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  1. x06col

    Which company actually cares about good drivers?

    RE: Which company actually cares about good driver A trip to the grocery store for milk, Dr Pepper, whatever, cheaper in Michigan than Pennsylvania? You will never convince me! Regardless, slide'in home, while under load Will bite you in the A$$ someday.
  2. x06col

    Which company actually cares about good drivers?

    RE: Which company actually cares about good driver I have to chime in here on this subject I guess. First, a hundred fourty bucks to babysit freight a couple days over the weekend really ain't bad. What was you going to do those two days, other than dead head home? Second, instead of being...
  3. x06col

    A Little Bit of Positive Input....

    Yes, a very good post. Seems most folks that are in this business have acquired, from somewhere, a "handy dandy little woodchuck guide to expediting" in which states somewhere, that, you can't enjoy yourself on the road. Couldn't be further from the facts. I have had folks that have run long...
  4. x06col

    Daimler Chrysler 4 week or more shut down...

    That should give the auto parts haulers a break over Christmas.
  5. x06col

    Beware of Cummins motors

    Unfortuneately, seems to be a quality of repairs issue here, rather than brand. I'm convinced, without being told, that your drivers departed the truck and into their comfy motel room, and never darkened the door of the shop to supervise or ask questions about the repair. Because, they didn't...
  6. x06col

    Toyota plant in Buffalo, WV-- Beware expediters

    RE: Toyota plant in Buffalo, WV-- Beware expediter I can't imagine anyone backing with such a velocity that one would do much more than some minor sheet metal damage, let alone tear support legs loose. Maybe the thread should be renamed to - Beware DOCKS, here I come.
  7. x06col

    How does it figger

    Yes Mule there are. And, you missed your chance with us last summer. Sorry.
  8. x06col

    Panther Driver Council Meeting

    I don't know about the number 700. However, there was recently a large number of trucks floating around, and, a lot of people knew about them. The vast majority settled in with Ma and Pa's it seems. I have noticed a lot less whining on this site lately, for some reason.
  9. x06col

    Fort McMurray, Alberta.

    Started reading about this load early on 6 Dec, it's now late 8 Dec. Is this a LTL load or expedited? Hope someone in a hospital is not getting cold because they dont have heat.
  10. x06col

    PrePass Rip Off

    Not all things you don't understand, or have not asked the questions are a "rip off". Seems things worthwile are not "automatic/immediate gratification" Unfortunately!! Pass your info on so's others won't have to post a nuther "I got screwed" post.
  11. x06col

    Dispatcher Ride-alongs

    We don't do dispatcher ride alongs because our dispatchers have many, many windshield miles under their belt. However, we have tried the reverse and attempted O/O or, driver dispatch to enable them to get a fix on the big picture. Unfortunately, this don't work either. I believe it's called...
  12. x06col

    Cherry Pickin

    Access to Large Accounts, with the deep discount requirement is available to most anyone in the business if, one chooses to go there. We don't. HOS rules changes will "wipe some out"? Maybe, if one does not addapt and overcome.
  13. x06col

    Cherry Pickin

    That is certainly an uninformed/uneducated statement that "small Carriers don't have the customer base". Can't imagine why, if you don't know, why you'd type it. Seems most of the "experts" on this site have "one dimensional" experience from which they draw, and spew their wisdom of this...
  14. x06col

    Were's the freight?

    RE: Where's the freight? Yes, it was a little slow. We only ran IN to MA and MA to TN and loaded for TX with one truck and PA to NJ and NJ to MA and MA with a 2 stopper to KY and MO with the other. Still a little early to be whin'in about slow.
  15. x06col

    Best Teams, Worst Teams

    The worse team I had working with me, was a H/W team from alabama. They had that twenty one day syndrome. Instead of taking a couple days off in week one, or, week two, when they were close to home, they'd head for home on day 21 no matter where they were, NW, NE, SW, or close to alabama. If...
  16. x06col

    Were's the freight?

    Here we go again, already. One bad week is six months, and we're whin'in. I'm wondering by your post, if, you didn't get a single offer, or, a single offer You considered decent?? If you did get offers, please share with us your perception of "decent".
  17. x06col

    Broom made a response about what your time is wort

    RE: Broom made a response about what your time is Yes Rich, and as the fleet expanded, came more and more of em that just wanted to screw the pooch and eventually, being good to the Contractors had to go away.
  18. x06col

    OOIDA membership vs ?

    You know, i'm reading the same old ##### on here. What's in it for Meeeeeeee! I guess i'll join for insurance, i guess i'll join for some other discount. Not for being part of something. Just me.
  19. x06col

    You have $170,000 for truck...

    I don't feel anyone is bashing either, just giving oppinions as the mop flops. Mine is, placing 170K in a truck is s t e w p i d.
  20. x06col

    Making Money in Expediting

    Obviously, a liftgate and refer would help with some runs and gross revenue. However, the only way to hit a revenue floor is be available, and, do the windshield time. BTW this pikk'in crap on here is getting really, really, old. If you choose to pick crap about "something" not "someone"...