June Location with banter


Veteran Expediter
Ontario Van Man was just spotted in...


(and you thought the Vancouver riots were bad) :p


Veteran Expediter
After another great week and I am at the yard taking my 34 hour reset.. 6 loads in 5 days all but 1 at a good rate...I am so happy here at Load 1 that when driving down the road I have to sit on my hands just to keep from waving at everybody...LOL..[Just kidding Jennifer in safety]..I do have a hand on my dash so I am always waving...seems to be a lot of trucks here in the yard but no one in them....looking forward to another great week...


Retired Expediter
Cavity search?

went real smooth..both ways...did the car lanes inbound even tho there were NO trucks in line grrrrrr....told the guy why I was there, he checked the records and viola there was that written warning still on the books....coming back I did the truck lanes....just said empty...
where did I go? did I take a load up there...I was honest and said no.....I could see him thinking and said I've been thru this before...personal, commercial..I felt like a basketball being tossed around by the Pistons...he laughed and did not even charge me the 10.25.....all in all was a good trip...did the porch monkey thing with my son, drank a few brewskys and played some tunes.....


Retired Expediter
To add....Besides my sons birthday on Saturday 26 now...

my daughter Jay....completed her high school at 28 thru side courses to get the required credits....it is NOT a GED but the real deal... Proud daddy moment...:D

Next month off to Alberta...Edmonton...my other son Adam turns 25 and got a new grandson Shawn we haven't seen yet:)...


Retired Expediter
Yes it does....Passport required by AIR....FAST, NEXUS or Enhanced DL is acceptable...for ground crossing...it is the DHS web site...


Retired Expediter
WHTI | USA | Trusted Traveler Programs

Trusted Traveler Programs - NEXUS, SENTRI and FAST provide expedited travel for pre-approved frequent border crossers through dedicated lanes. While NEXUS was designed for northern border crossing and SENTRI for southern border crossing, any of the cards can be used at all U.S. land and sea ports of entry. Click on each card for more information.


OVM Project Manager
You're gonna make me say it aren't you? *lol*

you are right...:)

Life is good....;)

dang it...get outa my post...*LOL*
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Retired Expediter
FAST Driver cards are WHTI-compliant documents for entry into the United States by land or sea...

Told ya so.....


OVM Project Manager
So my morning project is in the mail..both passport renewals are sent! Let me see...hubby is napping...maybe a good day to do laundry...still raining here!