Obama administration determined to stop Petraeus testimony on Benghazi attack.


Expert Expediter
Democrats= Chinese...Republicans = Jews.....this will get alot more interesting im sure. China vs the Jews, who would you put your money on?

Sent from my Teddy Ruxspin


Veteran Expediter
Dunno if it's Cantor's foreign policy, but it sounds like his petard - and he's pretty high up, lol. ;)
LOL ...

Not much chance of his toes touching the ground from where he's hanging ...

Yeah ... he could end up swinging ... along with a lot more ...

Breaking news this morning is that the Febbies are now investigating General John Allen, Petraeus' successor in Afghanistan, and current commander there, for "inappropriate contact" with .... wait for it ... Jill Kelly, Paula Broadwell's "target" ...

It's supposed to involve many emails (up to 30,000 pages ?) ... they also raided Broadwell's home last night taking a bunch of stuff ...

This whole thing has got a real stench on it ...

It will be interesting to see how this all turns out ... but I sure wouldn't be at all surprised if it turns out that there is a big "R" component to it all ...

Of course, it could go the other way too ...
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Veteran Expediter
And it gets even better ... the FBI agent who "blew the whistle" to Cantor was pulled off the case for "inappropriate behavior" ... which turns out to have been ... wait for it ... sending "shirtless photos" to Jill Kelly ...

Ya can't make it up ...


Veteran Expediter
Curiouser and curiouser ...

"The Kelleys hosted Petraeus at a party in 2010 at their mansion. Today, however, that mansion sits empty as the family have fled to an undisclosed location to escape media questions. Mrs. Kelley has also hired two major figures from former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, the president’s lawyer Abbe Lowell and Monica Lewinsky’s crisis manager Judy Smith.
The move is somewhat bizarre because all indications are that Mrs. Kelley isn’t even suspected of any wrongdoing, and to the extent officials have commented at all on the FBI’s investigation they have said they don’t anticipate charging anyone with anything, let alone the woman whose only apparent role is that of the initial complainant."
Looks like there is a lot more to come out from the Kelly quarter ...


Veteran Expediter
LOL ...

Not much chance of his toes touching the ground from where he's hanging ...

Yeah ... he could end up swinging ... along with a lot more ...

Breaking news this morning is that the Febbies are now investigating General John Allen, Petraeus' successor in Afghanistan, and current commander there, for "inappropriate contact" with .... wait for it ... Jill Kelly, Paula Broadwell's "target" ...

It's supposed to involve many emails (up to 30,000 pages ?) ... they also raided Broadwell's home last night taking a bunch of stuff ...

This whole thing has got a real stench on it ...

It will be interesting to see how this all turns out ... but I sure wouldn't be at all surprised if it turns out that there is a big "R" component to it all ...

Of course, it could go the other way too ...

Never claim conspiracy when incompetence will serve. Rough paraphrase on something Napoleon is supposed to have said.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It might be easier to see why they waited until after the election to open this can of worms.

Probably woudn't look too good for the current admiistration to have all these "Binders full of women" and as Rush put it: All these General's listening too much to their Privates. Budumdum.


Veteran Expediter

You may be right on Cantor's caution on this "whistle blower" - startin' to look like the guy may be another right wing-nut conspiracy theorist ... good call:

Revealed: FBI agent friend of Florida housewife at center of Petreaus scandal who sent topless pictures to her ‘went rogue’ after being told to 'stay the hell away'

A federal agent who sent topless pictures of himself to the woman at the center of the Petraeus and General Allen scandals was told to 'stay the hell away' from the investigation but took it upon himself to 'nose around', it was revealed today.

After receiving a half dozen harassing emails from an anonymous account - but later linked to Petraeus' mistress Paula Broadwell, Jill Kelley, the Florida woman who served as a volunteer social liaison officer at the Tampa military base, contacted a male FBI agent that she knew and had previously worked with.

During a prior exchange, when the agent was trying to establish a friendly relationship with the married mother-of-three, he sent her shirtless photos of himself adding to questions over his true intention behind going above-and-beyond his work duties to help her with the threats.

Because he was not a part of the cybercrime unit at the FBI nor did he have any training regarding electronic threats, he was never assigned to the case once he brought it to the agency's attention yet he still felt it necessary to involve himself.

The New York Times reports that an unidentified senior official said that the agent's superiors 'told him to stay the hell away from it, and he was not invited to briefings'.

The FBI declined to identify the agent, who is now under an internal investigation by the agency's Office of Professional Responsibility.

Shortly thereafter, the agent was barred from the case over concerns that he 'might have grown obsessed with the matter,' the Wall Street Journal reports.

Even after he was prohibited from involvement in the case, the agent, described as Right wing, decided to contact Republican congressman David Reichert about the matter because he assumed that the investigation had stalled. Reichert then told fellow Republican Rep. Eric Cantor.

The Times says that the agent's 'worldview' made him believe that the issue was being kept quiet to help President Obama, as the entire investigation took place in the months leading up to his re-election.

He complained that senior FBI officials were going to 'sweep the matter under the rug,' the FBI learned.

What the agent didn't know was that investigators had traced the harassing emails back to accounts used by Broadwell, David Petraeus' 40-year-old married biographer.
Nature abhors a vacuum ... (good timeline at the link below)

Revealed: FBI agent friend of Florida housewife at center of Petreaus scandal who sent topless pictures to her ‘went rogue’ after being told to 'stay the hell away'
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Funny. The "unidentified senior offical" describes him as a "right winger" and uses the term "worldview" to decribe his motive. Sounds like the administration is trying to spin this a little.
They leaked this to the NY Times no less.
The whistleblower and whatever his motives were is a small side issue anyway.What really matters is the motives of the FBI and the administration. The fact remains that the FBI WAS slow stepping the investigation and seemingly "finished" their inquiry the day of the election. Just laughable and incredulous timing. Wasn't the investigation supposed to be over? It would hardly appear so. Since then they NOW have decided to "raid" Broadwell's home and discovered new relevations about Gen Allen. What's also interesting is that as slow as the FBI have been dragging their feet on this investigation they have been even slower investigating the Benghazi consulate.


Veteran Expediter
Here is another reason why they might want Petreaus to just go away.
Congress has the power to subpoena him to testify ...

Having Petraeus leave his position as DCI does nothing to counter that AFAIK.

Can you address your supposition, in light of the above ?

And remember, if you want to go the EP route, I don't think there is anything in asserting that, that would require Petraeus to resign.


Veteran Expediter
Funny. The "unidentified senior offical" describes him as a "right winger" and uses the term "worldview" to decribe his motive. Sounds like the administration is trying to spin this a little. They leaked this to the NY Times no less.
Without knowing whether the "unidentified senior official" is a political appointee or a career professional, and whether they had any political leanings, it would be hard to say one way or another.

The whistleblower and whatever his motives were is a small side issue anyway.
It may be ... neither you or I know what all we don't know ...

What really matters is the motives of the FBI and the administration.
It's certainly true that their motivations do matter ... however, others' motivations may matter as well.

The fact remains that the FBI WAS slow stepping the investigation and seemingly "finished" their inquiry the day of the election.
An assertion made by someone (you) with an obvious partisan motivation ... and an assertion with no specific evidence to support it.

You opinion of how long something "ought to take" is just an opinion - since you are not aware of what all was involved in the investigation (only that which has been made public) - it's not even close to being a fully informed opinion ... not by a mile.

Just laughable and incredulous timing. Wasn't the investigation supposed to be over? It would hardly appear so.
The investigation into Petraeus may well be over ...

Since then they NOW have decided to "raid" Broadwell's home and discovered new relevations about Gen Allen.
See above.

What's also interesting is that as slow as the FBI have been dragging their feet on this investigation they have been even slower investigating the Benghazi consulate.
Again, that's an assumption - and one based largely on ignorance.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Without knowing whether the "unidentified senior official" is a political appointee or a career professional, and whether they had any political leanings, it would be hard to say one way or another.

It may be ... neither you or I know what all we don't know ...

It's certainly true that their motivations do matter ... however, others' motivations may matter as well.

An assertion made by someone (you) with an obvious partisan motivation ... and an assertion with no specific evidence to support it.

You opinion of how long something "ought to take" is just an opinion - since you are not aware of what all was involved in the investigation (only that which has been made public) - it's not even close to being a fully informed opinion ... not by a mile.

The investigation into Petraeus may well be over ...

See above.

Again, that's an assumption - and one based largely on ignorance.

Wow, down and out I'd say, down and out for the count. But good.


Veteran Expediter
Now this here is kinda interesting ... the whole article is worth a read ... but here's a little taste:

NYT: Washington Asks: What to Do About Israel?

Geezus ... no kiddin' ... King David actually testified to it in front of Congress ... betcha that really ****ed ol' Bibi Nut-and-Yahoo off ... he had to be about ready to blow a gasket ...

Gee - I wonder if there's anything more to this story ? :rolleyes:

And what was that "furor" thing they were talking about ?
So lets see if we got it right.
they did NOT attack us because we invaded their country.
they did NOT attack us because we fail to collect and properly process intelligent.
they did NOT attack us because of an offended Mohammad movie (crap, that would've looked great on the evening news(oh,wait it did))
they did NOT attack us because the person in charge of our intelligent was either busy cheating on his wife/not getting it at home/or fantasizing on an affair.
they did NOT attack us because we failed to evacuate despite specific threats
they did NOT attack us because we killed their lifelong loved dictator & his family.
they did NOT attack us because we forever changed their life.
they did NOT attack us because of an Oil war.
they did NOT attack us because we do not practice Shahira law.
they did NOT attack us because we represent the good in life, and all that is free.
they did NOT attack us....
did NOT...
the ONLY rezone they DID attack us is because we support Israel.

or maybe, just maybe, they attacked us because we are not them.
maybe they attacked us because they are the Enemy ?
maybe we need to defeated them on their home ground, rather then facing them on our way to school?
point in case we need to be more proactive in supporting our true friends. we need to- or we will face war on our homeland again. Israel is pretty good on fighting our dirty wars. either Israel fight for our way of life, or we will have to do it ourselves.