Should this Forum be renamed?


Veteran Expediter
"Let Poland be Poland.".....(Ronald Reagan)
"Let Dennis be Dennis."..... (aristotle)

Dennis, when the EO headhunters come looking for your scalp, make sure they leave with nothing but a finger. Draw strength from their scorn. I will defend your right to post as you bring no harm or malice here.

Xiggi...., well done.

As much as I'd like to participate, gotta a load from Grand Rapids to Texas. I'll check in on you later, Dennis.

verb [ trans. ]
feel or express contempt or derision for : he accused America of scorning the Arab nation. See note at despise .
• reject (something) in a contemptuous way : opponents scorned Noriega's offer to negotiate.
• [ intrans. ] refuse to do something because one is too proud : at her lowest ebb, she would have scorned to stoop to such tactics.

Nope not scorn. Disagree with. yep


Veteran Expediter
If he is the only one creating the threads, then he is the only creating the threads - get what I am saying?

I get it ..... and I don't disagree ..... but:

Never underestimate the ability of a lone individual to bury a forum, or a thread, under a mountain of spam - if that is their intention ...... :rolleyes:

Diversity doesn't come from the posts on one or two threads, it comes from the threads themselves.
That's true - but it's also true that one can post such a mountain of crap that it absolutely trivializes the idea of having a reasoned, substantive dialog ..... not to mention making it very difficult just as a practical matter (pushes threads down the page, eventually pushing them off 1st page of a forum ... where it requires more effort to go and find them and dig them up)

You see the practical effect of this with the actions of some, who under multiple screen names post some BS thread with no purpose (other than to pull the wool over the eyes of some and to attempt to make fools of them): they do it by repeatedly posting some inane comment just to bump the thread back up to the top of a forum to keep it out there.

It shouldn't be a contest wherein a single individual seeks to prove that they can outdo all others, in terms of making theirs the single voice that, from a practical standpoint, can be the only one that is heard.
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Veteran Expediter
Here is an idea... The group of us could suggest topics for debate, then by Sunday evening we take a poll and whatever topic receives most votes, Friday at noon... debate will begin. If you state something as a fact, back it up with a link or a source. You'll have all week to research the topic so that you can debate and win over people of the opposite view. The subject matter that we will debate can be anything from current events, trucking or anything in between.

You want debate? This might be an interesting way to properly debate a subject and be able to back up your point of view with thought out answers and facts to back up your opinion.

This could be a weekly event. So what do you say? Give me some ideas to take a poll on...
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Veteran Expediter
Greg: it is because we'd like to participate that we find the deluge so distasteful - to repeat: who has time to refute even one tenth of the crap?

Aristotle: Xiggi's comment was countered by several members already - have you got anything besides namecalling [headhunters] and immature posturing [draw back a finger ?!] to contribute? Because there's waaaay too much of that already. :(
Oh, and please point out where anyone said they don't want Dennis to contribute - I, for one, said exactly the opposite.


Veteran Expediter
It sounds like for a lot of people in EO land reading chef's cut and paste threads is like having a sore tooth in your mouth. You know it is going to hurt when you touch it with your tongue but you still can't resist the urge.


Veteran Expediter
It sounds like for a lot of people in EO land reading chef's cut and paste threads is like having a sore tooth in your mouth. You know it is going to hurt when you touch it with your tongue but you still can't resist the urge.
You assume that they are getting read ...... methinks that, for many, that is not the case at all - some just look (at the sheer number of threads started, not their content) and then ask themselves:

"Why bother ?" :(


Veteran Expediter
So, I'll take a topic off the front page of the news.

The Senate is debating if and how to limit the pay of Insurance company executives.

Should the Government be allowed to limit pay?
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Veteran Expediter
So do you have a subject? I guess you could debate global warming but the true facts are not available.

The silence is deafening.
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highway star

Veteran Expediter
It's funny this issue is being discussed now, the guy's only started 3 threads in the last 2 weeks.

Having said that, I'm surprised there's anyone here who'd give any credibility to a guy who admits he has no idea if what he posts is true. Blogs as a legitimate news source? Sounds like a major "Nerdy McKeyboard" to me.


Veteran Expediter
It's funny this issue is being discussed now, the guy's only started 3 threads in the last 2 weeks.

Having said that, I'm surprised there's anyone here who'd give any credibility to a guy who admits he has no idea if what he posts is true. Blogs as a legitimate news source? Sounds like a major "Nerdy McKeyboard" to me.

Highway Star... your observation of 3 threads in 2 weeks is noteworthy. I don't see a problem with Dennis' posts. He selects whatever interests him and puts it out there in hopes of starting a conversation. He participates and he breaks no rules whatsoever. He makes no pretense to scholarship or journalism. Dennis takes a lot of heat, but rarely, if ever, complains.


Veteran Expediter
Greg: it is because we'd like to participate that we find the deluge so distasteful - to repeat: who has time to refute even one tenth of the crap?

Aristotle: Xiggi's comment was countered by several members already - have you got anything besides namecalling [headhunters] and immature posturing [draw back a finger ?!] to contribute? Because there's waaaay too much of that already. :(
Oh, and please point out where anyone said they don't want Dennis to contribute - I, for one, said exactly the opposite.
It's Splitsville for you and me Cheri!! Our secret relationship is officially over. Now, I can go public with our breakup. Let people talk, I don't care.

I got to hand it to you... you are without peers at the giftgiving level. I am returning the magnetized necklace and rusty lawn darts you sent for my birthday. I don't think you ever really cared. Go ahead, deny everything. Lose my number. (Sobs).


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It's a shame that Turtle is missing this, loving irony as he does.
I'm not really missing it. I've been loaded and runnin', but have been reading and been pseudo-participating via a cell phone proxy. :D

The cut-n-paste of entire articles, once in a while, especially if they are short, especially if you think it might interest others in the community, is fine. Nothing wrong with that. It often sparks debate or thought or is in some way a contribution to the community. However, when post after post contains essentially nothing but aggregated articles from the Web quoted in their entirety, the sheer amount of screen real estate and mousing around that it takes to navigate the forum threads stifles both interest and intelligent debate. To further stifle debate and interest is when article after article deals with essentially the same topic.

Now, all this is pretty bad, but when you pile on the fact that most of the articles are not even posted to spark debate, but rather to invoke an emotional response from readers, all possibilities for debate, intelligent or otherwise, are lost, and the posts devolve to nothing more than trolling. Add to the mix the fact that the articles are rarely, if ever checked for accuracy, and not only is it trolling and rude, it's irresponsible and reckless. And, it's a disservice to the other members of the community.

I'm a free speech kinda guy and enjoy rigorous debate, but it is my opinion that the quality level of debate in the Soapbox Forum has degraded immensely since Dennis began cut-n-pasting entire articles that are accompanied by comments that amount to little more than a mindless giggity, "This article rulz! It's awesome, Dood!"

Comments to begin the debate, along with simple links to the articles, would be a far better way to engage others. It would get your own opinion out there, invite others to add theirs, and in the end everyone learns something whether they agree with the points made in the debate or not. Merely regurgitating the opinions of others isn't very inviting, nor educational, since most people simply tune that out.

Can you imagine going to Google and doing a search, and then instead of summaries and links to Web pages, you were instead buried under a deluge of entire Web pages? No one would go to Google very often. That's what's happening here. People may click on a Forum topic link, which generates a "page view", but that doesn't mean the contents of the page was actually read. Instead, people see a screenfull of cut-n-pasted drivel that doesn't even leave room, much less invite comments for debate. It's an in-you-face, read this dаmnit!, one-way conversation.

Reasoned people do not communicate this way. When you post lengthy articles, especially in repeated fashion, you are demanding a significant amount of time from the reader. It had better be interesting, or entertaining, otherwise you are wasting people's time. And if you are wasting people's time, then the post itself is a waste of time and space.

The ironic (and sad) thing is that he thinks he's doing people a favor by providing them with content from Web sites that they wouldn't normally visit. He's not. Why he feels he has a calling to do this, I have no idea. But it reminds me of a street preacher who will stand toe to toe with you, then lean in a little, and just scream scripture at you. If you can seize upon a pause and ask the screamer what it all means, he'll just scream more scripture at you, 'cause he don't know.


Veteran Expediter
It's Splitsville for you and me Cheri!! Our secret relationship is officially over. Now, I can go public with our breakup. Let people talk, I don't care.

I got to hand it to you... you are without peers at the giftgiving level. I am returning the magnetized necklace and rusty lawn darts you sent for my birthday. I don't think you ever really cared. Go ahead, deny everything. Lose my number. (Sobs).

I'm really sorry to hear that, Ari - but remind me again: which one are you? :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Maybe we can undo this Gordian knot in the same way the original was undone: just cleave it in two.
We could have a SOAP section for Serious Argument Only Please, and a BOX section for Blame it On Xiggi [sorry for singling you out, Xig, when there are so many to choose from, but the acronym won't work any other way] where anything goes - no need to consider whether it's accurate or even interesting.
Whatchu think?
Yeah, I know - I have waaay too much time to think up stupid stuff.....:D



Veteran Expediter
Pour yourself into your work, Cheri. We gave it our best. Find a Kentuckian who'll carry lots of water for ya. OOPS... you already got that covered. *L*

Aaaah - it's coming back to me now [along with the motive for the rusty lawn darts] You're the one that attributed my every success to some outside intervention, as if I wasn't capable of attaining it all by my little old self.
You can keep the darts - I've got plenty more *L* ;)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Chef has admitted that he has NO IDEA whether any of the cut & paste articles are 'truth', so you're barking up the wrong tree there, Mutt.

When Chef cuts and pastes articles he DOES give his comments about said post right? That is all that is required correct?