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  1. P

    Ok , what are the monthly $$

    Ha! It just hit me! I'll bet EYE know what a lug-a-loo is! One of those portable potty thingies people can take when they go camping! Hey, now THERE'S a thought! :D
  2. P

    TriState again

    That is just wrong. As tough as it might be to have to tell someone they will no longer get business from X as a result of X, it's the professional thing to do. And it seems it would be the OO's choice at that point whether to do something about it or not.
  3. P

    Nations Express........

    I was just going to say.. for all that runnin, make sure you get paid the correct amount on the day you're supposed to be paid.
  4. P

    TriState again

    If that were true, wouldn't it be in the best interests of the OO to be told the request of the customer, and the reasons, if any? This is a business, these are customers, and if it's coming from a customer, the OO needs to know this, and know why. If the OO then took it upon himself to call the...
  5. P

    Another Brilliant Panther Move

    As I read this I couldn't help thinking.... Hmmm.. Imagine a world where.. Ok, the carrier accepts the load, even though there's absolutely positively only $x in it, even though it's an expedite load at an LTL rate. Not sure why an expedite company would agree to that in the first place...
  6. P

    Canada No Commercial Trucks Being Built In Canada Anymore

    Heartwrenching times for many companies, that's for sure :(
  7. P

    Ok , what are the monthly $$

    Ok, here's the budget formula: A=Gross revenue from the carrier B=Your expenses C=Your reserve/operating capital D=Zero A - B + C = D :eek:
  8. P

    panther new board positions

    I know I should just stay out of this, since we're not with Panther, but well, this isn't in the Panther Forum.. Let me take a stab at this from my devil's advocate, not-personally-affected position of an outside perspective. So Panther has 4 trucks in a given area. They also have way too...
  9. P

    Expediters: What Does This Mean to You?

    That was an awesome, insightful post, nevermind speaking about any one carrier in particular. The cash flowing can only be tricked for so long before it meets head on with the P&L and net worth train. Same can be said for the expediters who 'can't afford to leave their current carrier'...
  10. P

    panther new board positions

    Just wanted to point out that very deep pockets means they are able to remain in business very much longer than someone with no pockets, even while losing money; it does not mean they are not losing money.
  11. P

    Finally a carrier that works for their cut!

    I don't want to have anyone jumping all over me because they feel like I'm dissing their carrier of choice, that is not my intent. I do believe GJ is mentioning a valid point here. It has to do with f l e x i b i l i t y. (If I were smarter I would make that word be all bendy like Gumby.)...
  12. P

    Driving a straight rig w/o a cdL?

    I think our collective great mind did answer Buddy's original question. The whole FMCSA thingy is exactly a matter of interpretation, and I guess that's why we need judges and courts in life. It's difficult to write things in such a precise way that nobody could possibly get another meaning...
  13. P

    Is Truck Stop Customer Service Improving?

    Actually, what I said was: After hearing business owners talk about their businesses, (not just this one), I have learned many are not speaking in apples-to-apples terms, many don't understand the financials of their own business, and many more just simply like to state that things are...
  14. P

    Is Truck Stop Customer Service Improving?

    I did find something regarding the profit on gasoline.. but couldn't find the same type of summary for diesel. The one I found is from the State of Michigan in June 2008, and gas at that time was around $4.00/gal. It shows $0.02 profit, or .5%. I have read that one of the taxes on deisel is more...
  15. P

    Is Truck Stop Customer Service Improving?

    After reading all of these, I can't help thinking of the owner's perspective. After searching I was unable to find the percentage of profit at the retailer's level, on a gallon of diesel, other than it is 'whisker thin'. I found an example which stated the retailer's 'profit' on a $4 gallon...
  16. P

    Anyone in Blaine Today?

    Guess that's what you could call being dumped on, huh? :D
  17. P

    During home time, how safe is your truck?

    Just a suggestion to look into 'gap' insurance before we go parking in risky places :) Glad to hear your truck and your son were untouched Streakn.
  18. P

    How complicated is IFTA filing?

    I would have to agree with your thinking, since it's only 2 places you're dealing with. But let me say we're not subject to IFTA anyway, so take what I say with that in mind :). From how Leo explained it in his detailed post, it sounds kinda similar to GST tracking, only a lot more tricky...
  19. P

    ON and QC speed limiter

    True, but I can see why he wouldn't want to take the chance in our foreign country :) I figure it's all good if you're behind someone bigger who's going faster.. that's my theory and it works for me ! :D <pjjjjj touches wood>
  20. P

    Anyone in Blaine Today?

    Glad to see they're keeping you running Turtle! That Mexican place sounds tempting! Go have some for me too!