Driving opportunities are available for motivated team drivers wanting to see the country and earn an income at the same time with FedEx Custom Critical and Hyfield Trucking.Hyfield Trucking proudly services FedEx Custom Critical with trucks and drivers. At this time, we are looking for established teams (2 people, no solo drivers) to drive one o ... Apply Today!
Hmmm. Do as I say and not what I do:
6:10 P.M. Netanyahu press conference banned from airwaves
The Central Elections Committee has issued an injunction against live broadcasting a statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later this evening.
Netanyahu's office announced the prime minister intends to make a statement at 5:45 P.M. The Zionist Union and Yesh Atid parties petitioned the committee against the broadcast. According to the committee's head, Justice Salim Joubran, the statement qualifies as election propaganda, and is therefore banned. (Haaretz)
As Emily Latella would say...'Never mind.'
ROTFLMAO ...As Emily Latella would say...'Never mind.'
Change of plans. Lol
LOL ...Netanyahu likely to retain premiership, TV exit polls show | The Times of Israel
Let the gnashing of the teeth commence.
DO YOU HAVE OVER THE ROAD, EXPEDITING EXPERIENCE? IF SO WE WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU!A Plus Expediting is currently looking for contract drivers that live in New York State/New Jersey area. If you enjoy being out over the road, seeing the country, and getting paid to do so, please contact us. We have Fleet Owners in that area looking for a safe ... Apply Today!