But Cheri, you missed the point, everyone goes through this at one time or another and unless there is a reason to elevate one group above another - all our rights are equal, period. I went through name calling the other day, being stopped at a light in Toledo and being called nice names from one of the followers of the great Farrakhan, a bother of the Nation of Islam who was handing out newspapers. When I go to my truck in the bowels of a war zone and I have to hear the same thing, so what.
If we put words into action, then yes there is a true problem but don't we already have laws to cover everyone - assault is assault, a murder is a murder and so on.
The thing is there are choices that can be made, you are painting them with the same broad brush as you are fighting against. Some of these people are not Gay out of a gene thing that tells them to chase the same sex, some find the lifestyle to their liking while others use it to stand out - removing those who actually can't help it out of the equation. People don't have to wear pink and polka dot skirts but some do while others don't have to wear womens clothes while being a man but some do. The real problem for me and many others has nothing to do with the Gay issue but the presentation of it to us, I have to like them regardless or I have to accept them regardless or they are in your face telling everyone who they are - all of it detracts from their need to be part of the society and when you think about it, they want society to change to their way of thinking be demanding respect while not respecting others.
When I hear "isn't Ellen great, as a Gay performer she is tops" I have to think that this is a wrong way to look at things, it elevates her because of who she is, not how well she performs. I would rather look at her as a performer without stigmatizing her as Gay, don't you agree?
Also the other problem with the entire movement is the fact that the representitives of the movement also tie themselves with devient groups that should not be part of the main stream Gay movement but as I can see this is because no one has yet defined what Gay is.
One last thing, the miltary is our problem, there is absolutly no way to justify something as only a military issue in our country. What I mean is our military serves a job, they are there to protect us and if we have social engineering going on there, then that may be a bigger problem when we have to have hard fighting to protect us. I already know there are cohesion problems within some parts of the Army and Navy, I don't like it because it puts my country at risk.