Yet another murder by an illegal...


Retired Expediter
Suspect in slaying of Mitchell teenager is an illegal immigrant

MITCHELL -- The prosecution of a man who could face the death penalty if convicted of killing a South Dakota teenager might be complicated by his Mexican citizenship.

Authorities say 21-year-old Alexander Salgado was working illegally in the U.S. when 16-year-old Jasmine Guevara of Mitchell was killed.

Mexico sued the U.S. in the International Court of Justice over 51 citizens on death row in 2003, saying the inmates' rights were violated because they weren't offered access to their consulate when arrested. The court ruled in Mexico's favor.

The U.S. Supreme Court has since ruled that the International Court can't dictate terms of U.S. law in death penalty cases, but the issue continues to simmer.

Salgado and a teenage girl are accused of slitting Guevara's throat last November, putting her body in the trunk of a car and setting it on fire.


Veteran Expediter
Texas went through this same BS a year or so ago with Mex and the International Court when they were going to put a Illegal mexican to death for a killing he commited...Texas didn't bother to go to court, they just told the IC and Mexico to pound sand and killed the guy......


Expert Expediter
Texas went through this same BS a year or so ago with Mex and the International Court when they were going to put a Illegal mexican to death for a killing he commited...Texas didn't bother to go to court, they just told the IC and Mexico to pound sand and killed the guy......

And that's the way it Should be!


Seasoned Expediter
One of the most ironic things I heard recently was a person saying Illegals are not criminals. The first thought that came to mind was they are breaking the law by being here ILLEGALLY. They are in fact criminals. :confused:


Expert Expediter
Good Idea OVM, Maybe that is in the Works if the Judge that is Owned by Clinton Continues with Her Nonsense..


Staff member
Retired Expediter
One of the most ironic things I heard recently was a person saying Illegals are not criminals. The first thought that came to mind was they are breaking the law by being here ILLEGALLY. They are in fact criminals. :confused:
Breaking the law doesn't make you a criminal unless you have actually been convicted of the crime. Otherwise, you're merely a suspected or accused criminal, and in this country you are innocent until proven guilty, no matter who you are.

Also, being here illegally, if caught and convicted, is a misdemeanor, same as a traffic ticket, and not considered criminal. Get caught a second time after being deported, tho, and it's a felony. Then, you're a criminal.

So, those who use the term "criminal alien" when referring to all "illegal aliens" simply because they are here illegally, are just butt stoopid. They don't understand the law and they don't understand due process. (Unless it applies to them, of course. Then they want their due process. But for someone they don't like? ... screw 'em.)
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Rights should be for citizens and those here legally. This guy should be tried next week and hung next Friday.


Seasoned Expediter
That is true if your a citizen. As we all know gitmo exists because the detainees are not citizens.
Criminal = a person guilty or convicted of a crime. OJ was a criminal(murder)even though he was found not guilty.
Another thought is if being an illegal alien is not a felony then it would be "preponderance of the evidence.
Really its just semantics. I'm all for immigration. All of my grandparents were immigrants, but they waited to enter the country legally, and I feel that's how it should be done today

Breaking the law doesn't make you a criminal unless you have actually been convicted of the crime. Otherwise, you're merely a suspected or accused criminal, and in this country you are innocent until proven guilty, no matter who you are.

Also, being here illegally, if caught and convicted, is a misdemeanor, same as a traffic ticket, and not considered criminal. Get caught a second time after being deported, tho, and it's a felony. Then, you're a criminal.

So, those who use the term "criminal alien" when referring to all "illegal aliens" simply because they are here illegally, are just butt stoopid. They don't understand the law and they don't understand due process. (Unless it applies to them, of course. Then they want their due process. But for someone they don't like? ... screw 'em.)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You have the hangings on Friday in front of the county courthouse where the crime was committed and on Monday morning you remove whatever remains and throw in the landfill. That gives the weekend for people to see the consequences of criminal activity.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
Texas went through this same BS a year or so ago with Mex and the International Court when they were going to put a Illegal mexican to death for a killing he commited...Texas didn't bother to go to court, they just told the IC and Mexico to pound sand and killed the guy......

I love Texas !!!