June Location with banter


Not a Member
Greenville SC. Day three of truck repair. Radiator, two sensors and two thermastats.....oooch. Hopefully done by Thursday.

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Veteran Expediter
Well, nothing from dispatch today or this evening...so a night of Karaoke and sitting and BS'ing with a driver from C&M Logistics...Oh well, maybe tomorrow...if not, another night of Karaoke!!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Thought I had a u joint going bad yesterday. After some calls I ran from Barea to Indy because Stoops had a drive shaft in stock. Because the u joints are not replaceable you have to buy a 1580. pat. They got me in around 4{30 and could find nothing wring, he said with the miles have it checked whenever it gets serviced but everything looked fine. Sitting at the J on the loop here in Indy.


Retired Expediter
Thought I had a u joint going bad yesterday. After some calls I ran from Barea to Indy because Stoops had a drive shaft in stock. Because the u joints are not replaceable you have to buy a 1580. pat. They got me in around 4{30 and could find nothing wring, he said with the miles have it checked whenever it gets serviced but everything looked fine. Sitting at the J on the loop here in Indy.

Xiggi....ya know the hearing is first to go....LOL Just turn up the radio...

Still in Iowa and no call to move either..Chicago must have units there....


OVM Project Manager
Mornin dear! Got four little kittens just outside the door...
tusseling around on the welcome mat. I gave them a couple of toys yesterday and they're just awful cute!

Kinda cool here this morning..there too?:)


Veteran Expediter
Museum was cool. Then we journied to the dentist. I have been in pain for three days. Thought it was a cavity. Its not, its an infection from my wonderful wisdom tooth. Going to have to get them pulled. Luckily I only have two. Guess I am not that wise.....


Veteran Expediter
ovm wrote:

Moved to Peru Ill....at a Walmart..:rolleyes:

Across the hyway and behind the McDonalds iss a place called "Cabin Fever"..looks like a log cabin...everything on ythe menu is good...and the prices are not bad at all...

No karaoke tonight...Joe called early (1930) and wanted me to move to Nashville TN...be there by 0100...
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Retired Expediter
Total Loaded Miles: 2,459
Total Empty Miles: 167

Last week....pay was almost 3K...:D

This week...well the next load will tell the tale....:)