Risky Business

Expedite Expo & Casino Night Prizes
It's that time of year again...let's get ready for CIS Casino Night at the Expo!
We hope you're as excited as we are about the new venue for Expedite Expo at the Lexington Convention Center July 15th and 16th.  This is the 5th year for the Friday CIS Casino Night, and it has turned into such a popular free event that it's happily become our way of saying "Thank You" to all of our friends in our Expediting Community.
This year we have a much larger location for more games, dancing and play gambling tables for more fun people! We're also changing up how the prizes work.
Normally, on Friday morning we'd collect the very generous prizes donated by exhibitors, motor carriers and vendors and whisk them upstairs to the hotel room where they were then wrapped and decorated "by Mom" during the day. That evening we'd wheel them downstairs just before Casino Night for the display table along with "the board" of who had contributed to the event.
This year, we don't have a hotel room "just upstairs", or any other secure location for packages, so we're respectfully asking for your understanding our request for Gift Card donations in lieu of physical prizes.
Then, instead of drawing all of the prizes at the end of the night, these gift cards will be drawn throughout the evening at the same time the company logo of the donor is showcased on big screen TVs. Rick, the MC, will continue to call out the company names and prizes.
Everyone entering Casino Night will be issued one wrist band with one number which will allow for a more even distribution of winners to one prize per person vs the long strip of tickets to decipher at the end of the night.
These changes should also enable a shorter Casino Night so that everyone has time to go out on the town to explore Lexington after the event.
There will still be some grand prizes at the end of the night including the CIS $500 Cash Referral Rewards winner and On Time Media's grand prize of a flat screen TV.
Emails are going out now to all exhibitors asking for their support with Gift Card donations. If you know of anyone who is not an exhibitor but would like to help give back to our Expediting Community,  please contact me directly at [email protected] and I'll get them more information on how to contribute and receive P.R. recognition for a prize donation.
Thanks, everyone, I'm looking forward to fun times with all of you!
Shelly xoxo
Lexington Convention Center
Friday, July 15th 7:00-10:00