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  1. ATeam

    What is the most famous Expedite trucks.

    I don't understand the photoshop quip or your reply to it. If FedEx Custom Critical is paying a shop to put the logos on a truck, they would know the logos are on. No one running with that carrier is going to take the logos off after going to the trouble to have them put on. Why would they? If...
  2. ATeam

    Finish this sentence...The coolest thing I have ever hauled is...

    Something that I am not at liberty to talk about.
  3. ATeam

    What is the most famous Expedite trucks.

    Yes. Absolutely. It comes down to the individual. Our thinking was a little different when we built our truck. We did not think about maximizing load potential. We thought about maximizing revenue. The two are not the same. Nor are the circumstances the same when carriers make changes or when...
  4. ATeam

    What is the most famous Expedite trucks.

    It seems reasonable to me too, which comes as a surprise. In the eight years Diane and I were with FedEx Custom Critical, their graphics policy seemed strange. They'd pay you to have the FedEx branding on the truck but charge you for the graphics. They'd allow you to put the company graphics on...
  5. ATeam

    What is the most famous Expedite trucks.

    If that's the case, why don't you drive a big rig with a coffin sleeper?
  6. ATeam

    Any Monkey Can Be A Dispatcher!

    Great post!
  7. ATeam

    What is the most famous Expedite trucks.

    I am curious about this. Could you say more? When we were with the company, the rules for straight trucks required us to display the FedEx Custom Critcial name and DOT number on the doors. If we wanted also to display the big FedEx Custom Critical logo on the truck body (box), the rules...
  8. ATeam


    In what way(s) is running local harder than running over-the-road?
  9. ATeam

    Pre Pass

    PrePass enables you to bypass scales when you are green lighted (in most states). That saves time and fuel. Without PrePass, you would have to go through every open scale which increases the likelihood that you will get pulled in for an inspection. Does not going through a scale open the DOT...
  10. ATeam

    What is your position?

    Before accepting a load, we run the route on mapping software to make sure the paid miles and the actual miles are close, or that the pay for the shorter miles is high enough to still make it worth it to run the additional miles we would drive. A few miles or few dollars one way or another are...
  11. ATeam

    Senate Proposes New 100k Surity Bond For Freight Brokers!

    And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the secret to success in expediting. It does not matter if you are driving a fleet owner's truck, a truck of your own that you lease to a carrier(s), or run a truck under your own authority. The people you serve all want to know that they can count on you to...
  12. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    Re: Selectus Conference; Who's Attending? You pointed that out then and I missed it. My bad. It's Sylectus. I made the same spelling mistake this year before attending the conference and that error shows up in the title of this thread. I corrected the mistake everywhere else in the thread...
  13. ATeam

    Senate Proposes New 100k Surity Bond For Freight Brokers!

    I see it talked about above in general terms, but what exactly is required for a small broker to get a 100k bond? How does someone become a broker and how would a bond be obatined?
  14. ATeam

    Senate Proposes New 100k Surity Bond For Freight Brokers!

    The broker bond topic did not come up in the Sylectus conference. While aware of the headlines about it, this not an issue I have been closely following.
  15. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    Re: Selectus Conference; Who's Attending? John Elliott (Load One) was the first person I interviewed and he introduced me to others. But it was also as the colonel said. These guys introduced me to each other, usually taking me across the room to meet the CEO who could best answer whatever...
  16. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    Re: Selectus Conference; Who's Attending? Excerpt from my daily blog, Saturday, 2/11/12: I learned today why a man who owns a small expedite carrier and a truckload brokerage business prefers to book big trucks on backhaul loads instead of headhaul loads. Learned by sitting with him at the...
  17. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    Re: Selectus Conference; Who's Attending? Excerpt from my daily blog, Friday, 2/10/12: I learned today why Qualcomm acquired Sylectus. Learned by interviewing the man at Qualcomm to whom the Sylectus president now reports. I also learned today about an expedite carrier that runs 164 trucks...
  18. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    Re: Selectus Conference; Who's Attending? Excerpt from my daily blog, Thursday, 2/9/12: I learned today the business start-up stories of several expedite motor carrier owners and chiefs. Learned by attending a reception with dozens of them and asking them to tell me their story. Diane and I...
  19. ATeam

    Sylectus Conference; Who's Attending?

    The Sylectus Annual Conference 2012 begins tomorrow. The Expedite Association of North America is hosting a TEANA members-only reception at the convention site this evening. I will head over there later today (Thursday) to cover both events for Expedite NOW. I'll be doing interviews, mixing with...
  20. ATeam

    A mile well-driven

    From my daily blog, Sunday, February 5, 2012: I learned today the phrase "courage and passion for lives well-lived." Learned by reading it in a book that was co-authored by a college classmate of mine. Diane and I woke up this morning in our Florida vacation house where we plan to stay...