It's a Team's Life
Why have a dog in the truck?
Having an animal in the truck is calming and a dog might be just what is needed. Most dogs make the transition to riding in a truck easily. Dogs usually like to ride, look out the window, and explore new places. Having a dog is a life time commitment so think before bringing a dog into your life. Before bringing a dog or puppy into the truck a trip to the veterinary is necessary. When visiting with the veterinarian let them know that the dog will be traveling in the truck and will be exposed to ticks, fleas, and that you will need a good heart worm medicine. If you go in and out of Canada have the veterinary office notate on the rabies certificate any distinguishing marks on the dog so they know that your dog was the dog vaccinated. A blond Cocker Spaniel is not enough description.
Food & Water – buy a good food that can be purchased all over the United States. Over the years we have learned the better the food going in the less that comes out the other end. Clean fresh water is also a must and we found that bottled water or very filtered water worked well to keep our dogs stomach from getting upset. Use a mat underneath the water and food bowl to keep spills contained.
Collar and Leash – Always keep your dog leashed when walking through the parking lot or when other animals are around no matter how friendly your dog is. Our old Cocker Spaniel was partially blind and could not hear well and the well-meaning friendly dog would run up on her, startle her, and as the result scare her badly. She did not deserve that as she was on a leash. The leash also keeps them near you and out from under the wheels of a truck that might not have seen them. It is up to us to protect our pets not the other drivers. When walking your dog carry bags to clean up after them. There is no need for someone else to have to clean up after your pet. We as owners should always leave an area nicer then how it was when we found it. When on a customer's location and the dog needs to go for a walk it is double important to clean up after your pet. Please be a responsible pet owner.
Exercise – Take your pets for walks it is good for you as well as the dog.
Veterinarian – have your pet vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and have them on a good program for heart worm medicine. Each year have their shots updated.
Good Neighbor – A barking dog is a nuisance and very frustrating for the truck driver that is parked within a few feet of you and needs to sleep. Teach your dog not to bark unless the truck or you are being threatened.
Toys – Keep plenty of toys for your dog to play with and if they are bigger teach them to fetch a ball. That is good exercise for both of you.
Training – take the time to each your dog to walk easily on a leash, to sit, stay, down, and other tricks. This helps to keep the dogs mind occupied and it is good interaction. The best command is teaching your dog to potty on commend. This command really helps when we are short on time and we need to get on down the road.
Shedding – Dogs shed and the cab filters can become clogged change the filters often and if your dog is long haired have them groomed and keep them brushed.
Heating and Cooling – We have to keep our dogs comfortable by keeping the truck warm or cool. A closed-up truck in the summer can kill our pets. We need to keep the windows down if possible, run the air conditioner or heater, and keep our pets cooled or heated.
If you do not own your truck before bringing a pet check with your company's policy regarding pets and if needed pay a deposit. If you own your truck and are leased to a company find out their pet policy as there could be some loads you cannot haul if you have a pet on board.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
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