Yup. Chilly last night in the Motel Econoline, too. Thank God my propane lasted until wakeup time
Do you use a 20# tank?
Yup. Chilly last night in the Motel Econoline, too. Thank God my propane lasted until wakeup time
Do you use a 20# tank?
Kill roaches using raid, kill haters by getting paid
Yes. I would like to mount it on the left rear door; if I could fit two, that would rock! Thinking about a rack for the door that could hold propane tanks in winter and a genny in the summer. Still not sure about the genny, tho; usually when it ain't fit to be outside, I just go inside the truckstop.
You keep the tank inside though correct. I've been running my mr buddy on these 1# and its a pain. I'm going to big buddy and a 20# to see how it works. Are you thinking of mounting them on interior of door? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question just making sure I'm not the only one nuts enough to carry propane around with me until a more permanent (espar) solution. If using a buddy, how long is the propane lasting you? Thanks!
Ah change of plans 100 miles outside of Indianapolis. Pick up there in the am. Been driving non stop since noon yesterday
Be safe driver.. Be careful putting some of that info to print on a public website.
Unless of course your part of team.
Ah change of plans 100 miles outside of Indianapolis. Pick up there in the am. Been sitting non stop since noon yesterday
Transit abuse.....IMO