Some of today's highlights of the GOP State Convention Follies:
AZ: Apparently a Romney supporter was arrested and taken into custody by police for physically attacking a Ron Paul supporter.
Last I looked, the convention was still in recess.
OK: A total FUBAR ....
There was a brawl on the convention floor in OK as well as well as AZ. I heard it on the livestream but couldn't see the action .... nice ....
Establishment OK GOP tries to railroad the convention process by not adhering to the rules, with numerous violations of ORP rules and Robert's Rules of Order ....
IOW: a complete clusterflop ....
This chaos included failing to use a roll call vote for the election of national delegates (required by the rules) ....
which may make the delegates unseatable in Tampa ....
The convention chair improperly and illegally adjourned the convention without a vote (or in contravention of the called vote) ....
and per RoR, there is currently a "rump convention" occurring in the parking lot.
Livestream of the ongoing rump convention:
OK GOP Convention