Obama administration determined to stop Petraeus testimony on Benghazi attack.


Veteran Expediter
More mental retardation and buffoonery from the Repuglican geriatric gum-flapping quarter (link right up front just for you Dave :p):

While John McCain Was Slamming Obama On Libya Yesterday, He Missed A Major Classified Briefing

While Sen. John McCain was giving a fiery speech on the Senate floor slamming the Obama administration's handling of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, he missed a committee briefing on the investigation from officials from the State and Defense Departments.

Around the same time McCain declared on the Senate floor the need for a select committee to investigate the attacks in Libya, the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee — of which McCain is a member — was learning additional details about the investigation and the attack from the officials.

In fact, when Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) came out of the "classified, closed-door briefing," he made it clear that he thought McCain's goal of a special congressional committee is unnecessary.

Maine Sen. Susan Collins, the top Republican on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, agreed with Lieberman and hit McCain for missing the meeting.

Via Politico:

Collins ... backed up her chairman, Lieberman, and dinged McCain, a member of the panel, for missing Wednesday’s nearly two-hour briefing in the Capitol.

Both Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, "who was there at briefing, and Sen. McCain, who was not, are members of our committee, and I know they would play very important roles," Collins told POLITICO after the briefing.

"I do not see the benefit of creating a brand new committee when we already have the Senate’s chief oversight committee, plus the Intelligence Committee, examining this very important matter."

McCain is the ranking member on the Armed Services Committee. The Chairman of that committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), was at the briefing.

Here's the roster of who was briefing the Senators:

Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy

Eric Boswell, assistant Secretary of State for diplomatic security

Michael Sheehan, assistant secretary of Defense for special operations

Major General Darryl Roberson, vice director of operations for the Joint Staff

Henry Hollatz, deputy director of intelligence.

Linda Weissgold, director of CIA's Office of Terrorism Analysis.

Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate's Majority Leader, has indicated that he wouldn't support that move. Without Reid's support, it's doubtful that McCain's vision of a select committee will happen.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
An article that explains why Obama should have been notified about the Petreaus investigation early on. He actually was ,but the administration's lame story is that he wasn't told.
Of course he wasn't told - especially when he's in the middle of a re-election campaign.:rolleyes: This Benghazi business, complete with a philandering CIA director and his bimbos, is beginning to take on the same odor as a couple of other infamous coverup stories involving a POTUS and their corrupt administrations: Watergate and Slick Willie's Lewinsky scandal. In both instances it was obvious that something was really wrong but it appeared that the power of the presidency would prevail in their denials.

Personally, I can vividly remember feeling that Nixon was going to get away with the coverup until testimony by Alexander Butterfield revealed the existance of the White House Tapes. No doubt we can all remember Bill Clinton's vehement denials - "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" - in spite of his history of everything from skirt chasing to sexual assualt. Of course his coverup fell apart when the Drudge Report broke the story about the semen-stained blue dress. We can also remember how the MSM was continually trashing Drudge (as they now do Fox) until he made them all look like fools and sycophants of the Clinton White House.

In the final analysis, our consulant was attacked and overrun, and four good men died because of incompetence and/or derelection of duty on the part of someone in the Obama administration. Congress needs to seriously investigate why this happened and whether or not it was covered up for political purposes by Obama's campaign. If Fox News is the only media organization willing to dig deep into the matter, so be it. It worked for Drudge and the country was better served by his persistence.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
An article that explains why Obama should have been notified about the Petreaus investigation early on. He actually was ,but the administration's lame story is that he wasn't told.
Of course he wasn't told - especially when he's in the middle of a re-election campaign.:rolleyes: This Benghazi business, complete with a philandering CIA director and his bimbos, is beginning to take on the same odor as a couple of other infamous coverup stories involving a POTUS and their corrupt administrations: Watergate and Slick Willie's Lewinsky scandal. In both instances it was obvious that something was really wrong but it appeared that the power of the presidency would prevail in their denials.

Personally, I can vividly remember feeling that Nixon was going to get away with the coverup until testimony by Alexander Butterfield revealed the existance of the White House Tapes. No doubt we can all remember Bill Clinton's vehement denials - "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" - in spite of his history of everything from skirt chasing to sexual assualt. Of course his coverup fell apart when the Drudge Report broke the story about the semen-stained blue dress. We can also remember how the MSM was continually trashing Drudge (as they now do Fox) until he made them all look like fools and sycophants of the Clinton White House.

In the final analysis, our consulant was attacked and overrun, and four good men died because of incompetence and/or derelection of duty on the part of someone in the Obama administration. Congress needs to seriously investigate why this happened and whether or not it was covered up for political purposes by Obama's campaign. If Fox News is the only media organization willing to dig deep into the matter, so be it. It worked for Drudge and the country was better served by his persistence.


Veteran Expediter
In the final analysis, our consulant was attacked and overrun, and four good men died because of incompetence and/or derelection of duty on the part of someone in the Obama administration. Congress needs to seriously investigate why this happened and whether or not it was covered up for political purposes by Obama's campaign.
So ... if and when it turns out that that is not the case ... what are you going to try then ... Viagra ?


Veteran Expediter
People died. Obama lied.
Better that it should turn out in that sequence, than flipped - as it did in 'tard from Texas' case ...

Bush intentionally took this nation into a war on a lie ...

From my perspective one would be far more forgivable than the other ...


Veteran Expediter
Better that it should turn out in that sequence, than flipped - as it did in 'tard from Texas' case ...

Bush intentionally took this nation into a war on a lie ...

From my perspective one would be far more forgivable than the other ...[/QUOTE
Obama lied to win the presidential election. The Obama team is packed with shameless liars regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack. Hillary Clinton helped Obama lie. Susan Rice helped Obama lie. Leon Panetta helped Obama lie. Who knows if David Petraeus will speak truthfully? We have a president so enamored with power he will openly lie to keep himself in office. This makes Obama a very dangerous man and unfit to remain in office.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obama lied to win the presidential election. The Obama team is packed with shameless liars regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack. Hillary Clinton helped Obama lie. Susan Rice helped Obama lie. Leon Panetta helped Obama lie. Who knows if David Petraeus will speak truthfully? We have a president so enamored with power he will openly lie to keep himself in office. This makes Obama a very dangerous man and unfit to remain in office.
Petraeus has already given false testimony on Sept 13, saying the Benghazi attacks were the result of reaction to the infamous internet film. The liklihood of him changing his story a 2d time around is probably slim - but who knows, given that his reputation has already been slimed. Maybe there's another "Deep Throat" somewhere in the Obama administration or the CIA - someone with enough integrity to expose the truth about Obama's role in preventing our forces from providing the security and military force that would have saved lives in Libya.


Veteran Expediter
In the Age of Obama, truth is largely irrelevant. Lies of monstrous dimensions were told to pass Obamacare. No one cares. Lies surround the Fast and Furious guns-to-Mexico scandal. No one cares. The developing Benghazi scandal is covered in presidential lies. No one cares.

Well, at least one Congressman, Joe Wilson(R-SC) called Obama out. As thanks, the Republican Establishment insisted Wilson apologize. One mustn't hurt Obama's feelings.
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Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Better that it should turn out in that sequence, than flipped - as it did in 'tard from Texas' case ...

Bush intentionally took this nation into a war on a lie ...

From my perspective one would be far more forgivable than the other ...

There is also nothing that indicates that he lied. If so, he wouldn't have lasted until the end of his term. Democrats seen the same information and came to the same conclusion. Plenty of places to put blame.
There are hundreds of conspiracy theory stories, but that is why they are stories.
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Veteran Expediter
ROTFLMAO ... Focks Nooz gets thrown under the bus by the vice chairman (?) of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - Republican Saxby Chambliss ... and then Chris Wallace tries to avoid culpability, by diverting the attention from their own erroneous reporting of the mythical "Benghazi prisoners" saga to Paula Broadwell's statements re: same in Denver ...

Chambliss says there were no detainees/prisoners ...

Wallace has no shame (or integrity) ... and is every bit as scummy as Daddy Mike ...
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In the Age of Obama, truth is largely irrelevant. Lies of monstrous dimensions were told to pass Obamacare. No one cares. Lies surround the Fast and Furious guns-to-Mexico scandal. No one cares. The developing Benghazi scandal is covered in presidential lies. No one cares.

Well, at least one Congressman, Joe Wilson(R-SC) called Obama out. As thanks, the Republican Establishment insisted Wilson apologize. One mustn't hurt Obama's feelings.
No one cares because the media doesn't care and the huddled masses continue to get their food stamps, unemployment checks and other govt goodies. One can't help but wonder if the media would have been more outraged if one of their correspondents had died at the hands of terrorists in Benghazi. The public may start to care once the full effects of ObamaCare start to take effect so that arranging a doctor's visit becomes more like dealing with their local Social Security office or the DMV. Once his socialistic policies and his associated lies start to effect them directly (even more so than now) maybe the public will wake up and take notice. Also, for a look into the country's econimic future keep an eye on California and how the liberal agenda being imposed upon them works for the next couple of years. Their citizens will be the first to see how well higher taxes and more govt works on their behalf.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Of course he wasn't told - especially when he's in the middle of a re-election campaign.:rolleyes: This Benghazi business, complete with a philandering CIA director and his bimbos, is beginning to take on the same odor as a couple of other infamous coverup stories involving a POTUS and their corrupt administrations: Watergate and Slick Willie's Lewinsky scandal. In both instances it was obvious that something was really wrong but it appeared that the power of the presidency would prevail in their denials.

Personally, I can vividly remember feeling that Nixon was going to get away with the coverup until testimony by Alexander Butterfield revealed the existance of the White House Tapes. No doubt we can all remember Bill Clinton's vehement denials - "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" - in spite of his history of everything from skirt chasing to sexual assualt. Of course his coverup fell apart when the Drudge Report broke the story about the semen-stained blue dress. We can also remember how the MSM was continually trashing Drudge (as they now do Fox) until he made them all look like fools and sycophants of the Clinton White House.

In the final analysis, our consulant was attacked and overrun, and four good men died because of incompetence and/or derelection of duty on the part of someone in the Obama administration. Congress needs to seriously investigate why this happened and whether or not it was covered up for political purposes by Obama's campaign. If Fox News is the only media organization willing to dig deep into the matter, so be it. It worked for Drudge and the country was better served by his persistence.

Right, Nixon and Clinton come to mind when I think of Obama. They both had enemies lists and if they viewed anyone as trying to expose their dirty deeds, they would use any means necessary to trash and discredit them. An example would be the FBI so called "whistleblower". An "unidentified senior official" identified him as a "right wing nut" and described his motivation for getting involved due to his "world view" in the New York Times. At first glance the description would imply that this guy was completely out of control. There were other unflattering things said about him as well and some gladly lopped it up. If someone were to look at his record and accomplishments they would see something different. Regarding the "world view" comment. It doesn't really jibe that he would want to get involved with taking down Petreaus because his views were in line with his. He was involved in counterintelligence back in 1999 and helped thwart a terrorist attack. He was also reportedly against some harsh interrogation techniques on a suspect that other agents used and were unsuccessfull it getting more information from him.
Well now they are investigating him. What did he do exactly? He was supposedly trying to find out why FBIwere dragging their feet. He went to a law enforcement official, who eventually put him in contact with Rep.Eric Cantor so he could voice his concern of a FBI investigation that he believed to be swept under the rug until after the election. A lot of the evidence points to that too. He merely forwarded his concerns to a proper channel. So what do FBI have on him? A picture that he forwarded two years ago to his friends including the women in Florida with whom he was friends with and her family.:rolleyes:

Shirtless FBI agent: Photo was joke emailed to friends, reporter | Local News | The Seattle Times


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, well - check this out:

Just a few minutes ago on CNN, Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reported that a high-placed source informed her that former CIA Chief David Petraeus will use his upcoming testimony to amend his previous testimony. According to this source, Petraeus will tell the closed door congressional hearing that he knew "almost immediately" that the September 11 anniversary attack on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack committed by the al-Qaeda-linked militia Ansar Al Sharia.

CNN: Petraeus To Testify He Knew Libya Was Terrorism 'Almost Immediately'
The truth shall set you free.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
The Jeb-ster sees the writing on the wall:

Jeb Bush believes Texas will be “blue” by 2016

And thus the GOP will become a permanent minority party ... the crumbling abode of the rapidly vanishing old white man ...

You are spending too much time over there at NBC News. That explains your "Focks Nooz" obsession. He also says alot of the article "is filled with inaccuracies" but doesn't comment on the "four years". Doesn't mean he acknowledges or said it either. Good grief.
Just following the numbers it could happen as you have more illegals coming in wanting their free stuff. However, that is my opinion not what Jeb Bush said.
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Veteran Expediter
You are spending too much time over there at NBC News.
Oh, I just grabbed one of the first ones that came up when I Googled it this time around - that doesn't necessarily mean that was actually where I heard or read it originally ;)

Utah Pulse: Bush Warns Texas Could Turn Democratic by 2016

Houston Chronicle: Demographic tides may turn Texas purple or blue

San Antonio Times: Dems see Texas as heading their way

Opelousas Daily World: Washington should learn from Big Tex

Nice try on your part ... but inaccurate and fairly lame ...

That explains your "Focks Nooz" obsession.
No, a passion for truth - and a distaste for liars - explains my Focks Nooz obsession ... ;)

He also says alot of the article "is filled with inaccuracies" but doesn't comment on the "four years".
Ahhh ... a classic non-denial denial ... ;)

Wonder if that interview was taped ...