Rightwing on the defensive in final week of Israeli election campaign


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He probably better start worrying. At last check he is trailing in that election.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hmmm. Do as I say and not what I do:

Despite a supposed White House policy against meeting foreign leaders facing elections, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry both met with Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog in Munich on Saturday. Herzog is the main rival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Mar. 17 election, and his supporters played up the meeting as evidence that Herzog is more respected by the Obama administration and world leaders in general than Netanyahu.

Herzog has also called upon Netanyahu to cancel his speech to a special joint session of the U.S. Congress next month, the Jerusalem Post notes. The White House said that President Obama would not meet with Netanyahu, citing Israel’s upcoming election as the reason. Biden and Kerry, however, met with Herzog–meetings that could not have happened by accident, even if they occurred in a hallway of the Munich Security Conference. Such meetings are carefully choreographed.

The Obama administration is thought to be supporting Netanyahu’s rivals tacitly, through a State Department-funded group called OneVoice International, which in turn is funding V15, a political group aided by Obama campaign alumni that aims to unseat Netanyahu in March. Another source of funding for V15 is American billionaire Daniel Abraham, according to the Times of Israel, who is also “a long-time backer of the US Democratic party and the Clinton Foundation.”

Biden and Kerry have both had run-ins with Netanyahu, even as they proclaimed their support for Israel. Biden, who says he will miss Bibi’s speech due to travel, condemned a decision in 2010 to build housing in a Jewish area of Jerusalem, triggering a public spat, during which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton let it be known she had berated Netanyahu. Kerry clashed in 2014 with Israel’s Minister of Defense, Moshe “Bogey” Ya’alon, who privately called him “messianic.”
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Veteran Expediter
Hmmm. Do as I say and not what I do:

For anyone inclined to equate substantially different things as being the same or equal allow me to assist to help ya navigate out of that maze of stupidity:

Timing and venue


Veteran Expediter
Ami Kaufman tells of The Bouncer (and apparent ISIS competitor for savagery wannabe) possibly getting bounced hiz bad self ... and otherwise generally sticks it:

Unintended consequences ... lol ...
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Veteran Expediter

From Haaretz's Live Blog of the Israeli elections:

6:10 P.M. Netanyahu press conference banned from airwaves

The Central Elections Committee has issued an injunction against live broadcasting a statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later this evening.

Netanyahu's office announced the prime minister intends to make a statement at 5:45 P.M. The Zionist Union and Yesh Atid parties petitioned the committee against the broadcast. According to the committee's head, Justice Salim Joubran, the statement qualifies as election propaganda, and is therefore banned. (Haaretz)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As Emily Latella would say...'Never mind.'
Change of plans. Lol
The big, breaking news here tonight is that the Herzog-Livni ticket is imploding at the 11th hour — Tzipi Livni is actually stepping off the ticket in a completely stunning political move. The two have been running for the last several months as a team in a “rotation agreement.” That is, “buy one, get one free.” If you vote for their combined faction (two political parties running together) and they win the most seats in the Knesset (parliament) then Herzog had promised to serve as Prime Minister for two years, and Livni for the second two years. But Livni is very unpopular. Within their parties, the rotation agreement was very unpopular. There was growing pressure to remove her from the ticket, but some strategists on the left feared doing so this late in the game would reflect badly on Herzog and raise questions about his judgment and ability to lead. Nevertheless, at the 11th hour, Livni announced that she will no longer be part of the rotation agreement. She says she’s dropping off voluntarily, yet some say Herzog pushed her off. This is a late-breaking story. The details are not yet clear. Neither are the implications. Will Herzog be helped or hurt by this move? A highly dramatic election has just gotten far more dramatic.

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Veteran Expediter
Here's the deal:

It's probably all good - no matter which way it goes ... although I'll admit that the schadenfreude of seeing Bibi get tossed would be ... delicious ...

In fact, it might actually be better if Bibi does retain the premiership ... given the schadenfreude potential is far, far higher with him still there than if he were gone ...

Here's why:

Bibi, as of late, has pretty much screwed the pooch ... seven ways to Sunday ...

The list is pretty long but here's a little tidbit for starters:

He's managed to box himself into a new corner on the Two State solution ... and if he makes no effort in the peace process, Israel will now likely face stiff sanctions from Europe (Israel's largest trading partner), as well as other parts of the world.

With his recent pronouncement he's managed to essentially confirm what most around the world have long suspected: he's not sincere, is a liar, and has absolutely no real intention of pursuing peace ... just stealing more land from it's rightful owners.

If he does make a (real) effort to actually pursue peace by making real committments that Israel actually has to live up to, then he's in hot water with his base who put him into power.


On the matter of the Palestinians, his intransigence is likely to cause some further degree of disaffection with liberal Jews (in the US certainly - but perhaps other places as well) ... who - not being fanatical right-wingers - aren't entirely comfortable with the idea of a man who claims to speak for all Jews, subverting and denying the rights of a population nearly the size of Israel itself, to self-determination and security.

And with this new position, it's a fair bet that the "special relationship" might not be quite so "special" for quite some time up the road ... at least as far as the present administration is concerned. Particularly after Bibi's lame attempt to interfere with exercise of foreign policy by the Executive.

And remember: it's the Executive who has primary responsibility for foreign policy.

You won't find a member of Congress sitting as the U.S. Representative at the United Nations Security Council ... to either cast - or withhold - a veto on some UNSC resolution dealing with Israel. Big stakes right there.

Congress can give Bibi as many standing O's as they want ... but that don't mean chit when comes to actually saving Israel's cakes in the big arena where it really matters ...

No ... Bibi has so thoroughly beclowned himself on the world stage that it does not bode well for the present path Israel has been on recently.

If Bibi stays in power expect things to get worse (for Israel) ... not better.

But, sad to say, that may actually be what's needed to resolve the situation.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The two state solution is a loser for Israel. They won't last long if they go that route. The only way for relative peace for both, and the best way to go, is the Caroline Glick One State Solution.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Enjoying the schadenfreude from the MSM, Obama, and his former campaign workers with egg all over their faces.


Veteran Expediter
If Netanyahu wins, great credit goes to the GOP-led House of Representatives where the Israeli Prime Minister gave a rousing speech a few days ago. The speech was received with thunderous applause and standing ovations by Congress. A strong show of American support for Netanyahu had to be a big help.