Now this here is kinda interesting ... the whole article is worth a read ... but here's a little taste:
NYT: Washington Asks: What to Do About Israel?
Geezus ... no kiddin' ... King David actually testified to it in front of Congress ... betcha that really ****ed ol'
Bibi Nut-and-Yahoo off ... he had to be about ready to blow a gasket ...
Gee - I wonder if there's anything more to this story ?
And what was that "furor" thing they were talking about ?
So lets see if we got it right.
they did NOT attack us because we invaded their country.
they did NOT attack us because we fail to collect and properly process intelligent.
they did NOT attack us because of an offended Mohammad movie (crap, that would've looked great on the evening news(oh,wait it did))
they did NOT attack us because the person in charge of our intelligent was either busy cheating on his wife/not getting it at home/or fantasizing on an affair.
they did NOT attack us because we failed to evacuate despite specific threats
they did NOT attack us because we killed their lifelong loved dictator & his family.
they did NOT attack us because we forever changed their life.
they did NOT attack us because of an Oil war.
they did NOT attack us because we do not practice Shahira law.
they did NOT attack us because we represent the good in life, and all that is free.
they did NOT attack us....
did NOT...
the ONLY rezone they DID attack us is because we support Israel.
or maybe, just maybe, they attacked us because we are not them.
maybe they attacked us because they are the Enemy ?
maybe we need to defeated them on their home ground, rather then facing them on our way to school?
point in case we need to be more proactive in supporting our true friends. we need to- or we will face war on our homeland again. Israel is pretty good on fighting our dirty wars. either Israel fight for our way of life, or we will have to do it ourselves.