About That GNP thingie ....


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If he says something about it, then he's a sore loser, and then he'll get no votes AND no money.

I don't know? He is basically losing now. He does want the money though or he wouldn't stay in so maybe that is the real driving force behind it and possibly to get a good time slot at the convention. More than likely his last stand in politics.
I don't think anyone would consider him a sore loser, but he would have to have facts. Without them, I agree, sore loser would be the tag.
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Veteran Expediter
I don't know? He is basically losing now. He does want the money though or he wouldn't stay in so maybe that is the real driving force behind it and possibly to get a good time slot at the convention. More than likely his last stand in politics.
I don't think anyone would consider him a sore loser, but he would have to have facts. Without them, I agree, sore loser would be the tag.

If he doesn't win, it will be his last stand since he's retiring. But instead of challenging the fraudulent results, he's quietly pursuing his game plan of picking up a few delegates here and there, thinking there's going to be a brokered convention. That would be excellent merely for the entertainment value. Oh, the weeping and gnashing of teeth that would be heard! And it couldn't happen to a more deserving party.

Remember when it was the Demon-crats that nominated total losers election after election? Why did the Re-thuglicans feel the need to start doing that?


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Might be entertaining but with a very remote chance of winning anything it does more damage than it gains. More of a cash grab and filling ones ego than anything. I think he will gain some more delagates but to what end? All any of it does is help Obama. By his own admission, Paul said Romney would be a better president than Obama. So with that in mind, attempts to derail Romney seems to be more of a ego thing and to help Obama in.
Don't get me wrong, no fan of Romney but I do agree with Paul, he is a better choice than Obama.


Veteran Expediter
By his own admission, Paul said Romney would be a better president than Obama. So with that in mind, attempts to derail Romney seems to be more of a ego thing and to help Obama in.

Yeah, I guess Paul should just put his convictions and principals aside and roll over for Romney. You know, just like those that cast a vote for the "lesser of two evils"


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Yeah, I guess Paul should just put his convictions and principals aside and roll over for Romney. You know, just like those that cast a vote for the "lesser of two evils"

If it is by design to put Obama back in for another four, than I would say yes as painful as it is. After a speech in Tampa, people will forget all about Paul after a few days while in the meantime we are stuck with Obama for another term. Have to go with common sense on this one.


Veteran Expediter
Might be entertaining but with a very remote chance of winning anything it does more damage than it gains. More of a cash grab and filling ones ego than anything. I think he will gain some more delagates but to what end? All any of it does is help Obama. By his own admission, Paul said Romney would be a better president than Obama. So with that in mind, attempts to derail Romney seems to be more of a ego thing and to help Obama in.
Don't get me wrong, no fan of Romney but I do agree with Paul, he is a better choice than Obama.

Well, first, the primary goal is to.win the presidency and return the government back to sanity. Failing that, at a brokered convention, there would be lots of backroom negotiations to pick up delegatea. Romney might very well have to make concessions and promises that he otherwise wouldnt entertain. So the backup plan would be to force Romney and the platform to the Right, much like Pat Buchanan did when he ran. When the deals are struck, then maybe Dr. Paul, the only honorable man in Sodom-by-the-Potomac, will ask his supporters to back Romney.


Veteran Expediter
I have said more then a few times while I support him, RP can't get the voters to the booths..he isn't going to gather enough delgates to do anything more then have a say in the "platform" that Romney wii run on....but there is also the "movement" of those that are backing him now and will continue to back his ideals from now on..to that end, you have to look at this as to why just maybe he is hanging in there till the end:

RON PAUL REVOLUTION 2.0: Rand Paul Is Already Gearing Up For 2016 - Business Insider


Veteran Expediter
I think we're all going to be surprised how many delegated Ron Paul brings to the convention, and how many more will switch to him after the 1st ballot results in a brokered convention. More will become unbound after the 2nd ballot, and then the real circus begins. I have to make sure to be home then so I can watch the spectacle that will be the Re-thug-lican establishment in a tizzy.


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No sign of a brokered convention at this point. Even Paul himself says as of yesterday that it is very remote. I think he will get some delegates and a decent speaking spot but that is about it.
Still think he could cause some trouble, but nothing is gained with that. Maybe he or Rand will get lucky in 2016.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I don't understand the "cash grab and filling ones ego" thing. Ron Paul doesn't have any kind of history of either, and both of those go against everything he stands for and everything he's done in his public life. Rhetoric, perhaps? Paul is out in front of a movement of ideas, and those ideas aren't going to go away, and especially they aren't going to go away just because he's not going to get the nomination. It's always been about the idea, not the man, so the ego angle doesn't make sense. His campaign, unlike every other campaign, has been meticulous in the accounting and reporting of expenditures, and it shows without a doubt that they have been quite frugal in their spending. He's certainly not getting rich, or even slightly better off, with this campaign. So the cash grab angle doesn't make sense, either. I'm gonna go with rhetoric. Yeah, that's the ticket. Rhetoric. :D


Veteran Expediter
I don't understand the "cash grab and filling ones ego" thing. Ron Paul doesn't have any kind of history of either, and both of those go against everything he stands for and everything he's done in his public life. Rhetoric, perhaps? Paul is out in front of a movement of ideas, and those ideas aren't going to go away, and especially they aren't going to go away just because he's not going to get the nomination. It's always been about the idea, not the man, so the ego angle doesn't make sense. His campaign, unlike every other campaign, has been meticulous in the accounting and reporting of expenditures, and it shows without a doubt that they have been quite frugal in their spending. He's certainly not getting rich, or even slightly better off, with this campaign. So the cash grab angle doesn't make sense, either. I'm gonna go with rhetoric. Yeah, that's the ticket. Rhetoric. :D
LOL .... yeah ....

.... after all it's (so-called) "common sense" .... right ?

But I'll tell ya, at this point: it smells more like .... catnip .... to me .... :rolleyes:

Later today the Nevada and Maine GOP state conventions will occur ....

Prepare yourselves - it will be thuggery :mad: .... or a coup :eek:

Either way - Romney will lose ....
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Veteran Expediter
Might be entertaining but with a very remote chance of winning anything it does more damage than it gains ..... All any of it does is help Obama ..... So with that in mind, attempts to derail Romney seems to be more of a ego thing and to help Obama in .... Still think he could cause some trouble, but nothing is gained with that.

I think you're starting to get ..... just a little nervous .... and it's showing .... ;)


Veteran Expediter
Maybe he or Rand will get lucky in 2016.
Wrong Paradigm ....

You are aware aren't you ..... that Dr. Paul has four other children besides Rand .... and eighteen grandchildren ....

Try thinking "Political Dynasty" .... instead of Andy, Opie and Aunt Bee in "Political Mayberry" ....

All the grandchildren you see in the following video (done in 1996) are now of the age of majority and are adults ....

One of them is even married to Dr. Paul's Campaign Manager:



Veteran Expediter
What Doug sez:

Ron Paul: How Many Delegates Now?

May 4, 2012

Speculation about the size of the Ron Paul presence at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August has some Mitt Romney operatives in a panic. What is worrisome are the additional numbers of “stealth delegates” now winning positions in state conventions and going to Tampa as Mitt Romney delegates. The question is this, how many Ron Paul supporters will actually be on the floor? And what will they be able to do?

Meanwhile, some journalists are scrambling in embarrassment, having assured their corporate masters that the whole drama is over. But if Ron Paul can take delegates in Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, right under his nose, what other surprises are in store?

For the moment, the leading argument inside the Romney camp is being driven by Washington old hands who are urging the campaign to come down hard on the Ronulans, in the tradition of the John McCain – Robert Dole campaigns. Keep the convention tidy, exclusive, show that they are in control and organized.

The counter argument, which comes from some of Romney’s own personal team, is that it is too late, “that ship has already sailed. There will be a sizeable Ron Paul delegation on the RNC floor anyway, we have the nomination, so let’s be nice, let’s take a page from the Reagan playbook and bring them into the fold.” Or so they say.

The immediate question coming to a head this weekend and next is should Ron Paul’s name be allowed in nomination at the RNC in Tampa? If the process is played out naturally, organically, that is exactly what will happen, for Ron Paul will have a plurality in more than the five states required to place his name in nomination. Some in the Romney camp are fine with that. “We need these people for the general election. Let them have their day in the sun. It will add drama and attract a larger viewing audience.”

But the prevailing mood of some in the Romney camp is to shut down the process, to use their power to stop it from happening. It risks angering the Ronulans who will feel cheated by bitter power plays at state conventions this month and next but the Romney Hawks argue that allowing the Ronulans any more room will turn the convention into a fiasco similar to the 1992 convention.

That was the year that the RNC had Pat Robertson and insurgent candidate, Pat Buchanan, give speeches and the George HW Bush – Dan Quayle ticket went down in defeat in the general election.

The Romney angels counter that this is not 1992. That Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan represented the most conservative base of the GOP at a time when they should be reaching out to a wider, general audience, while Ron Paul represents youth, Hispanics, independents and even Democrats, the very votes that Romney must now have to win a general election. A recent Rasmussen poll has Ron Paul beating Obama and Romney only tying him. “If we don’t have them in the general election,” say the more angelic Romneyites, “Then we lose.”

Whatever happens, the ball is now in the Mitt Romney court. If the Hawks continue to prevail and they keep playing dirty at the state conventions they will stop Ron Paul from being nominated and probably their own chances of winning a general election. They will also have a sizeable number of angry Ronulans on the floor of the RNC all with iPhone cameras to record every ugly moment of disunity.

What to do?

Yeah .... what to do, what to do ? .... oh my .... :rolleyes:

Heheheh .... I'm frickin' lovin' it .... bring on the bloodbath .... :p
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Veteran Expediter
And then there's this from Allan Steve @ PolicyMic:

Ron Paul Will Win Nevada and Change History

Walk into the John Ascuaga Nugget in Sparks, Nevada and you immediately see that there might not be a single more fitting place for what will happen Saturday. An 8-inch high, 18-karat gold rooster graces the entrance lobby and has been there since 1962, when the government returned it to its owner, John Ascuaga.

Claiming that it was just too much gold for one man to own and therefore in violation of the Gold Reserve Act, the rooster was confiscated by the Treasury Department. Many had accepted gold confiscation quietly for the 35 or so years that Roosevelt's gold confiscation act had been in place. Not John Ascuaga.

A drawn out legal battle ensued and ultimately, two years later, the ten men and two women on the jury agreed that the confiscation was unjust. The hard fought battle over the rooster made headlines across the country – as Ascuaga and a jury of his peers told the U.S. government victoriously to mind its own business.

There, near the front door of the Ascuaga Nugget today is the golden rooster, a reminder of the lengths one may go to in order to protect individual liberty from the tyranny of government.

On Saturday, in a vast room in Ascuaga's Nugget, Nevada Republicans will convene a state convention in which Ron Paul supporters will be the majority. That convention will decide 25 of Nevada's 28 delegates to the Republican National Convention. These Ron Paul supporters are battle-hardened warriors who have been through much political fighting over the last five years and have largely come out the victor.

Wednesday, a cranky RNC attorney sent a letter calling for these Ron Paul supporters to be brought in line. In legalese, this letter screamed, "How dare they think an autonomous state party can make its own rules?" The author of the letter, John R. Phillippe, Jr., didn't like hearing that Ron Paul supporters might vote to unbind Nevada's delegates – essentially allowing each national delegate to vote according to his or her conscience.

Maybe the assembly will vote Saturday to unbind the delegates bound by the results of the February 4 caucus. Maybe they won't. Whatever happens, it is very likely that Ron Paul will have a decisive majority from Nevada and from at least four other states.

Under party rules, that is the minimum required to conduct business at the RNC. His name will be brought as a nominee before the assembly. His group can conduct business. Even Fox News predicts that happening.

Forty years in the political wilderness, and Ron Paul will finally be able to conduct business. This is the man who the Huffington Post just called "the most successful presidential candidate in the last couple of decades."

Minnesota and Louisiana look like Paul victories, along with other states from Colorado to possibly even Mitt Romney's home of Massachusetts, but what happens in Nevada on Saturday will be a guide for how many other state conventions will go this year. Nevada will be a guiding light. If Nevada votes to unbind, then other states will follow. If Nevada gets scared, then we should not expect gutsy moves from the less tenacious states. What state is the most important state in the union? California? New York? Texas? The non-state of DC?

Saturday it will be Nevada. Both the Obama and Romney campaigns know the polling data and know that success for Ron Paul, even the slightest, means potential failure for the two of them. Most media sources will not report what happens – they've already erroneously and repeatedly proclaimed that the GOP nominating process is finished. However, many eyes will be watching Nevada. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will be watching Nevada nervously as will their highest level campaign advisors.

But more importantly, every aspiring Ron Paul delegate in the country will be watching Nevada. Call it pioneering, venturing out, or leadership. Whatever name you call it, Nevada Republicans have one of those infrequent opportunities one gets in life to take a risk and show others the way.

On Saturday morning, some 2,000 Nevada Republicans will walk in the door past that golden rooster and few will know the battle fought between a man and his government over that rooster. Some who walk through that door will have no fight at all in them. But a few will understand. A few will look to that 14-pound piece of gold and be reminded of how important the task at hand is.

Will Nevada Republicans bow to the threats of some DC attorney? Or will they laugh at those threats for the feeble last minute efforts that they are. Where was John R. Phillippe, Jr. four years ago when GOP rules were being violated here in Nevada? Cajoled by the Romney campaign, John R. Phillippe, Jr. doesn't care about GOP rules. He cares about seeing his patron get the nomination. The battles of four years ago set the stage for this weekend's victory – the culmination of the takeover of the Nevada GOP by the grassroots of the party. Four years ago, the John R. Phillippe, Jrs., could have stopped this from happening, but not today, not days before the inevitable.

Will Nevada Republicans courteously follow the rules of the RNC, the rules of the old guard and insiders? Or will they recognize that their state and its state convention are empowered to make its own rules? I don't know. Whatever they do, other states will follow.

Three hours after they make those decisions, a special guest will come through those doors, passing that same golden rooster. Ron Paul himself will address the Nevada Republican Convention. And no matter how successful his delegates are, he will praise them for being successful. He will praise them and show gratitude because he is grateful. He thought he would spend that entire 40 years wandering in the wilderness alone. But he isn't alone. And what used to be the political wilderness has become mainstream.

But everyone reading this knows that not all results out of Nevada are the same. That gracious man will praise his Nevada supporters either way, but that tenacious fighter in him that kept at it those 40 years wants a win. He wants those 25 unbound delegates from Nevada, followed by 43 unbound delegates from Louisiana, and 37 unbound delegates from Minnesota. After just one vote, the RNC will be a gathering of unbound delegates that no amount of posturing from John R. Phillippe, Jr. will be able to control.

Brokered conventions can be unpredictable – Herbert Hoover walked into the 1920 RNC with only 7% of the delegates on his side before winning the nomination on the tenth ballot and becoming the President five months later. The John R. Phillippe, Jrs. don't like Ron Paul getting a foothold in this process because they fear the will of the Republican national delegates.

If given a choice between two candidates, Mitt Romney might not be the choice of those 2,286 dedicated Republicans gathered in Tampa in late August. If his latest threatening letter is any indication, then John R. Phillippe, Jr. wants to see no choice, wants to see only one nominee when the "nominating convention" meets. The highest levels of the GOP recognize the unpredictability of brokered conventions. What they don't realize is that it's too late for them to effectively intervene to stop Ron Paul's movement.

Where was John R. Phillippe, Jr. four years ago? I didn't see him phone banking in New Hampshire, writing letters into Iowa, or knocking on doors in Nevada. I don't remember hearing his vocal displeasure in the media when state-after-state told Ron Paul supporters they were unwelcome in 2008 and again in 2012. But today, four years too late, in May 2012, John R. Phillippe, Jr., steps forward to insist that everyone play nice.

Ron Paul's supporters will force their way through the door of the RNC. Not with battering rams, but by cleverly using the rules written by the insiders. They will force the issues that matter to them. They will be heard, and they will win. No matter how much I'm told that the John R. Phillippe, Jrs. of the world matter, that message won't sink in. The John R. Phillippe, Jrs. don't matter. The John R. Phillippe, Jrs. can be bought.

Saturday we reach a point of no return. Nevada Republicans will step forward and lead. Will the rest of Ron Paul's supporters follow or leave them to dangle in the wind? Louisiana, Minnesota, Iowa, are next. How many states can John R. Phillippe, Jr. threaten before the rest of the country realizes that the threats of John R. Phillippe, Jr. are as impotent and feeble as I realize him to be.

As a wise man once wrote, "All things splendid have been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance."

Do these men and women fight today for their freedom or to placate John R. Phillippe, Jr.? The golden rooster, Ascuaga's hotel that I'll sleep in tonight, the whole city of Sparks, the whole state of Nevada -- none of those would exist if bold men and women decided it important to placate the John R. Phillippe, Jrs., of the world.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What Doug sez:......
Heheheh .... I'm frickin' lovin' it .... bring on the bloodbath .... :p
Not to put a damper on things, but Doug's Blog post is meaningless. Preaching to the choir with a certain audience, perhaps, but it's nothing more than unsubstantiated wishes of opinion. These kinds of pieces really tick me off from a journalistic credibility viewpoint (not that I should be shocked at a lack of credibility in a man who secretly taped conversations with George W, for years). It's loaded with quotes, actual quotes mind you, attributable to the ever-popular Nobody In Particular, which means he made them up.

...some Mitt Romney operatives... some journalists are scrambling... inside the Romney camp... by Washington old hands.... which comes from some of Romney’s own personal team... or so they say.... the prevailing mood of some in the Romney camp...

Who are these people? Nobody. They don't exist. He's written an entire piece chock full of information that came from nobody. The age-old rule is that when you attribute something to "some people say" or some variant of the same, that what you're really doing is reporting your own opinion, but are trying to pass it off as someone else's to make it more believable and more credible.

"Speculation about the size of the Ron Paul presence at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August has some Mitt Romney operatives in a panic."

Some? Name one. Protecting sources is one thing, but wishfully making them up is quite another. You can't merely assume something to be true, and then write about it as if it is.

Doug Wead is someone who knows better. There's no excuse for this. None. And even more disturbing are the lap dogs (euphemism for zealots - read the comments under the article) who think this is "info" and tactfully discreet. It's like a pep rally at an Amway meeting (which is really funny if you are aware of his association with MLM and Amway).

Ron Paul is an unflinchingly, honest-to-a-fault individual. Doug Wead is a carnival barker.


Veteran Expediter
Smoke and mirrors
Republican Demo it dont realy matter to me on the stinking party.
Hard Core to one Im not.
However if the man Represents the People of this country and not some Big Business that taking its Jobs over seas then that Man or Women will get my Vote.
Im not biased I just dont see the sense of putting a figure int he office if they are not for People of this Great Country.
Maybe we ought to say None of the Above. Clean out he house and Senate as well and start over.
For those ousted getting to keep their Checks each month for doing two terms or the Free medical, NO WAY tell them to get a Job ya Bums. If they realy want them then they do community service 3 weekends a month for 20 years and then apply for them.
And set Max term rates for the house and Senate 2 terms 8 years.
I bet we get more work outa the slugs.
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Veteran Expediter
At the Maine State GOP Republican convention this morning, it appears that establishment political hack (and State GOP Chairman) Charlie "I've-discovered-vote-fraud-but-not-really" Webster's tactics to ramrod the convention are failing with the following elections:

Convention Secretary: Ron Morrell

Convention Chairman: Brent Tweed

Both are supporters of Dr. Paul .....

This represents a repudiation of Webster's effort to install his personal choice for Convention Chairman .... a bona fide shill for the military-industrial-governmental complex ....

Unsurprisingly, from reading a little of the blow-by-blow, it appears that ***hat Webster attempted to subvert the process numerous times .... the eventual full report may likely be hilarious ....
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Veteran Expediter
From the Bangor Daily News, 22 minutes ago:

As Predicted, Ron Paul Backers Take Over Maine GOP Convention



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I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the Doug guy either. That is how those conspiracies get started.
Lot of writing with no facts. Then again, Romney has Fox so it depends on what you are looking at. As for the "cashgrab" thinking, my thoughts are once Paul said he wasn't likley to be the nominee, what else is there short of a limited message and raising cash. He wanted to do something, should be back in Congress doing something. Well anything at this point.
Like quite a few, only nervous to the point we may wind up with Obama.
If the situation was reversed and Paul was leading Romney, I would become a Paul supporter.
I'm not thrilled with either one. Only a matter of getting Obama out of there.
Whomever is in the best position to that is all I can look at.
If Paul again was leading, I wouldn't be rooting for Romney to get in the way. Nothing is gained that way either.
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