Search results

  1. greg334

    GM to buy 1 billion in auto parts from India

    Well I look at it a different way. As much as I complain about the car companies here in Detroit, I want them to be top in the world. The car companies that remain are trying to survive in an industry that they themselves could have controlled but were too arrogant to do so. They were warned...
  2. greg334

    What's the scoop on biodiesel????

    Ok here is my 2¢…. The stuff is good for the engine and environment. It is really cheaper to make than everyone says (meaning Willie and his group and the oil companies). It can be made out of any veggie oil out there and also a number of oil crops that are easy to grow. The downside is that...
  3. greg334

    GM to buy 1 billion in auto parts from India

    >I havn't read anything about parts from India but a while >back I read that over 900 engineering jobs from GM/Ford had >left Michigan for India. With the way it's going a 7-11 >store managers job will be a real status symbol. 900? Try again.... they followed the IT jobs that went earlier...
  4. greg334

    Getting Started

    George I have one other thing to add. You said "Although at $12.00 per with no overtime I was a company hourly employee" brings up an important point about OT. If you were working anything over 40 hours, there may be money owed to you. DISCLAIMER PART -- I am not a lawyer, this is based on...
  5. greg334

    Trying to Get info

    I am wondering; how are you going to get rid of the windows? I may be wrong, but I thought there is a lot more work to convert the sprinter from the passenger version to a cargo version than to just start out with a cargo van and add what you need. Maybe getting a cargo version would be better...
  6. greg334

    Getting Started

    >I hired on with a local co. here in Wi. It often happened >that as a second shift local driver, I would run a co. cargo >van from 3pm-midnight and then start logging "D" unit time >for my 11/14. >Often I was exhausted driving in AM rush hour after 15 or so >hour shifts. Sometimes it worked...
  7. greg334


    I had a system in my pickup, long WB with no way to see where I am backing, opps.... I mean see what I just hit... Just kidding Seriously, I am not using a camera setup from a kit that I have seen at camper world and in catalogs but I bought a bunch of inexpensive cameras on eBay and hooked...
  8. greg334

    The real bottom line in WG

    OK..... I am confused. I keep hearing that the investment of equipment is or is not worth it. Outside the obvious; pallet jack, blankets and straps, can someone please explain what really needs to be on the truck to qualify for FedEx WG or P2 Special Services? Thanks
  9. greg334

    Reefer Units

    I worked at Pfizer in R&D and one thing I know that is critical with some of the shipments of pharmaceuticals and chemicals was humidity. Is humidity recorded too? As a side note, I think it is funny talking about the amount of effort in shipping pharmaceutical products with these trucks but...
  10. greg334

    QC #8

    I appreciate this info a lot, but I am going to sound sort of naïve about the Qualcomm and need to ask if there is any more tips and tricks on how to use it to our advantage? Thanks in advance,
  11. greg334

    Bypass Filter for CAT 3126

    Opps I forgot about the Spinner2 system. I have heard good things about it, but I have yet to see one. Do you use it in place of your primary filter? The Refinery type filter system I mentioned also uses the spinning technology, but has a heater to heat the oil. I have seen them and seen them...
  12. greg334

    Bypass Filter for CAT 3126

    So to add to my question, how many use a bypass filter system on their 3126?
  13. greg334

    Bypass Filter for CAT 3126

    I am not a 3126 owner, but anything to help the engine keep clean internally is a good thing. Just to throw in my opinion here is my experience I have used different bypass filter systems for my diesel engine vehicles and there are a few differences in the manufacture of the filter system...
  14. greg334

    Have cdl permit need road test HOW??

    I am in somewhat the same situation. I know that a lot of people will complain about this, but I have driven a lot of trucks in the past and feel confident that I won't be a hazard out on the road. The first thing is make sure that you have a hazmat endorsment and airbrake endorsment tests...
  15. greg334

    Truck Build Disasters

    Neverhome247 I am about to go through a frame stretching experience and wonder what kind of truck did you have? Did you have any problems with the frame that needed to be repaired? Even though I have a couple shops in mind, it might be better (and cheaper in the long run) to buy the frame...
  16. greg334

    GMC/Cherolet 6.5 TD Cargo Van Question

    >There is a fix for the modual failure. When it fails extend >the wires and mount it in a place where it has air floor to >cool it. I did that to mine and NEVER had a problem. Thanks for the confirmation. I really didn't know if I should go ahead and move the PCM or not. Now I will. I...
  17. greg334

    Got me again

    Maybe I missunderstood an article in one of the news papers here in Michigan a while ago, but I read that any station that sells fuel can't charge more than what is posted on the sign, period. Which includes any charges added on like credit card charges or the locally famous exact change charge.
  18. greg334

    GMC/Cherolet 6.5 TD Cargo Van Question

    Thanks for the replies. Murkerfan If you got 16, I should expect better. Crazynuff Yep there are problems with the 6.5, never owned a drive by wire vehicle so I really don’t know what to expect. I know that the PCM unit on the pump fails because of heat build up, but other than that I...
  19. greg334

    GMC/Cherolet 6.5 TD Cargo Van Question

    OK I am looking for info from owners of GMC/Chevrolet 3500 CVs with 6.5 TD. I have owned 6.5s and 6.2 in the past, all non turbo and all in ‘burbs. Great mileage and dependability, but they were not drive by wire engines. So I would like to know what mileage do you get with your 6.5 TD CV...
  20. greg334

    Who's tired of HIGH diesel prices!?

    Who wouldn’t want to save 25% on fuel, but.... I don’t want anyone to be taken for a ride here (no pun intended) I have to say something, even if the moderators disagree with me and delete my post. --->> My personal and professional opinion is that it is wiser to keep your money in your...