Veteran Expediter
Conservative ?Now it comes down to two candidates - the establishment's moderate Romney with the money or Gingrich the conservative with the substance.
Substance ?
(The idea of "the substance of Newt" sorta makes me wanna go take a shower .... sounds like something Christine O’ Donnell would throw in a boiling caldron .... )
You mean the conservative that sat with Nancy P to warn us all about Global Climate Change ... that "conservative" ?
The one that pioneered & taught the first "Environmental Studies" program at West Georgia College ... that "conservative" ?
Or the one that upholds "social conservative values" so well in his personal life ?
The "Progressive Rockefeller Republican" .. that "conservative" ?:
Newt Gingrich is a Progressive Rockefeller Republican
You wanna cartoon ? (albeit a sick one)but then every feature presentation needs a cartoon.
Then try my thread here
Not really - the polls actually tracked his surge of support as it happened .... if one was paying attention ....However, the main point to take away from this primary is how far off the mark the polls were.
Flawed characterization - Newt's support was broad .... not deep ....Newt's support may be quite a bit deeper than we think.
This is evidenced by the fact that his surge in support came largely from Romney voters that abandoned ship over the last week, and whatever miniscule amount he picked up from Perry.
That's shallow support - not deep ... and it's reflective of folks that have very little commitment to a candidate ....