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  1. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Sorry I can't take something else any more - HTML code not being filtered by the site. I feel with all these mods/admin et al being in this section of the forum, please please edit those HTML code out of the posts. example - QUOTE=AMonger;505944]Santorum: State Murder as a "Moral Enterprise"...
  2. greg334

    The candidates, where they stand on state power, human rights

    Amonger, this is not about you but can someone please frickn' edit the symbol code out of the posts, I understand that Amonger has a computer issue so it makes that an unreadable post.
  3. greg334

    More warrantless searches coming if ACTA passes

    You know this is part of the problem when former congressional members become the lobbiest for organisations. The front man is the same person who should have been ripped apart by the house for his unethical actions that brought us the bursting of the housing bubble - Chris Dodd. I say if any...
  4. greg334

    Express-1 Straight Truck rate increase!!!!

    It is the same for every one and you have to go through your carrier to start the process.
  5. greg334

    Tractor-trailer and cargo stolen in Detroit...

    Even as an employer, in many states there is no requirement to provide rehab benefits.
  6. greg334

    contracts: good and bad

    I'm inclined to think that most would not qualify as employees for a lot of reasons, one seems to be I have not found any evidence that a driver for an owner in niche business has made a proper case for it. However I do believe that the cost in abusing the driver is and can always be higher...
  7. greg334

    Canada PARS Stickers

    I'm a bit confused, but the company seems to get them once they have registered with the Canadian government. Don't you need to be in the system to use them?
  8. greg334

    contracts: good and bad

    out of route miles? That's a good case for being an employee. To answer the OP question, it is simple, defining who does what and when. So you are being hired to drive a truck, which is a skill. By that you should be able to determine what route the truck takes, what speed and so on, to...
  9. greg334

    Tractor-trailer and cargo stolen in Detroit...

    You have no responsibility to any contractor for any rehab in any state.
  10. greg334

    Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina

    But outside of Rush and maybe that Irish guy, the only other ones who see there is no problem with targeting "republican" voters are the republicans themselves. The last time I looked it wasn't the republicans or democrats for that matter who can swing an election in favor of one or another...
  11. greg334

    Canada to US.. 'fine, we'll sell our oil to China!"

    His administration also fast tracked some of the permits for the refinery here in the area, so it is odd that he would be so against oil.
  12. greg334

    New update

    Ditto Out of the other sites I go to, this is the only one that is image top heavy and slow loading.
  13. greg334

    Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina

    They don't represent an entire religion and their arrogance in thinking they replace God in forgiven gingrich is just the same as their hatred for other religions that don't think as they do.
  14. greg334

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    It isn't just Chicago, it is most of the public schools systems.
  15. greg334

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    Yes really, do you want me to repeat it so you get that the entire party is like Europe in the dark ages? What facts? That the republican run congress was run like the democrats were running it, under Gingrich's partial control? Oh it is the fact that despite being sold a BS line, the...
  16. greg334

    Managed to drag myself back to reality ..

    Welcome back, there was a rumor that it was slow. They did that with me too, after I sent it in, had it reviewed for the repaired from the citation and I was good to go for two runs. Then I went to get money put on the fuel card, I was told I was out of service, nice seeing I had 9000 lbs of...
  17. greg334

    New update

    I think for some of the ads are useless and we should have options to remove it through our preferences and options screen.
  18. greg334

    Unfrickin' Believable ...

    I see this the same as randi Rhodes asking for someone killing bush
  19. greg334

    Sending 1099 to your Carrier

    The IRS really has nothing to do with this, it has to do with the idea that a carrier can charge a fee and make money with that fee which doesn't seem right by the few who see it as ripping them off.
  20. greg334

    Sending 1099 to your Carrier

    You are not paying them for a service, hence the 1099 is not needed. Your contract has been agreed on and the access fees they charge is part of the package. I think that it comes down to whether you want the access to their client base and just deal with the idea of them recouping then oc...