I don’t think Mueller oversaw anything based on his congressional testimony.As it should, given that he oversaw the team that conducted the investigation and contributed to the final report.
It's a pretty large report (448 pages) ... I'd say it's a fairly safe bet that Mueller has a decent handle on the overall "big picture" contained within it, even if he couldn't recite some of the minutiae right off the top of his head while testifying.
Errr ... no.
The report was written by a number of individuals, including Weismann.
In fact, there is another "alternative" report that Weissman had a hand in seeing getting written up - to make sure EVERYTHING was documented - that was never released.
Don't know whether that will contain any new "bombshell" revelations, but it should make some interesting reading. It probably won't be all that flattering to Donny.
Thanks to a FOIA filed by the NYT, you can expect to have that available perhaps as early as late January '22:
The public could soon see an ‘alternative’ version of the Mueller report that’s been kept under wraps, new court filing says
No, wrong again.
Your first mistake is listening to Federalist's Mollie ...
The fact is Weismann was, at one time, scheduled to host/headline a "virtual fundraiser" for Biden - he was never a "campaign manager".
Here's the whole article (which for some reason you didn't link, perhaps because it directly contradicts a number of your previous assertions ?):
Former Top Mueller Lieutenant Will Do ‘Fireside Chat’ to Raise Money for Joe Biden’s Campaign
Now one can debate the optics of that and whether it was wise or not ... but the fact remains:
Andrew Weismann was a private citizen and no longer employed by the Department of Justice at the time.
Perhaps you feel that individuals who were once in government service give up their 1st Amendment rights and shouldn't be allowed to campaign and raise money for candidates of their choosing.
If that is the case maybe you should tell the Orange Guy - you know: the Sore Loser - to shut his pie hole and keep his thoughts to himself.
There is no debate. Everyone agrees that “optics” looked bad that he became Biden’s campaign manager. Even the Biden campaign who cut him loose.

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