location March


Veteran Expediter
Every spring i buy yearly licenses in WI,IL,TX,IN and then add a few extras as related to where I'm sitting allot


Expert Expediter
A word of cation for visiting the MOA this weekend ,
as security probably be on the tight side do to the last weekend shooting at the near by Southdale mall.

just park at the truck area to the East of IKEA , and leave a note to the security .

Thanks for the information Moose! :)

As for our location, we have stopped for the night in Portage, WI. Hubby gets the honor of driving to Minneapolis tomorrow and driving to all 3 delivery stops Monday morning. See how nice I am? :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Are those "Flatheads" OVM? The biggest flathead I have ever caught was just over 30 pounds on the Maumee River in Ohio. I have a friend who has one out of there that was over 80lbs. He is still trying to get one over 100. He had a 50 pounder in the aquarium at the Cabela's in Dundee MI. What river is that there? I here the Red River has big cats. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Are those "Flatheads" OVM? The biggest flathead I have ever caught was just over 30 pounds on the Maumee River in Ohio. I have a friend who has one out of there that was over 80lbs. He is still trying to get one over 100. He had a 50 pounder in the aquarium at the Cabela's in Dundee MI. What river is that there? I here the Red River has big cats. Layoutshooter

A little river that feeds into a reservior about 10 feet across and maybe 3-4 feet deep....I swear the river level goes down when you pull one out...*LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cabela's is not at all what it was like when I started there. It was a great place to work until the Cabela's brothers sold out 49% of the company and turned over day to day opporations over to Chase/Morgan/Stanley. Few of those that were there when I started there, I helped open it, still work there. Most were fired. I got "downsized" in the first bunch when they laid of 7% of the company. I at least got a small severence package. OVM, I will have to check out that river if I ever get up there. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Can't bring the gun, too many anti-gun nuts out there. They don't like me hunting or even fishing for that matter. I can remember when those kooks over at PETA wanted to outlaw fishing on the grounds that it was cruel to worms. They now want to re-name fish to "sea-kittens." They think that "Sea-Kittens" sounds "cuter" than fish and then maybe people won't want to eat them. Those people are "proof" that Darwin was off a bit. How could such weak minds be able to re-produce? Survival of the dumbest. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Thanks for the information Moose! :)

As for our location, we have stopped for the night in Portage, WI. Hubby gets the honor of driving to Minneapolis tomorrow and driving to all 3 delivery stops Monday morning. See how nice I am? :D

wake up and drive !
you will be snowed in by AM .



Seasoned Expediter
New Orleans to Van Nuys Calif. and then Arizona to Indiana. Had a great week and now sitting in Fort Wayne Hoping for another great week next week :)


Expert Expediter
wake up and drive !
you will be snowed in by AM .


Actually wasn't too bad. I think the weather man goofed. We ran into a bit of freezing rain this morning that turned to snow. A little snow cover on the road for maybe 40 miles or so, then ran out of it and the roads were dry again. We are now.. umm..hmmm.. just outside of St. Paul, MN at exit 4 in Wis and it is sunny. (I have it written down where we are, I'm just too lazy to get up and read what I have wrote down. :D )

Hopefully the weather stays nice until E1 gets us out of here. :)


Seasoned Expediter
Pomaria, South Carolina, beautiful weather day and night.
Been waiting for freight for 2 days, and not very happy about it though, at least it's nice here.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We got our truck back this morning and are now at the "J" south of Birmingham, AL. Just waiting for that wonderful "BEEP" to bring us from rags to riches!!



Veteran Expediter
picked up in NEW MADISON, OH, ten miles down the road and dropped at HARBOR VIEW, OH. now sitting at the TA in Monroe,MI


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Thanks Moose, athough, that sounded more like the "Road Runner" than "C-Link!!! By the way, is the check in the mail for all those "BEEPS"? LOL :p Layoutshooter