They can put any amounts anywhere they want in those columns,and they can call the load anything they want (A,B,C,D,E ) but the only thing that matters to us is the final amount,and if that is not what we want then we don't take it.
WTG,John!! Maybe if you could get OVM to jump ship from E-1 to L-1 it would propel you into 1st place.:D
BTW,who is this TEANA and why does she get to decide who the best expedite carriers are?
Oh it could be bad all right,one look at the scuzzy drivers that hang out at truck stops should convince you of that.:eek:
But as bluejaybee said,how bad do you want it? And there is always the chance that you would get paired up with someone who understands the concept of personal hygiene.
So far today,this is what we have been offered.This to a team D unit.
A rate $0.92 all miles
A rate $0.71 all miles
D rate $1.38 all miles
A rate $0.97 all miles
D rate $0.98 all miles
A rate $0.77 all miles
C rate $1.14 all miles HAZMAT
Now before some might say why would you not take...
The same thing is happening to us in Richmond,VA. What I think is really annoying is when they keep sending out the same load,add some money to it (still not even close to what we would accept) but when the next shift comes on duty the load goes back to the original offer.:confused:
greg,I think that anytime you are in Florence and stop by that you could get a tour of EO headquarters but I doubt that they would buy you lunch.:p
Now I am off to somehow make 384 more posts and become eligible for the t-shirt.
I didn't think that the lemon law covered commercial trucks,also if your fleet owner had problems enough with the dealer that he was threatening a lawsuit, why would he do business with them again?
Definition of insanity, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different...