January Banter and Location


OVM Project Manager
Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation. its a little machine with pads that you place on the skin similar to those of an ekg machine. the pads are tethered to a little machine which you control strength frequencies and length of the stimulation. It makes the muscles contract and loosen stimulating the nerves. Its kind of an odd feeling.

It almost sounds like you slightly electrocute your muscles?
It's not painful is it?


Retired Expediter
what a nap....gotta go into Wallys and get a couple jugs of water for my coffee...may head back to Laredo to greet Chef..LOL


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
It almost sounds like you slightly electrocute your muscles?
It's not painful is it?

It's an electrical charge or pulse. It can hurt if the setting is too high.

Not nearly as bad as the heartburn from Viet food.

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
and have you tried this?

Yes to both. The tens feels like a bunch of bugs crawling on you when it activates.

Viet food is waaaaay spicy. We ate it because in certain places smelling like an American would get you shot. :(

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Veteran Expediter
On our way to Chatanooga right now. If we don't get a load Friday we will be heading home. Nicks dad had another back surgery todand this one turned out to be a bit more intensive than planned. instead of putting a collar in they removed the nerve from the spinal cord and "cleaned" it. Not sure what it did :/


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
On our way to Chatanooga right now. If we don't get a load Friday we will be heading home. Nicks dad had another back surgery todand this one turned out to be a bit more intensive than planned. instead of putting a collar in they removed the nerve from the spinal cord and "cleaned" it. Not sure what it did :/

They scrape it to clean off debris. At least that's what they called it when they did mine. Hope he's ok.

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Retired Expediter
To all my fellow expediters...to those not driving, good night and to those that are driving, may the Good Lord be your guiding light thru the darkness and keep you safe...
God Bless
Ken aka OVM....:)