January Banter and Location


Veteran Expediter
Dynamite1 wrote:

hey dennis, just wanted to extend a thanks for talkin to my buddy butch last week. he was the guy that mentioned mine and tinas name. he drives a straight truck for diamond. older gentleman with grey hair that caught you right before you went to sleep after you delivered. thanks for all the info you gave him, it really helped. thanks, tom & tina

Oh dang!! When he asked if i knew Tom ----- i said no, but if he had said "Dynamite", id have known...He was a really nice guy...i figured he got a load because i told him to bring back the other half of the team later that day after i woke up and they never showed...tell him not to hesitate to contact me if he has any questiones..he was a pleasure to talk to...

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
yep, sure will. he just wanted me to make sure you knew he was grateful for your info. it really did help. he is a great guy. we have been the best of friends since day one about 9 yrs ago. one of them that would do anything for ya anytime. would be a good asset to the load one family. im sure you will here from him. thanks again.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Ralph, Benny, and Ed. Sheesh!!!

Whatever would I do without friends like you guys.

Sent from my MB860 using EO Forums


OVM Project Manager
So Ken's on the way to who knows where and I've been crafting and reading...took a little drive through our little town when I went to get the mail and realized just how tiny it really is. I miss the big cities in the winter when everyone is holed up inside because of the weather, but I do love it the rest of the year.

To put it in terms that an expeditor will understand...it's the diffence between laying over in Laredo where everyone can get out and yap and enjoy the sun on your face........

and northern Minnesota where you don't put your foot outside unless you want frostbite!

Guess I'm just claustrophobic...:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Well, looking at the start of the new yr, and with Dave Bruno posting in the main forum about how the yr has started and since i have been asked more then a few times this weekend while down here in Laredo how is Load 1 to work with, i ran the numbers.

I won't post the money since that was touched on last week as something not to do anymore. Sothere is a chance of one more run yet this month and while there is a better then 50/50 chance I'll end the month of Jan here in Laredo or close. I'll use the numbers from my Fleet Vision as they are right now.

since 1/4 : 12 trips
539 DH Miles
5344 Loaded Miles

Those #'s are just what 252 has done, nothing from 192 is included.

Thanks Load 1 for a good start to what i figure will be a great yr....:)


Veteran Expediter
At the yard and no parking places left...if anybody leaves let me know....p/u a load sunday night and going home for a week...