Should this Forum be renamed?

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter

Jammin Jim stated a position, and I commented on it - you have a problem with that?

Not at all, I was merely suggesting a simple solution to what you consider to be a problem here on the forum.

I believe the chef has a right to post anything that he wishes,as long as it falls into compliance with the rules and there is really not a thing you can do about it.

I also believe that you have the right to think that posting "cut and paste" articles is a rude thing to do,but again,there is not a thing you can do about it.


Veteran Expediter
Not at all, I was merely suggesting a simple solution to what you consider to be a problem here on the forum.
Ahhhh, yeeeaah ..... but that's not a solution ..... (you misunderstand the problem)

I believe the chef has a right to post anything that he wishes,as long as it falls into compliance with the rules and there is really not a thing you can do about it.
.... it's really more like that Ron White routine:

"They told me I had the right to remain silent ... but I just didn't have the ability ..."

I also believe that you have the right to think that posting "cut and paste" articles is a rude thing to do,but again,there is not a thing you can do about it.
.... and nana-nana-boo-boo ..... :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
For me it has little to do with agreeing with or disagreeing with the topic of the thread. But it gets tiresome to see an entire page of posts all the same subject, same theme, just a rehash from a lot of Obama haters that most people have never heard of. If you find the same subject but it's an article from the WSJ or a reputable organization great. Post it comment on it state your views and lets discuss.

But the constant name calling (by posting crap about Obama) reminds me of a bunch of second graders ragging on the red headed kid. Twenty posts half of which are from dubious sources does nothing. Five hundred threads since April of this year.

Face it our guy didn't win, we'll get them next election.

Well I kind of agree with you on this point and this is what I am driving at, not just about Chef but in general with others too. The line for me is the suorce and the idea of a reputable organization being used is where the problem is for me.

See Jim I don't view the legitimacy of many of the former news outlets simply because they are as 'evil' as the blogs you are pointing out. They shifted from objective journalism to opinion journalism and they are as good as a review of Rachel Ray by Martha Stewart is.


Veteran Expediter
Not at all, I was merely suggesting a simple solution to what you consider to be a problem here on the forum.
I'd already suggested a solution: the Chef can email the articles to those who appreciate his 'finding' them. Though it reminds me of the saying "Give a man a fish, etc"
It's also highly ironic that you offer advice that you don't take yourself, eh? [You're not ignoring my comments, for example.]

I believe the chef has a right to post anything that he wishes,as long as it falls into compliance with the rules and there is really not a thing you can do about it.
Of course he has the right, and everyone else has the right to comment.

I also believe that you have the right to think that posting "cut and paste" articles is a rude thing to do,but again,there is not a thing you can do about it.
Actually, there is: I can stand up and say so, which is what I did.
And just for clarification: posting cut & paste isn't rude in and of itself - it becomes rude when it floods, wallpapers, or otherwise dominates a forum, as it has done in this case.


Veteran Expediter
You could click the ignore button,or simply skip by the posts that you don't like. But I guess that would be too simple eh?

No Daddy that isn't to hard, and I do skip by 95% of Dennis's posts. But on the rare occasion that he posts something TRUE and informative then I would miss out on a possible great conversation.

But wouldn't fewer TRUE posts with his own words telling what he actually thought about a topic be more effective. It's hard to take a guy seriously when he has stated that he does not have a clue if what he is posting is correct and doesn't care if it's based on any facts. Because he hasn't broken a written rule. Just one of common sense.
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Veteran Expediter
posting cut & paste isn't rude in and of itself - it becomes rude when it floods, wallpapers, or otherwise dominates a forum, as it has done in this case.
Yeah, exactly .... and besides: I mean why bother actually having a conversation with someone .... when you can just drown them out instead ? ..... :D


Veteran Expediter
Originally Posted by cheri1122
posting cut & paste isn't rude in and of itself - it becomes rude when it floods, wallpapers, or otherwise dominates a forum, as it has done in this case.

Rlent said.
Yeah, exactly .... and besides: I mean why bother actually having a conversation with someone .... when you can just drown them out instead ? .....

All without saying anything.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
Actually, there is: I can stand up and say so, which is what I did.
And just for clarification: posting cut & paste isn't rude in and of itself - it becomes rude when it floods, wallpapers, or otherwise dominates a forum, as it has done in this case.

And I agree you have the right to say it,just as the chef has the right to keep on doing exactly what he is doing.



Veteran Expediter
And I agree you have the right to say it,just as the chef has the right to keep on doing exactly what he is doing.


So do you support/agree with what the Chef is doing? Or do you just think it's one of his rights? Or both?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You could click the ignore button,or simply skip by the posts that you don't like. But I guess that would be too simple eh?

Exactly. Must be stange concept for some. Maybe it is because Chef posts things that some people don't want to know the truth about and don't want other people to know the truth about. :D I think your posts hit a nerve Chef. Time to redouble your efforts.:D


Veteran Expediter
Exactly. Must be stange concept for some.
Exactly: it is a strange concept, the 'ignore' feature - that's what people do when THEY don't want to know.
Maybe it is because Chef posts things that some people don't want to know the truth about and don't want other people to know the truth about. :D I think your posts hit a nerve Chef. Time to redouble your efforts.:D
The Chef has admitted that he has NO IDEA whether any of the cut & paste articles are 'truth', so you're barking up the wrong tree there, Mutt.


Veteran Expediter
Exactly. Must be stange concept for some. Maybe it is because Chef posts things that some people don't want to know the truth about and don't want other people to know the truth about. :D I think your posts hit a nerve Chef. Time to redouble your efforts.:D

Gee you got me there. Oh wait Chef said that he has no idea whether they are true or not and that he really didn't care. Is that how you form your opinions?


Veteran Expediter
Maybe it is because Chef posts things that some people don't want to know the truth about and don't want other people to know the truth about.
Yeah, yeah .... that's it ......

I think your posts hit a nerve Chef.
Ya figger ? :rolleyes:

Time to redouble your efforts.:D
Congratulations - you have beat out all other contenders and I am now pleased to award the first (of many to come):

"Most Utterly Retarded Soapbox Posting of the Week"
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Veteran Expediter
RLENT posted
Most Utterly Retarded Soapbox Posting of the Week"

Dang I was glad he vaulted into first place, I was starting to worry.:D


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, exactly .... and besides: I mean why bother actually having a conversation with someone .... when you can just drown them out instead ? ..... :D

Possible collorary:

"If one is incapable of having a conversation with others, you have no choice but to drown them out. :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
Another possible corollary: if one wishes to engage in a battle of wits without possessing weapons, one can simply borrow them. [Trusting that the gun was properly loaded, of course] :rolleyes:


Retired Expediter
And I cut and paste some light hearted good news and the nay sayers...Obama haters, belittle every point, because if it were good news that would make the big O look good and we can't have that...not in here....A bunch of grumpy ole men they are....:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Take care - you might just find yourself being investigated for treason for saying something not hateful about the President around here....:eek:
PS I thought YOU were 'the big O'? Or is that just what Juju says?