Dream on. It would NEVER happen, even if he were to be elected. This mess CANNOT be changed by one man. It cannot be changed in one term or even a decade. These are long term problems that require long term thinking and long term solutions. It was short term thinking that got us where we are.
One man has many ideas, and a virtual army that is changing the face of a party. What the hell do you want?
Forget I asked.
Like Turtle I saw Romney on TV yesterday and didn't seem too worried about anything. Paul is scoring some points which will possibly push a official lockup to May 29th. What he is scoring in a few states doesn't appear to change much of anything at this point.
Romney slowly but surely racking up GOP convention delegates | Fox News
Also he should keep in mind that a bound delegate doesn't necessarily have to vote - they can abstain .....But keep in mind that some of those delegates are unbound and may not vote for the robot when the time comes. Others will have to, but will abandon the robot if it doesn't win on the first ballot.
Also he should keep in mind that a bound delegate doesn't necessarily have to vote - they can abstain .....
What if something happens (or comes to light) between now and August, that causes a bound delegate to reconsider whether or not Romney is actually politically viable ?
Ahhh .... ok ....That could happen but it would likely throw candidates that suspended their campaign to jump back in which is highly unlikely.
Yes .... it wouldn't be good .... but I'd agree: it's highly unlikely that either he or Newt would jump back after suspending ....Santorum would be the go to guy there and that wouldn't be good.
You read the New Yorker piece already ? (It's from 5 days ago)That has been around for quite some time and never amounted to much. Democrats were all over it and didn't come back with anything.