March 2017 this and that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
and I just want to let the cats out! lol


Veteran Expediter
So bored I've been cooking. My latest creation is "jerk talapia" .

It actually tastes so good, it confirmed my retirement plans...talapia farm in the woods

Cooked in butter and jerk beef seasoning, sauce not even necessary


Veteran Expediter
So bored I've been cooking. My latest creation is "jerk talapia" .

It actually tastes so good, it confirmed my retirement plans...talapia farm in the woods

Cooked in butter and jerk beef seasoning, sauce not even necessary
Don't have a clue what u r cooking but a steak sounds really good

This thingy majiggy
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Veteran Expediter
A mighty tasty fish at that..... Hmmmm I think I know what's for dinner tonight!

Sent from a top secret underground bunker at the compound
I will eat it ... but not my favorite .. Bluegill , Crappie , Perch or Walleye is tough to beat in my book ...
Of course the Panda Express that i just had ... hit the spot ... at the South Holland , il. Oasis

poking sticks --refilled
Ovm Meme's - on demand