Would you give an interview?


Veteran Expediter
Tonight I heard from a friend who knew some of the families in the PA shooting. She was really upset with the press, how they are not so kind to the victims and we talked about that for most of the conversation.

I am watching dateline NBC tonight and there is a preview of an interview with the parents of the kid who got killed on Colorado.

I have to ask, if you had lost a child, spouse or even a dog or cat, would you go on a show like Today or allow an interview with the press?

I know I wouldn’t give them the time of day, let alone an interview.


Veteran Expediter
I've always said I wouldn't give an interview or go on TV if I was ever in a position to be in the news. Several years ago I was unpacking a new machine and found an engagement ring. I told my boss, then made a few phone calls, found the owner, and shipped it back to her. Nobody knew but a very few people, (now about 10 million readers of this post.) Couple weeks ago there on the Today show was some guy who had found something valuable and found it's owner and was being interviewed on the TV. Nothing to do with that, but have you ever noticed the press always locates the biggest Goober in the whole town to interview?

:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
The press are pretty good at catching people off guard, in shock, or otherwise not in full control of their reasoning abilities, and then using selected quotes to portray the image they wish to convey, a pox on all their houses!
I really admire those parents who've suffered the worst, (loss of a child), and gone on to try to prevent it from happening to another parent. That's heroism, in my book.


Veteran Expediter
I wont even watch the news, I get my news from Radio and not CNN or Fox. Just give me the facts not your side twist or the view from yourside of it (press).

As for the girls, may God Bless them. Also I find myself in amazment that these families of the girls want to start a fund to help the killers family. Now that is OUTSTANDING, the forgiveness and hearts these victims are showing WOW. As they are really just as much as Victims as the girls families are his boys had no choice who there father was. The whole story is just so very sad.