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  1. B

    Need a qustion answered should go under Trucks but

    RE: Need a qustion answered should go under Trucks Thank you all for your suggestions, Blucolr had it right. It was not the Engine Block Heather, but the Air Intake Heater. Your correct all summer it was not needed, with the cooler Temps it is. Also the reason I did not notice it last...
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    Finnally, I can post this!

    Who is he leased to? Congrats....
  3. B

    Need a qustion answered should go under Trucks but

    Went to start truck last night, no problem until about 5 seconds later, noticed the interior lights got dim, nothing on to drain any electricity, no air, fridge, lights nothing. Volts went from 14 to 13 on my volt meter thats a big drop and the dimmness of the lights also told me alot of power...
  4. B

    What is "having your own authority"?

    This should sum it up VERY EXPENSIVE, proabably $3-4K up front for insurance and than waiting up to 60 days to get paid for the first load you did? = Very deep pockets.... Can you afford to pay for ALL expenses for up to 120 days until the cash flow begins to kick in?
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    had enought

    Your not gona be called a BABY by me. Its very aggrivating to break down but twice in a week, and than to try to guage a business when the gauges do not even work. I agree with you. This is a great warning to all of you WANTING TO DO THIS, alot of O/O cannot afford to keep these trucks in...
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    Rigs, Sleepers, and More

    4-5 Year old with a Bentz Sleeper with an APU close to $42K, forget the shower the toilet can be purchased at any sports store. Better yet just go inside the Rest Area.... Strictly BALLPARK....
  7. B

    Delivery times..............

    50 mph take it or leave it.... Traffic there goes your lunch break, accident no naps got the picture.....
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    I thought to myself this question "What if I ran for Congress and Won" I would run under the ticket: Eliminate all retirement to any and all Politicians except the President. Why the president cause he is worth much more in the open market than he would be by being President. Congress...
  9. B

    talk me in or talk me out

    I live in Charlotte, I am probably at home until this Wed Private Mail on this site with your phone number.
  10. B

    Is this a Typical Day when that phone does not Rin

    Get up straighten the sleeper up, decide on the way to the restroom what flavor of coffee one wants (black no sugar either). Maybee breakfast, newspapaer, paperwork get cought up if there was a run yesterday. Grab that mid afternoon nap hopefully 2 hours if not just lie and rest, get up and...
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    Assault and Battery

    Most people are to stupid to think about putting a red mark on ones body, and since a red mark from someone hauling off and shoving you, it would be nearly impossible for you to # think that fast and acutally do it. How you gona do it? Get a shovel, remember it was a hand that shoved you not a...
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    new york parking/hotel

    Milford, CT hotels, motels with a nice Pilot. Thats about as close as your gona get and be affordable. I mean a room for under $100 in a safe area.
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    I thought of the same, my post is over in the policitcal section under Gregs Post. Same thought different author, I am not as well spoken but one should get the point. Also with the full moon (Harvest) was driving S. on I-75 on the climb from KY heading into Knoxville, the light clouds with...
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    Honors and where they may belong.

    There was recently a little stir about one continuing to Boast about ones award. I would like to just write a quote I listened to yesterday on the radio. "It is BETTER to BE HONORED, than to Have Honors." Says alot about people and the Ego they boast about over and over.
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    b units

    Since cost of living is so darn low now, I guess Terry and Greg only need about 400 miles a week. Sure wish I were in there shoes, lucky dogs,XX&$#% I mean guys.
  16. B

    Public schools, shootings and knee jerk reaction

    RE: Public schools, shootings and knee jerk reacti Does the seed not come from Violent Videos, and how many shootings, stabbing, rapings on TV? Only seems to becoming more and more common, and the Videos only seem to be doing more and more guts, blood, and no consideration for Human life or...
  17. B

    Would you give an interview?

    I wont even watch the news, I get my news from Radio and not CNN or Fox. Just give me the facts not your side twist or the view from yourside of it (press). As for the girls, may God Bless them. Also I find myself in amazment that these families of the girls want to start a fund to help the...
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    dumbing down

    K-8 she went to private school. Charlotte Catholic is approx 28 miles from the house. To far and since I am Catholic the Private Baptist schools in the South are not accepting Catholics. We only have two choices that are affordable ones to far and the other wont accept. I will not deny it I...
  19. B

    Crow tastes good

    Mike did you not forget something? Plans?
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    Assault and Battery

    OK here, I am gona let something out that is very personal that happened to me a few years ago. #1 the suggestion on self defense is out of line, why? Go ahead put a mark on a person who shoved you. He is already peeved and your gona be the one going to jail, he will lie, cheat, and cry to...