November Banter and Location


OVM Project Manager
There was a small crew in at my consignee...stressed I had a "small expedite" load and it off way early!! Now back in Haw River on the board and started the clock...:D

tick tock! I'm trying to box up all these was easier making the quilts than it will be to ship them! :eek:


Expert Expediter
ya, i seen that also. just from what i can take of it since 8/1 when we started there have been an additional 12 units put on but i know of the loss of 2 units [roadking and one other] so 10 units up to jimf51 that just started. dont know if there are more or not.

tracy, did joe get your ride filled or do you know. havent talked to joe in a while.

Joe was supposed to be putting Johnnie in the unit with Tri State and selling her unit. That is what he told us as to why he wanted the truck back. Guess she is making him more revenue than we were, so he wanted to give her the newer truck and get rid of the older truck. He was planning on weening out of the business any way. We were supposed to drive the truck for 5 years till it was paid off then he was going to get out of the business. So he is doing it earlier than planned I guess.


Retired Expediter
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life!...:D

Good morning Gang....from Haw River NC...

A guy walks into a bar with a dachshund under his arm. The dog is wearing a Carolina jersey, helmet and is holding Carolina blue pom poms.
The bartender says,"Hey! No pets allowed in here! You'll have to leave!"
The man begs, "Look I am desperate. We're both big fans, my TV is broken, and this is the only place we can see the game!"
After securing a promise that the dog will behave, and warning him that if there is any trouble they will be thrown out, the bartender relents and allows them to stay in the bar and watch the game.
The game begins with the Tarheels receiving a kickoff. They march downfield stop at the 30,and kick a field goal.

With that the dog jumps up on the bar, and begins walking up and down the bar giving everyone a high-five.

The bartender says, "Wow that is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!

What does the dog do if they score a touchdown?"

"I don't know," replies the owner, "I've only had him for two years."..:p


Retired Expediter
A Buckeye football player was almost killed today in a tragic horse back riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death.
Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse.......LOL

On 2nd coffee now...:D


OVM Project Manager
A Buckeye football player was almost killed today in a tragic horse back riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death.
Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse.......LOL

On 2nd coffee now...:D

*LOL*...getting better! :D

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
I have a one of those and she to gives high fives. Morning all, getting ready to go pick up be at the yard later on.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
A Buckeye football player was almost killed today in a tragic horse back riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death.
Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse.......LOL

On 2nd coffee now...:D

Good one. Needed a laugh! :)

Morning all from Grand Ledge.

First cup.

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Retired Expediter

John said he had a "talk" with operations mid week...

RESULTS....First 2 loads remain 3 loads AFTER "talk" are all rated and completed....


Hats off to Mike Sr and Mike Bayko on follow up...WTG..:D


Veteran Expediter
Congrats to Pam for her efforts, all of those that made it to the bowling Sat for Cayrn and to Caryn for the great gift you are giving...Sorry I wan't there sounds like i missed a great day...

So, I had a good Snniversary weekend with my wife...enjoyed a few hours with my grandsons and with my boys watchin football until it was time to go out with mama and enjoy a so sos meal...but spending the time with my wife made up for really is amazing how much I appreciate her more and more as i get older...not that i didn't back when we were younger, but the support she gives and just her being her to me and everyone else she comes in contact with is a over tht top!! I most definitely "Overachieved!"

Ok, back in service last night after cooking all afternoon and evening...the frig in the truck is full, the breadbox (micro wave) is full of scones and cookies and fiberbars, enough coffee to get me thru the next 2 weeks is in the truck and a case of Mountain Dew....

lets see if i can remember: 2 servings os each:

Beef tips and noodles
Beef stew
Pork stew
Meat loaf
Kielbasa and kraut with apples and onions
Chili Mac
Swiss Steak
Baked potato quarters costed in mayo and seasoned salt and baked ( to be served with the Swiss steak and the Meat Loaf)

and a box of 6 frozen White Castle burgers...:)

Unless the freight brings me came to the home area, I'll be on the road tll thanksgiving, so I needed the good home cooked food instead of the fast food (well i still need my daily fix of sausage mc muffin with egg)...along woth being as comfortable as one can be in tha Cv out here, one has to eat well...:)

@nd cup of coffee is down and the hot is hot...after the shower I'll do a 19 and get a feel of just how soon Dispatch will be calling, I do have to help my on around noon if I am still in town...need to go pickup a antique oak dinner table and cane back chairs he got....I know antiques are big buiness and i even enjoy collecting a few pieces (coffee grinders and really old ice boxs) but to have your home full of them, well to each their own...

You all have a good day and be safe out on the road today...:)


OVM Project Manager
chef...happy anniversary and glad you had such a wonderful time...and oh your goodies sound scrumptious!:)


OVM Project Manager

John said he had a "talk" with operations mid week...

RESULTS....First 2 loads remain 3 loads AFTER "talk" are all rated and completed....


Hats off to Mike Sr and Mike Bayko on follow up...WTG..:D

Think I'll give them until noon to see if those two trips get rated before I call..:)


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Ok, back in service last night after cooking all afternoon and evening...the frig in the truck is full, the breadbox (micro wave) is full of scones and cookies and fiberbars, enough coffee to get me thru the next 2 weeks is in the truck and a case of Mountain Dew....

lets see if i can remember: 2 servings os each:

Beef tips and noodles
Beef stew
Pork stew
Meat loaf
Kielbasa and kraut with apples and onions
Chili Mac
Swiss Steak
Baked potato quarters costed in mayo and seasoned salt and baked ( to be served with the Swiss steak and the Meat Loaf)

and a box of 6 frozen White Castle burgers...:)

Sigh. :(

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Veteran Expediter
Originally Posted by Wolfeman68

Steve, if you see me, stop by, I do have 3-4 extra servicing..I'll share....Normalli i give a few meals away at the exit ramps, especially as it gets colder...but I also have been known to feed hungry Expediters!!! Xiggi likes my meat loaf and mashed taters..:D

Speaking of Xiggi, haven't seen him or heard from him in a while..anyone have any Idea whats up with him??:confused: