Veteran Expediter
LOL ... sadly no, you don't have it right ...So lets see if we got it right.
Nope - that's a strawman of your own construction - it's a logical fallacy.the ONLY rezone they DID attack us is because we support Israel.
I never said it - but the simple fact of the matter is that continuing unconditional support for Israel - as long as it continues to refuse to honestly engage in pursuing a just peace for the Palestinians (one that includes the right of return BTW) - Israel will be a liability (and likely an increasing one)
Sorry, but that's just the way it is.
No, they attacked us because we meddle in their affairs, in all manner of ways, including support for authoritarian regimes which brutally suppress their own populations ... along with the fact that we support Israel, which often acts unjustly, and in a manner quite similar to some of the aforementioned authoritarian regimes.or maybe, just maybe, they attacked us because we are not them.
maybe they attacked us because they are the Enemy ?
The fact is, the State of Israel is, to a large extent, a racist, apartheid state - quite similar to old South Africa.
FWIW, this probably isn't a conversation that you want to have - because it is one that I'm at least well-enough informed on, to have a reasonable discussion about.
Facts are facts ...
I'm far less concerned about the threat from Muslim extremists (which is very real), than I am about the State of Israel acting in a manner which ends up involving this country in a catastrophe ... potentially one of world-wide proportions.maybe we need to defeated them on their home ground, rather then facing them on our way to school?
Israel is not a "true friend" - true friends don't undertake espionage against their claimed "friends" ...point in case we need to be more proactive in supporting our true friends. we need to- or we will face war on our homeland again.
They also don't attack US military assets and murder US servicemen with no provocation whatsoever ...
Nor do they involve themselves (both overtly and covertly) in the internal politics of their "friends" ...
Really ?Israel is pretty good on fighting our dirty wars.
Why don't you give me a holler when any of them IDF'ers makes the trek to Afghanistan and starts fighting over there ...
BTW - how many of them IDF'ers served in Iraq ?
The reality is actually the reverse: Israel seeks to get us to fight their dirty wars.
One only has to look at Bibi Nut-and-Yahoo's most recent nearly unceasing efforts to gin up war between the US and Iran ... and that's to say nothing of past efforts ...
Sorry, but no - Israel fights for it's own self interest - nothing more.either Israel fight for our way of life, or we will have to do it ourselves.
And the fact of matter is that more and more people in the US are waking up to that fact.
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