March 2017 this and that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ah, Saturday!



Veteran Expediter
My old rand McNally base model finally died on me yesterday. I'd had it since 2015, apparently the charger got a short and fired it. So bought the 730lm pilot has on sale this month.
Picked up my RMc in 2007. Still worked last June. If I ever get back on the road, we'll see what happens.
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Veteran Expediter
Actually...someone may be able to help me here...

What's the proper response when you are told that you are going to have your plates cancelled and insurance cancelled if you don't have any deliveries? I think it would have been supremely helpful if I was offered one. Maybe I'm wrong?

I was out for the weekend due to the shock...which I advised Thursday evening last week, and he seemed upset when I turned down a local for safety reasons the next day...would have made last week like the week before, about $245 gross...

Ah, well. I'm not privy to the advanced thinking that leads to buying 2 more company trucks in the lowest rate slowest time of the season. I consider myself well chastised, punished, and will dutifully begin to shake in my boots.

But if I'm missing something, somebody set me straight

My response would've come after I deadheaded back home, and started to take the decals off.
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OVM Project Manager
This is getting boring...7 degrees and still snowing..Can't wait till this slides east!!! Good Morning Gang! And Honey you might want to stay in Texas this week..the north is getting it again this week!


OVM Project Manager
This is getting boring...7 degrees and still snowing..Can't wait till this slides east!!! Good Morning Gang! And Honey you might want to stay in Texas this week..the north is getting it again this week!

Oh shut up!! We don't want it. We want to get the corvette out!

Sent from Lost in Space.
and I just want to let the cats out! lol