January Banter and Location


Veteran Expediter
Good Morning all.

Ken...... Founder of "Occupy Laredo " ? and here I thought he was just trying to cut back on "heat days".....:p

He better be careful. Another couple of days and he'll have to apply for citizenship in the country of Texas.

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OVM Project Manager
Morning gang..Just waking up with my home made brew..no Micky's, Timmie's, Pilot, Speedway, Gourmet..and it's **** good!
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Veteran Expediter
Good Mornin!! Yea I see "movement"..all the Panther drivers (13 of them) pac'in back and forth in mass wonderin when they are going to move out!!

Oh, 1st cup of coffee here..thinkin about a bowl of cereal since i have already downed 3 blueberry scones!!

That high of 81 down here today will give me a good temp to install the "slushbusters" today, and I think i make tear the sideview mirrors of and modify them per a few pictures and the info i got from "Rocketman" (he is in a Cargo Max also) to correct the need to re-adjust them eachtime i close the door...

If no load today, the evening starts the "dining" out weekend!!! Logans here i come!!!:D But until then, I need to shower and get ready for the $.10 cent tours!! LOL, it got so funny yesterday that each time someone asked who's van this was, OVM and my buddy Paul would just laugh point and go take a walk, they got where they knew the talk as well as i did!! Between the Cargo Max talk and the "How do you like Load ??" OVM and I were drinkin "hot toddy's" with honey in them so make our vocal cords feel better...:D


Retired Expediter
Good Mornin!! Yea I see "movement"..all the Panther drivers (13 of them) pac'in back and forth in mass wonderin when they are going to move out!!

Oh, 1st cup of coffee here..thinkin about a bowl of cereal since i have already downed 3 blueberry scones!!

That high of 81 down here today will give me a good temp to install the "slushbusters" today, and I think i make tear the sideview mirrors of and modify them per a few pictures and the info i got from "Rocketman" (he is in a Cargo Max also) to correct the need to re-adjust them eachtime i close the door...

If no load today, the evening starts the "dining" out weekend!!! Logans here i come!!!:D But until then, I need to shower and get ready for the $.10 cent tours!! LOL, it got so funny yesterday that each time someone asked who's van this was, OVM and my buddy Paul would just laugh point and go take a walk, they got where they knew the talk as well as i did!! Between the Cargo Max talk and the "How do you like Load ??" OVM and I were drinkin "hot toddy's" with honey in them so make our vocal cords feel better...:D

like a real estate agent going thru the motions...LOL

Chef has it down pretty smooth now...:D


Retired Expediter
Morning Dennis...and I was just going to ask what was for breakfast...thanks for feeding my hubby!:)

Yeah Dennis is cleaning out his fridge I think...fed me lunch and dinner yesterday....all I' ve spent is $1.99 on a bag of ice...LOL.....I am good for another week....hehehe


OVM Project Manager
Boy, John sure made it sound pretty bleak with that 549 dollar load, but I'm betting dispatch will get you both out today! *crossing my fingers and toes*