Rightwing on the defensive in final week of Israeli election campaign


Veteran Expediter
The two state solution is a loser for Israel.
Well yeah, sure ... considering that it appears many there approve of the plan to steal the rest of the remaining land from it's rightful owners ...

Now, how about telling us something we don't already know.

They won't last long if they go that route.
We'll see how long they last going this route ... or how long they can sustain it in the face of international pressure ...




The only way for relative peace for both, and the best way to go, is the Caroline Glick One State Solution.
That would be roughly analogous to adopting a plantation owner's recommendations for ensuring "relative peace" with the slaves ...

Good stuff ... keep 'em comin' Barf ... ;)


Veteran Expediter
What a blowout. Bibi won 29 seats to Herzogs 24.
Actually it looks more like 30 ...

BTW - using the term "blowout" in parliamentary elections such as Israel's, where there is a 6 seat difference in vote total between two parties (where there are many) ... and where much is left yet to be decided, certainly qualifies for inclusion in that special Muttly dictionary where the definitions are ones which most literate folks would not recognize.

But it is highly entertaining ... ;)

He won 4 to 8 seats more than he was projected.
Yes ... but in all you and your ideological cohorts' exuberant partisan frothiness, y'all likely still don't actually understand how that occurred ... nor do y'all necessarily understand the implications (or perhaps lack thereof) ...

He did it by cannibalizing the parties to his Political Right.

Here's the breakdown and change in seats the various political parties hold:

Political Right and Religious Parties:

Yisrael Beiteinu (right-wing, Zionist, nationalist): loses 5 seats, going from 11 down to 6

Jewish Home (right-wing, Orthodox, settler rights) loses 4 seats going from 12 down to 8

Shas (Sephardic Ultra-Orthodox) loses 4 seats, going from 11 down to 7

United Torah Judaism (Ashkenazi, ultra-Orthodox) loses 1, going from 7 seats down to 6

That's a total loss of 14 seats ... compared to the 10 that Likud picked up over the 2013 election.


Yesh Atid (centrist, secular) loses 8, going from 19 down to 11

Political Left:

Zionist Union (a combination of the Labor and Hatuna parties) collects 24 ... which is a net gain of 3 over the 21 total they previously held, combined (Labor 15, Hatuna 6)

Meretz (secular, left-wing) loses 2, going from 6 seats down to 4

Joint Arab List (combination of all Arab parties) picks up 3 seats going from 11 to 14

The big unknown is the Kulanu party headed by Moshe Kahlon - who stands to be a kingmaker. Kulanu won 10 seats.

It will be interesting to see if Moshe signs on with Bibi ... particularly after this (among other things ;)):

Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly offered Kahlon the post of Finance Minister (as well as portfolios for others) in the next government if he agreed to a joint ticket with Likud, but Kahlon declined.

Nevertheless, on the day of the Israeli election, 17 March, 2015, Likud admitted to having forged a recording of Kahlon promising to support Netanyahu, which was distributed to voters the night prior.

Calling the forgery "criminal", Kahlon asked for an investigation by the election committee.
ROTFLAMO ... sure sounds like fraud to me ...

Another thing to keep in mind is that the President of Israel - Reuven Rivlin - is the man who gets to select who gets to take first shot and try and form the next government.

Although he is a member of Likud, one would probably do well to inform oneself of his various views and political positions (it's a mixed bag - with some encouraging points):

One of Rivlin’s most quoted lines is from an October address to the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities: "Israel is a sick society, and we must treat the disease."
I believe that there was also an expanded quote of the above in one of the articles you posted Barf ... where Rivilin also stated "... Israel is on the wrong path ..."

And be aware that Bibi opposed him becoming President of course ... ;)

One thing is for sure in politics - particularly with a "strong" leader such as Bibi: one has the capacity to accumulate enemies, as well as allies ...

After Vote, Spotlight Shifts to Reuven Rivlin - and No One Knows What He Will Do - Forward.com
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Veteran Expediter
I'm always amazed at how fanatical partisans will comment on things they actually know very little about, instead substituting a preconceived notion based on ideology ... for actual observation ... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
So much for the accuracy of the polls and predictions of the liberals and MSM ...
Ummm the polls were conducted by Israeli polling organizations ...

Perhaps - with your deep insights into the Israeli political and polling scene - you could share with all of us exactly which of those polling organizations qualifies as "liberal" ... and on what basis ?

From what I read, the media pretty much reported the story accurately: the polls were what they were, there was a possibility of an upset ... but also that many voters were undecided, even up to the last minute.

along with Obama and his minions dispatched to adversely influence the elections in one of America's most important allies.
What exactly does Israel do for us ... besides take the welfare we give 'em... and conduct espionage against us, of course ?

BTW ... I thought you were kinda a fan of that "foreign, overseas meddling" thing ... was I mistaken ?

lol ...


Veteran Expediter
If Netanyahu wins, great credit goes to the GOP-led House of Representatives where the Israeli Prime Minister gave a rousing speech a few days ago. The speech was received with thunderous applause and standing ovations by Congress. A strong show of American support for Netanyahu had to be a big help.
Delusions of grandeur and assignment of hallucinatory cause are - at the very best - a sign of illogical thinking.

At the worst they're potentially a sign of actual mental illness, being divorced from reality as they necessarily are.


Veteran Expediter
Such display of ignorance on this subject from the far right fanatics here in the US is quite comical. Read about the Israeli elections from "reputable" news affiliates, if you want opinions read from numerous opinion pieces from different points of view(starting with opinions that are actually coming from the region) and not just from breibart, limbaugh and fox "news" website an their entertainers on their network.

In other words, educate yourselves then have an opinion and voice it.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Too bad moose isn't around to comment.

One thing: Neither POTUS OR VPOTUS or nancy or harry or the other partial 500 could not bring down the Israeli Governments way of doing things......which is really non of our business/ remember the Shah of Iran---wait they got toppled , how did that happen? Now once upon a time there was a Tea Party group in Boston Harbor and you know the rest of the story with good old England, George Washington and the Continental Army.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Whatever you want to call his win it can't be denied that it was a resounding victory for Bibi.
A blowout. A crushing victory. No doubt if Herzog were to have won a narrow victory the same cast of characters that said he was done would be saying it was a tremendous victory for Herzog and a humiliating defeat for Bibi, with continuous 24 hour coverage from the MSM. But that scenario fizzled in the night and they had to lick their wounds and limp on down the road. The fact remains Herzog was smoked by Bibi. Smokin Joe got smoked:


Veteran Expediter
Whatever you want to call his win ...
I called it exactly what it was:

... a cannibalization of those parties to his political right ...

Interestingly, I just heard someone else - a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist in fact - a few minutes ago on the tube characterize it in exactly that matter ... so it appears that I am not alone in my assessment.

And it's a cannibalization that results in less total seats being held by Likud and those further to the political right ... ;)

Too many "victories" like that, and one could die the death of a thousand cuts ...

it can't be denied that it was a resounding victory for Bibi.
That's political spin ... albeit spin that you happen to agree with.

I'd say that it was both a victory and a loss for Bibi ... particularly when one considers what it cost him to get there.

And certainly a loss for the Israeli people - primarily because it demonstrates to the entire world what I've said for some time:

A substantial portion of the population of Israel is incredibly racist ... and the political climate in the country is moving towards fascism ...

That many of them are unaware and don't know it is beside the point.

One would do well to keep in mind this single fact:

The Likud party was itself founded by a terrorist.

A blowout. A crushing victory.
Get back to me after Reuven Rivlin puts in his two cents ...

No doubt if Herzog were to have won a narrow victory the same cast of characters that said he was done would be saying it was a tremendous victory for Herzog
Which characters are those exactly ?

(Awaiting results of frantic Google search)

... and a humiliating defeat for Bibi, with continuous 24 hour coverage from the MSM.
It certainly would have been a humiliating defeat for Bibi ... and as it is, it's likely to be a "victory" that has plenty of further humiliation in store for Bibi up the line ...
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Veteran Expediter
Did you actually comprehend it ? Didn't think so.
I'd say his comments indicate that he did indeed comprehend it ... and the wider implication of it being you that is using it ...

OTOH, your comment above does seem to indicate either a lack of comprehension of his comment ... or perhaps just a lack of self-reflection (for whatever reasons)

In any event, it's great entertainment ... ;)


Veteran Expediter
The power of "fear" is a very powerful thing unfortunately. It's amazing to see how much Bibi's politics so closely resemble the right wing's politics here in the states.
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