don't seem to apply to certain others - it's kinda like when Congress passes laws - and then promptly exempts themselves from the very yoke that they told us we now have to live under.

It's a really outstanding way to bolster one's moral authority .... NOT ........ :rolleyes:

The only thing that is perhaps even richer, is to hear someone when caught at it, then justify why it's really ok ..... :D
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Veteran Expediter
"Let Poland be Poland.".....(Ronald Reagan)
"Let Dennis be Dennis."..... (aristotle)

Dennis, when the EO headhunters come looking for your scalp, make sure they leave with nothing but a finger. Draw strength from their scorn. I will defend your right to post as you bring no harm or malice here.

Xiggi...., well done.

As much as I'd like to participate, gotta a load from Grand Rapids to Texas. I'll check in on you later, Dennis.


Veteran Expediter
Problem with folks using the 'ignore' feature, [or simply refraining from comment] is that generally, silence is construed as agreement, because people tend to speak more readily to object than to agree.
No one wants to drive the Chef [or anyone else, I hope] away - we just want the Soapbox to be as it was conceived: a place for discussion, debate, and reasoned argument.


Veteran Expediter
Gregory, Gregory, Gregory It's not the topic of what is posted (at least to me, although it is getting tiring). Its the constant barrage of clip art with no intention of ever discussing the thread. It (The forum) just turns out to be a ranting session. Pick something that you want to debate and debate it.


Man, I know what you are saying but to counter it, you have to create threads about other subjects or other points of view.

If he is the only one creating the threads, then he is the only creating the threads - get what I am saying?

Diversity doesn't come from the posts on one or two threads, it comes from the threads themselves.

Cheri, I agree with you and James that it is one sided and that is where the word participation comes into play. Without you and others telling some of the members that you don't agree with their post on a subject, goes right back to that word - participation. Without it, without you posting, it does get boring and fast.

I would not expect anyone to sit through and post on every thread. You have to pick what you are concern about or what hits you as wrong.

The amazing thing is with 506 views and 77 posts to this thread, it proves exactly what I am saying.


Veteran Expediter
we just want the Soapbox to be as it was conceived: a place for discussion, debate, and reasoned argument.

So I don't see what the problem is, because it is... unless you don't want to participate. :)

Well sort of, reasoned argument? I don't know about that, emotion gets involved and reason sometimes gets pushed out.