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  1. x06col

    Who's tab is it?

    Who owns the truck? Who has the load on their truck and agreed to deliver it? Who? Maybe you and the owner should split it? Or, the consignee should spring? Or, Lawrence? Heaven forbid, not me!!
  2. x06col

    Who's tab is it?

    Depends a lot on what the agreement you have with the Company says. I can't imagine an Owner Operator expecting a Company to shoulder a responsibility if YOUR truck breaks down. In the case you cited, was 100 miles to the delivery, and anuther 30 to a repair shop, seems to me it's 130 miles...
  3. x06col

    Changing your GVWR

    A 260 HP coupled with a six speed, and attempting to run down the road with truck and load approaching 40K, you will not only find that 260 is "light", you will find it is light, light. 260 for that much weight coupled with a 9 speed, or, such would be ok for some local delivery, but, not for...
  4. x06col

    whats the answer

    Well Hawk, in the capitalist society we are in lets say the Company gross was some, more. The fella did have a very, very good month outa the chute. He was lucky, being where the freight was each time he was empty, with a couple three doubles mixed in. Tho we will never know, he most likely...
  5. x06col

    Family Friendly Expediting Companies

    My meds are fine... if you'd read... you'd read, she is looking for nuther Carrier because there is always more to it than once or, anuther. Would you pass your Carrier of choice for once or twice, or, would it be anuther??? It's an interesting game with people, you may not understand. Know...
  6. x06col

    whats the answer

    Well, Sunshine you may suspect all you want, but, if all you do is eight hours a day when the freight is there, then I understand. There are a couple hours left you could use if you wanted, or could stand it. Interestingly, everyone wants numbers on here, but, there is always some math wizard...
  7. x06col

    Freight Bills

    Simple solution Pelle, if whatever comes over the system ain't enough, don't run it. If it is and you accept it....... What's the problem???
  8. x06col

    Freight Bills

    Pelle, It's called a rate agreement. with us the rate agreements are forwarded with the settlement sheets. Don't make much difference tho, our folks book a lot of their own loads anyway and know whats up. If you are running by the mile, whats the difference to you???
  9. x06col

    whats the answer

    Terry, he was an O/O so You could say they boff did. However ya wanna split it. Makes little difference to me.
  10. x06col

    whats the answer

    A real case and point concerning this "what's the answer?" thing... We had a fella start with us last month, hauled his first load on 4 June 07, his last load on 30 June 07 before the Holiday, then deadheaded home for the 4th. Drove 11,552 ALL miles (IFTA) Grossed...
  11. x06col

    Family Friendly Expediting Companies

    Oh yes, a week end trip from MI to MS once or twice is wonderful, when you are not pressed for time etc. etc. In fact, I encourage that type of demonstration. However, seems to me, the intent here is for the kid to live with him in the truck on a continual basis. Not at all a good thing, and a...
  12. x06col

    whats the answer

    Our guys bid their own freight. And we have absolutely zero whining about lack of freight, revenue per mile, fuel sircharge, short runs, long runs, too much work, not enough work, or, any of the myrade of things I read on here. IF things are not going precisely to their liking, they only have...
  13. x06col

    Heads Up On Husky Fuel Stops!

    Sunday really has nothing to do with it I guess. So what I read was "I really don't care to". So... live with it. And yes, you can expect all you want but......... I think you are getting the rest of the story figured out, if, you read some of the other typing and disregard mine. Maybe??
  14. x06col

    Heads Up On Husky Fuel Stops!

    Ahhh, Diva. That's precisely what i'm typing. It may come as a revelation to you, but, the rights you "expect" are no longer "yours" when you leave our soil, or possesions. Strange isn't it?? You don't care to exchange, but, evidently you don't like getting ripped either. All you have to...
  15. x06col

    Heads Up On Husky Fuel Stops!

    Ahhh, the ugly American strikes again. When in Rome or, anywhere else in the world, exchange before you purchase. You really are not as special as you'd like to be. Being American.
  16. x06col

    montering trucks

    Yes, it's alway interesting when a party wants more scrutiny placed at their advantage and by their rules. That's i'm tinking why we have anti-monopoly rules in effect today ya know. Unfair advantage gets some really unfair advantage for a few.
  17. x06col

    Just asking- Carolinas

    Folks, when will you ever get it understood that... Everywhere is not good everyday, and everywhere is not bad every day. Like the weather, stick around, it'll change.
  18. x06col

    whats the answer

    Jerry, Don't believe i'd worry too much about your image, I aplaud you for trying to splain the facts to folks that usually have the reply screen open before they read the post. Regardless, I'd only be looking at the ones that are thinking, wow, this guy is getting a little bang for his buck...
  19. x06col

    whats the answer

    I can assure you, the Canadians are not the only ones doing well.
  20. x06col

    Family Friendly Expediting Companies

    Well.... No. Guess i'm typing about the unperffional ones. Which accounts for 90% plus. The successful folks on this site have always aluded to the fact that, we need to be business people first, then chase the truck driving and lifestyle later. I think, I have that right.